Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 83



        Getting  Beyond  Connectivity  and  Monetizing  New

        Services with IoT

                                                               The  Internet  of  Things  (loT)  is enabling  the
                                                               connectivity  of people  and devices on  a massive
                                                               scale never before possible.

                                                               These  changes  are  happening quickly, and  while  disruptive,
                                                               they are  also  presenting  a once-in-a-lifetime  opportunity.
                                                               Communications Service Providers (CSPs) are in a prime position
                                                               to capitalize with new services that will drive growth for years to

                                                               To realize this potential, however, CSPs must understand how the
                                                               loT business model is fundamentally different from the connectivity
                                                               services that  have  long  been  the  corner  stone of their  growth.
                                                               Not only is there a complex ecosystem of technology partners to
                                                               manage for developing new services, but new capabilities will also
                                                               be needed to monetize loT more effectively.

                                                                  IoT – Internet of Things - is set to trans-
                                                                  form businesses, enable the launch of new
                                                                  services, and reshape  traditional  value

        Nikolaj Jensen                                            chains. The opportunity is especially attrac-
        Head of Business Support Systems Products                 tive for CSPs because it extends connec-
        Enghouse Networks                                         tivity  beyond  people  to  their  devices  and
                                                                  everything those devices are connected to.

                                                               These challenges are real, but with a sound strategy and the right
                                                               partners, loT represents an unparalleled opportunity for CSPs to
                                                               provide  new  value  to  end  customers as  they  progress  on  their
                                                               own digital transformation journey. This eBook has been prepared
                                                               to help  CSPs  develop  that  strategy, better  under-stand  why loT
                                                               is  a growth driver, and so move to maximise  their  commercial
                                                               opportunity with it.

                                                               The Global IoT Market Opportunity
                                                               IoT – Internet of Things - is set to transform businesses, enable the
                                                               launch of new services, and reshape traditional value chains. The
                                                               opportunity  is  especially  attractive  for CSPs  because  it  extends
                                                               connectivity beyond people to their devices and everything those
                                                               devices are connected to.

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