Page 126 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
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The government has completed the final stage of its connecting the cities Aioun and Nema, was inaugurated
national backbone infrastructure rollout, which is last week. 1,700km of backbone infrastructure has
being carried out under the West African Regional been deployed by Chinese vendor ZTE since the project
Communication Infrastructure Project (WARCIP). began in February 2019, taking the total network length
Mauritania Ecofin reports that the final phase of the network, to 4,000km. (December 13, 2021)
The Commerce Commission has released its draft broadband for rural areas, and improvements to the
determination on the allocation of payments for the 111-emergency service. The draft determination
government’s Telecommunications Development comes after the Commission sought clarification
Levy (TDL) for the period covering 1 July 2020 to from the High Court on whether businesses involved
New Zealand 30 June 2021. The regulator proposes that Spark, in the transmission of broadcasting signals are liable
Vodafone, Chorus and 2degrees collectively pay 88% to contribute to the levy following amendments to
of the NZD10.145 million (USD7.252 million) levy, with the Telecommunications Act in 2018, which removed
the remainder divided among other liable providers. an exemption for ‘broadcasting’ from the definition of
Stakeholders have until 23 November to submit their ‘telecommunication’. In a judgement issued last month,
feedback. The TDL is paid by providers earning more the High Court confirmed that, apart from free-to-air
than NZD10 million per year from telecommunications broadcasters and satellite providers operating outside
services, including internet, mobile, and data services. New Zealand, businesses involved in broadcasting
The government uses the funds collected by this levy transmission can be liable to pay the TDL. The result
to pay for telecommunications infrastructure and is that Sky TV is now liable to contribute to the TDL for
services that are not commercially viable, including the first time and Kordia will pay a higher share than
the relay service for the deaf and hearing-impaired, previous years. (November 9, 2021)
After eleven rounds of bidding that lasted eight hours, MTN Group and Airtel Africa’s local units were approved
the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has by Nigerian authorities to take part in a forthcoming 5G
announced that Mafab Communications and MTN spectrum auction, with wholesale player Mafab (MFB)
Nigeria have emerged as the two successful winners Communications the only other qualified bidder. In a
Nigeria of the 3.5GHz spectrum auction. A third company, statement, the Nigerian Communications Commission
Airtel Nigeria, also qualified to participate in the 5G (NCC) explained the three had met its criteria for
auction process, but walked away empty handed at participation and paid the required deposit. The auction
the conclusion of the final round of bidding. MTN and is scheduled to take place on 13 December, with lots
Mafab will each pay USD273.6 million for one lot of available in the 3.5GHz band. According to terms
100MHz TDD spectrum by 24 February 2022. Following published by the NCC last month, winners will have to
the conclusion of the assignment stage, MTN selected adhere to various coverage targets set across the ten-
spectrum in the 3500MHz-3600MHz band and the year duration of licenses. Authorities also required a
second lot (3700MHz-3800MHz) was assigned to down payment of 10 per cent of the reserve bid price by
Mafab. each participant. The reserve was set in November at
(December 14, 2021) $197.4 million. (December 2, 2021)
The Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK) has and А3 (723MHz-733MHz/778MHz-788MHz),
launched a tender for the allocation of 5G-suitable • 3.6GHz band: В1 (3.5GHz-3.6GHz), В2 (3.6GHz-
spectrum in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz (3400MHz- 3.7GHz) and В3 (3.7GHz-3.8GHz)
3800MHz) bands, with the public examination of the In addition, the AEK will award four blocks: В41, В44,
North bids to be held on 1 December 2021. The starting В45 and В46 (3.4315GHz-3.460GHz), suitable for
Macedonia prices for the mobile frequencies range from EUR1.25 fixed services in regions 1 (Skopije, Ilinden, Petrovets,
Zelenikovo, Studenichani, Sopishte, Chucher Sandevo
million (USD1.4 million) to EUR2.75 million. The agency
plans to grant the following approvals for mobile use, and Arachinovo), 4 (Bitola, Prilep, Demir Hisar,
valid for 15 years (extendable for another five years Krushevo, Dolneni, Krivogashtani, Mogila, Novaci and
afterwards): Resen), 5 (Ohrid, Struga, Debarca, Vevchani, Kichevo, M.
• 700MHz band: А1 (703MHz-713MHz/758MHz- Brod, Drugovo, Zajac, Oslomej, Vraneshtica, Plasnica,
768MHz), А2 (713MHz-723MHz/768MHz-778MHz) Debar and Centar Jupa) and 6 (Tetovo, Gostivar, Tearce,
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