Page 119 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 119


                         MinTIC raised the cap covering  the sub-1GHz low   spectrum  cap for 1710MHz  to 2690MHz  spectrum
                         bands  (689MHz to 960MHz)  from 30MHz  to 45MHz   from 85MHz to 90MHz.
                         per  operator, while simultaneously increasing the   (November 23, 2021) BN Americas

                         The  Superintendency  of Telecommunications  (Sutel)   and non-use of the spectrum assigned to Grupo ICE in
                         has informed the Ministry of Science, Technology and   the frequency bands of 1400MHz, 2600MHz, 3500MHz
                         Telecommunications (MICITT) that it is unwilling to re-  and 26GHz, which today are essential for the develop-
                         imburse state-backed Grupo ICE for its unused 5G fre-  ment of 5G technology. As these frequencies are not
        Costa Rica       quencies. The regulator is keen to press ahead with a   used  or  with  inefficient  use,  no  compensation  would
                         5G auction, but first it needs to seize a number of spec-  be possible, as established in article 22 of the Gener-
                         trum blocks currently assigned to ICE, which offers tele-  al Telecommunications Law No. 8642.’ Sutel says that
                         coms services under the Kolbi brand. A press release   the country’s economy stands to lose up to US1.134
                         issued by the watchdog states: ‘Sutel has documented   billion by 2024 if the frequencies are not made avail-
                         in 16 technical-legal reports since 2012 the under-use   able for 5G use. (November 12, 2021)

                         The Regulatory  Agency  for  Network  Operations   determine the best method for allocating the spectrum,
                         (Hrvatska regulatorna agencija za mrezne djelatnosti,   with  the  award  process due to  kick  off in  December
                         HAKOM) has launched a public consultation to discuss   next year and be completed by March 2023. Existing
                         the future use of radio spectrum across multiple bands   licenses in the 800MHz, 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz
        Croatia          ahead of its planned allocation in late 2022/early 2023.   and 2.6GHz ranges expire in 2024. Comments on the
                         The spectrum in question is in the 800MHz, 900MHz,   consultation  are being  welcomed  until 6  December.
                         1500MHz,  1800MHz,  2100MHz, 2.6GHz,  3.6GHz  and   (November 9, 2021)
                         26GHz frequency  bands. The  regulator  is seeking  to

                         The   Czech   Telecommunication   Office   (Cesky   allocations have been, and continue to be, technology-
                         telekomunikacni urad, CTU) has extended the allocation   neutral  per  European  legislation,  allowing their
                         of frequencies to operators in the 2100 MHz band for   holders to innovate the technologies used to provide
                         another 20 years. It also has imposed a new obligation   electronic communications services. Under the current
        Czech Republic   to support older phones. In a press release explaining   legislation, new  block allocations  shall  be offered to
                         the new  concept,  CTU  noted  that  O2  is  obliged  to   their current holders at a price determined by an expert
                         maintain its 2G GSM network until at least 2028 unless   report which respects both the period of validity and the
                         the share of all users using this older technology falls   costs necessary to meet any new conditions imposed.
                         below 5%. The regulator is mindful that some Czechs   (December 22, 2021)
                         (usually senior citizens) do not cope so well with more
                         modern  smartphones  and it  wants  to  ensure their   The   Czech   Telecommunication   Office   (Cesky
                         ability to make voice calls is maintained. CTU Council   telekomunikacni  urad, CTU) has  extended  O2  Czech
                         Chair, Mrs. Hana Továrková, has reached a consensus   Republic’s  license  to  use the 2100MHz  band – the
                         with operator O2 which will be a benefit for the general   current one was due to expire on 1 January 2022 – and
                         public.  "The  negotiations  have  been  difficult,  and  I   imposed a new obligation to support older phones. In
                         am  not afraid to call our approach innovative.  We   a press release explaining the new concept, CTU noted
                         hereby  thank O2  for reaching  a  consensus  that  will   that  O2  is  obliged  to maintain  its  2G GSM network
                         particularly benefit the elderly and the socially weaker   until at least 2028, unless the share of all users using
                         persons,"  said  Hana  Továrková.  "It  is  in  our interest   this older technology falls below 5%. The regulator is
                         to maintain the most attractive possible  spectrum   mindful that  some Czechs (usually  senior citizens)
                         which enables us to continue deploying fast and high-  do not cope so well with more modern smartphones
                         quality 5G network. However, we also  understand   and it wants to ensure their ability to make voice calls
                         the need for an older  2G network suitable for basic   is maintained. CTU went on  to note  that new  block
                         phones, which we are prepared to continue to operate   allocations will most likely be issued to other holders of
                         as well as ever, “said Václav Zakouřil, a member of the   allocations in the 2100MHz band in future, adding that
                         board of directors of O2. In the following period, new   all block allocations are, and continue to be, technology
                         block allocations will  most  likely  be issued to  other   neutral in  accordance with  European legislation.
                         holders of allocations in the 2100 MHz band. All block   (December 17, 2021)

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