Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 122


                         The Communications Authority (CA) has pushed back   requirements,  giving  licensees  until April 2024 to
                         deployment deadlines for operators holding millimeter   deploy at least 20% of the minimum requirement and
                         wave (mmWave) 5G spectrum. HKT, China Mobile   April 2025 to install a further 30% of the total, with the
                         Hong Kong (CMHK) and SmarTone were each awarded   remaining 50% to be deployed during 2026. Operators
        Hong Kong        400MHz of spectrum in the 26GHz and 28GHz bands   requested an extension of the deadline due to the later-
                         in March 2019, with the stipulation  that they should
                                                                        than-expected availability of compatible handsets and
                         install a minimum of 2,500 radio units in each band by   network equipment.
                         end-2024. The regulator  has  now  relaxed the rollout   (November 23, 2021)

                         The  Electronic  Communications  Office  of  Iceland   ‘it has now come to the point to stop operating older
                         (ECOI)  has revealed plans to extend  most frequency   mobile technology’, as it is ‘inefficient and inconsistent
                         authorizations set to expire in 2022-2023 until 31 March   with  environmental  considerations to  maintain  and
                         2023 in order to harmonies the validity of all operating   operate  many  mobile network  systems, including
        Iceland          concessions. The regulator held a public consultation   systems that do not meet modern needs. However, the
                                                                        watchdog conceded that it needs to take appropriate
                         on the matter in the summer of 2021, laying out plans
                         to extend  all  frequency  rights for another  20 years,   mitigation measures, setting 2025 as the deadline for
                         while also imposing updated coverage and quality of   the  switch-off  of GSM/UMTS networks. Further, the
                         service (QoS) obligations on the licensees. The ECOI   ECOI plans to hold another consultation on the planned
                         said that the obligations in question have not yet been   allocation of a 2×10MHz block in the 700MHz band to
                         formulated;  it  will  hold a  special consultation  with   Oryggisfjarskipti for emergency telecoms services, on
                         frequency  rights  holders  on the above-mentioned   the condition that the company shares the frequencies
                         development  plans next summer.  Regarding the   with operators  that provide  general  communications
                         phasing out of 2G and 3G services, the ECOI stated that   services. (December 13, 2021)

                         Sector  watchdog the Telecom  Regulatory  Authority   Communications (RCOM) – although the last-named
                         of India  (TRAI) has published  a  consultation  paper   provider had only a token presence and was in the midst
                         regarding plans to auction spectrum for 5G services.   of bankruptcy proceedings. (December 1, 2021)
                         Under consideration for sale  are frequencies  in the
        India            700MHz,  800MHz,  900MHz,  1800MHz,  2100MHz,   India will have 500 million 5G users by 2027, accounting
                                                                        for 39% of all mobile subscribers, according to the 2021
                         24.25GHz-28.5GHz bands, as well as additional sub-  edition of the Ericsson Mobility Report. Consequently,
                         1GHz  frequencies.  The publication  seeks input from   the number of 4G subscribers in India is expected to
                         stakeholders  on  a  wide range of matters  relating to   fall from 790 million in 2021 to 710 million in 2027,
                         the auction, such as: band plans for frequency ranges   declining  2%  annually.  Global 5G  subscriptions  are
                         identified  for  5G,  including  the  526MHz-617MHz,   expected to reach 4.4 billion over the next six years, up
                         3300MHz-3670MHz  and 24.25GHz-28.5GHz  ranges;   from 660 million at the end of 2021, the report added.
                         block sizes and minimum quantities for bids; rollout   The migration to 5G will also drive data consumption.
                         obligations;  and spectrum  caps and the return  of   According  to Ericsson,  average  monthly  data usage
                         spectrum. Most notably, though, the TRAI has sought   per user is expected to grow from 18.4 gigabyte (GB)
                         opinions on the pricing of the spectrum to be auctioned   per month—the second-highest globally—to 50 GB per
                         as well as the  methodology  for determining  those   month in 2027. The global average is expected to be at
                         prices. TeleGeography notes that the spectrum costs   41 GB in 2027 up from 11.4 GB in 2021. Mobile traffic
                         have been  a  contentious  issue in India over the last   in India is expected to grow by over four times from 12
                         decade, with the fallout from the 2G spectrum scandal   exabytes (EB) per month in 2021 to 49 EB per month
                         leading to inflated prices which were then maintained   over the next six years. One exabyte is equal to a billion
                         through  subsequent  tenders.  The  financial  burden   gigabytes. Ericsson analysts attributed the high growth
                         of the excessive  spectrum  costs  was  a  contributing   to an increase in average  usage per smartphone,  as
                         factor  in  the  sector’s  recent  financial  crisis  and   well as the number of smartphone users in both urban
                         the consolidation of the market from over a dozen   and rural India. The report said the number of Indian
                         providers to six: Reliance  Jio Infocomm  (Jio), Bharti   smartphone users will grow from 810 million at the end
                         Airtel, Vodafone  Idea  (Vi), state-owned providers   of 2021 to 1.2 billion by 2027 at a compound annual
                         Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar   growth rate (CAGR) of 7%.  “A lot of this growth will
                         Telephone  Nigam  Limited  (MTNL), and Reliance   depend on the market and how fast 5G is being rolled

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