Page 118 - SAMENA Trends - November-December 2021
P. 118


                         The National Telecommunications Agency (Anatel) has   which will see the winning bidders extend coverage to
                         announced that authorization contracts for the use of   predetermined underserved areas. As per the terms of
                         radio frequencies in the 700MHz, 2.3GHz, 3.5GHz and   the  auction,  winning  bidders  must offer 5G services
                         26GHz bands were signed, at a ceremony at Planalto   in all state capitals and the  Federal  District (Distrito
        Brazil           Palace. Speaking at the event, President Jair Bolsonaro   Federal) by 31 July 2022. (November 10, 2021) TeleTime
                         stated: ‘By the middle of next year, all capitals will have
                         5G. It is a leap for communications in Brazil and in IoT.   The  authorities  talked-up  the success  of its 5G
                         For commerce, this is priceless.’ He added that all paved   spectrum  auction, where  big name operators and  a
                         federal highways will also receive 5G coverage; this will   handful  of other  parties pledged to  spend  a  total  of
                         include 2,349 separate stretches of highway for a total   BRL47.2  billion ($8.5  billion)  on allocations. National
                         of 35,784km. As previously reported by CommsUpdate,   licenses  and several regional  allocations went to its
                         the multi-band frequency  sale drew to a  close  on   three  biggest  existing  players America  Movil’s Claro,
                         Friday  5  November, generating  total  bids of BRL47.2   Telecom Italia’s TIM Brasil and Telefonica’s Vivo. New
                         billion  (USD8.5 billion),  although  around  BRL7.44   player Winity II  also won a nationwide  block  in the
                         billion of the total commitments will be converted into   700MHz band, though the business is yet to confirm
                         ‘goodwill’  bonds, which  will  see  the winning  bidders   its intentions. Regional or limited licenses were won by
                         extend coverage to predetermined underserved areas.   Sercomtel, Brisanet, Consorcio 5G Sul, Cloud2u, Algar
                         As per the terms of the auction, winning bidders must   Telecom, Neko and Fly Link. In a statement, regulator
                         offer 5G services in all state capitals and the Federal   Anatel revealed “virtually all” lots covering the 700MHz,
                         District (Distrito Federal) by 31 July 2022. The winning   2.3GHz and 3.5GHz bands were sold with most rejected
                         bidders include mobile giants Claro Brasil, Telefonica   allocations in the 26GHz band. It estimates the value of
                         Brasil (Vivo) and TIM Brasil, alongside regional telcos   the unsold licenses at between BRL7 billion and BRL8
                         such as Brisanet, Sercomtel and Algar Telecom. Private   billion, with those set to be offered at a later sale. Anatel
                         equity-backed Winity Telecom was a notable bidder for   hailed the sale as the largest ever spectrum offering in
                         700MHz  frequencies,  while Consorcio 5G  Sul (Copel   Latin  America,  adding  it  was  “a  success  from every
                         Telecom  and  Unifique),  Cloud2u  and  Neko  Servicos   possible perspective”.  The regulator’s  competition
                         also  acquired selected  spectrum  blocks around  the   superintendent, Abraao Balbino e Silva, said the sold
                         country. (December 8, 2021)    frequencies  were largely  “ones  that, in fact, have
                                                                        the most urgent  need  for the commercialization
                         The  winners of Brazil’s recent  5G spectrum  auction   of services”. “We never had an auction  with such
                         can  expect  to  receive  their  final  authorizations  from   economic volume involved: privatization did not yield
                         the government  on 14  December.  The multi-band   that,  3G  did not yield that,  4G  did not yield that,” he
                         frequency sale drew to a close on Friday 5 November,   added. By the end of the first day (4 November) of the
                         generating  total bids of BRL47.2  billion  (USD8.5   two day sale operators had pledged to buy lots with the
                         billion),  although  around  BRL7.44  billion of the total   value of over BRL7.1 billion.
                         commitments will be converted into ‘goodwill’ bonds,   (November 8, 2021)

                         Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science and Industry,   the auction framework to  support  competition,  and
                         Francois-Philippe Champagne, announced the launch   additional provisions to support Canada’s Connectivity
                         of the consultation on a policy and licensing framework   Strategy.  This consultation  follows the decision  to
        Canada           for spectrum  in the 3800MHz  band to support  5G   repurpose the 3800MHz band to support 5G services,
                                                                        which was announced in May 2021, with a 3800MHz
                         and promote  competition  in mobile  services. The
                         consultation  specifically  seeks  input  on  issues  such   spectrum auction planned for early 2023. Comments
                         as  the network build-out requirements that  should   will be accepted for a 60-day period, followed by a 30-
                         be imposed  on license  holders,  measures within   day reply period. (December 21, 2021)

                         Colombia’s  Ministry  of Information Technologies   spectrum  caps below 3GHz  and introducing  a  new
                         and Communications  (Ministerio de Tecnologias  de   spectrum cap for frequencies between 3GHz and 6GHz.
                         la  Informacion  y  las  Comunicaciones,  MinTIC) has   MinTIC  is  expected to  raise  the cap for low  bands
                         revealed plans to issue a public consultation relating   (698MHz-960MHz) to 50MHz, establish a 95MHz cap
        Colombia         to spectrum caps, as it seeks to further the country’s   in medium  bands (1710MHz-2690MHz)  and apply
                         5G ambitions. The  Telecoms  Minister Carmen  Ligia   an  80MHz  cap for upper-medium  bands (3300MHz-
                         Valderrama told delegates attending the Andicom 2021   3700MHz).  All  400MHz  in  the 3.5GHz  band could  be
                         event that  the watchdog is  considering  increasing   made available for 5G services. On 29 December 2017

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