Page 74 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 74



        Tailored Approach to Digital Economy Development

                                                        As policy makers  consider different  options  and practices  aimed
                                                        at  maximizing  benefits  from  the  digital  economy,  they  need  to
                                                        recognize that “one size does not fit all” when it comes to
                                                        digital policies

                                                        Digital transformation can result in long-lasting benefits for economies
                                                        Transitioning  to digital  economies  can enable  countries  to boost
                                                        industry growth and productivity, improve societal well-being and benefit
                                                        consumers via cost or time savings. Digitalization will help bring about new
                                                        opportunities for businesses and/ or improve productivity in industries such
                                                        as manufacturing, agriculture and energy & utilities. It provides new tools
                                                        for tackling persistent development and social challenges and improving
                                                        access  to healthcare,  education  and  other  public services.  Consumers
                                                        also benefit through faster access to better products and services at lower
                                                        costs. Consequently, the transition to a digital economy is a major policy
                                                        priority for all countries.

                                                        All of the Gulf Arab countries possess digital transformation agendas – a
                                                        political and financial commitment to create knowledge-based economies.
                                                        Many contain  the  right  ingredients,  combining boldness  and  long-term
        Rajesh Duneja                                   vision, while giving attention to quick win short term initiatives. However,
                                                        there is now a need to accelerate implementation to realize the benefits in
        Partner                                         a much-changed world.

                                                           All  of the  Gulf  Arab  countries  possess  digital

                                                           transformation  agendas  – a political  and
                                                           financial  commitment  to  create  knowledge-
                                                           based  economies.  Many contain  the  right
                                                           ingredients, combining boldness and long-term
                                                           vision, while giving attention to quick win short
                                                           term initiatives.

                                                        Identifying digital economy archetypes for Middle East countries
                                                        Depending  on  a  country’s  level  of digital  evolution  and  economic
                                                        advancement,  there  are  different  drivers  that  are  primarily  responsible
                                                        for digital momentum. This has different implications for what advanced
                                                        economies and developing economies ought to prioritize: innovation for the
                                                        former and institutions for the latter. The least digitally advanced countries
                                                        must allocate limited resources wisely.

        Vidhitha Kankamedala

                                                                                                  74  MARCH-APRIL 2023
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79