Page 82 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 82


                                                                                 Network  registration  error messages  will
                                                                                 tell you that there is a connectivity problem
                                                                                 for  subscribers. It is  possible  for  you to
                                                                                 identify your subscribers who can’t connect
                                                                                 to mobile networks abroad and fix the issue
                                                                                 for them quickly!

                                                                                 As said, most likely the subscriber will first
                                                                                 look  for alternative  connectivity, and  as
                                                                                 soon as that  subscriber connects  to Wi-
                                                                                 Fi, you can reach out through over-the-top
                                                                                 applications (OTT) and initiate the process
                                                                                 of getting roaming  services activated.
                                                                                 WhatsApp, for example, with more than two
                                                                                 billion people using the platform around the
                                                                                 world,  gives  you the  power  to reconnect
                                                                                 with  your subscribers  with  a  simple
                                                                                 message acknowledging awareness of the
                                                                                 issue  and  offering  a  solution.  That’s  the
                                                                                 start of a customer journey that turns a bad
                                                                                 experience  into  a  positive  one,  leveraging
                                                                                 the  Wi-Fi  connection  and  using the  rich
                                                                                 communication methods that OTT services

                                                                                 These few simple steps can help.
                                                                                 1. Explain the situation and offer a solution
                                                                                    – Understanding.
                                                                                 2. Provide transparency to cost of roaming
                                                                                    – Confidence.
                                                                                 3. Let  the  subscriber  choose  a  data
                                                                                    roaming pack – Convenience.
                                                                                 4. Activate roaming services – Enjoyment.
                                                                                 5. Provide control over data consumption
                                                                                    – Trust.
                                                                                 Now you have turned a traveler’s
                                                                                 connectivity  issue  into  a  moment  of
                                                                                 customer experience excellence!   A once
                                                                                 invisible  and  unactionable  subscriber
        This  is  a  missed  roaming  revenue   connectivity.  Think  of the  need  for GPS   issue can be converted into a new revenue
        opportunity for you as their home operator.    navigation applications or car-ride services   opportunity for mobile operators.
        To make  matters  worse, there  is  also  a   when  traveling;  booking  hotels  on-the-go;
        loyalty  risk  when  a frustrated  subscriber   or live sharing their moments on video with   Are you curious to understand the extent of
        takes the poor customer experience back   people  back  home  as  travelers  visit  the   this  problem  further,  so  that  you  can  get
        home!  Without  cellular  service, most   wonders of the world.  For travelers, there   ahead of any issues that may trouble your
        travelers will look for Wi-Fi—at the airport,   is nothing better than cellular connectivity!  subscriber base and build a better roaming
        in a hotel, or wherever they find connectivity   So, for a traveler who hadn’t requested the   experience?    If  so,  I  invite  you to  contact
        first. Is it too little, too late to reach out to   roaming service prior to leaving the country,   Syniverse  to learn  more  about how
        them once they have found Wi-Fi and enjoy   how do you turn a potentially poor customer   Syniverse can provide you with insights and
        connectivity? The simple answer is “No”.   experience  due  to lack  of connectivity,   an  end-to-end  cloud-based  solution  that
                                             into  an  opportunity  for customer  service
        As  opposed  to  Wi-Fi,  Mobile  Networks   excellence and operator revenue?  seamlessly integrates with your network.
        can  satisfy  the  need  for true  mobile

                                                                                                  82  MARCH-APRIL 2023
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