Page 79 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 79
e& and E-Space Collaborate to Drive Global Innovation in Advanced Internet
of Things (IoT) And Digital Transformation Solutions
e& and E-Space, a global space company
focused on bridging Earth and space with
the world’s most sustainable Low Earth
Orbit (LEO) network, announced plans to
develop advanced global IoT, Smart-IoT
and digital transformation solutions. The
collaboration seeks to maximize the end-
user value derived from borderless smart
connectivity and digital solutions across
land, sea and sky applications. The
cooperation will focus on the creative
development of cloud-native digital and IoT
solutions optimized with edge-based
Artificial Intelligence (edge AI). By
leveraging e&’s terrestrial infrastructure
and E-Space’s advanced space system,
including its global LEO constellation and expected to facilitate e& customer data to speed the time required to build a smarter,
unique device capabilities, the two connect directly to private data centers more connected planet, anywhere and
organizations will create powerful new without interference from commercial anytime.” The collaboration also involves
business models to elevate IoT and digital traffic by using peer-to-peer space-based the joint development of global IoT use
transformation agendas of governments communications to address security and cases, which will have the potential to
and large-scale enterprises worldwide. data protection policies and regulations create new revenue streams, especially in
Mikhail Gerchuk, Chief Executive Officer, e& worldwide. Both parties will jointly develop global tracking and agriculture, using an
international, said: “Telecommunications IoT and digital solutions based on AI at the optimized satellite ecosystem. The
and space technology have a natural edge as well as everywhere in-between to portfolio for IoT and digital products can
synergy, offering enormous opportunities enable system-wide intelligent decisions further expand to enable products across
for telco companies to expand their reach and take automated actions to levels land, sea and air environments, anywhere
and capabilities. From satellite internet to beyond traditional IoT. Gregory Wyler, Chief and at any time, with speeds ranging from
space-based sensors, at e& we see the Executive Officer, E-Space added: “There kilobits per second (Kbps) to megabits per
potential to revolutionize the way we are tremendous opportunities in the second (Mbps). E-Space expects to offer
connect, communicate and gather data terrestrial domain that can be amplified the most sustainable and affordable
from space. With our advanced with the use of newer generation space satellite-based system in the digital and IoT
infrastructure and E-Space's next- systems coupled with edge AI. We’re ecosystem with coverage available
generation space system, optimized with bringing real-time information with everywhere to support uninterrupted, global
edge AI, we will offer a multi-technology advanced automation to create entirely real-time data services. The Company
platform enabling our customers to new suites of global capabilities to advance estimates it can deliver an over 90 percent
embrace a digital-first lifestyle more humanity, improve the planet and automate reduction in overall system and terminal
efficiently. We are confident that we can business processes for greater operational costs compared to second generation LEO
leverage our combined expertise to create scale and efficiency with reduced costs. We networks*, enabling more governments,
seamless global digital IoT experiences to are excited to work with e& to advance their business, communities and individuals to
help our customers advance their digital digital transformation journey and augment access the power of space to achieve more
transformation plans.” The relationship is the customer experience. Together, we can on Earth.