Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
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        Human connectivity  is  largely saturated,   IoT is Different            we  have  yet  to envision.  This  complexity
        and  it’s  getting  harder  to make  money   The  CSP  business  model is  largely  built   is  well-represented  by  a  recent  Deloitte
        selling  voice  and  data  services.  Most   around   productizing   clearly   defined   report, Growing IoT Platforms.
        devices,  however,  remain  unconnected,   services and metrics for driving revenues.
        and IoT unlocks this Greenfield opportunity   This is a classic, linear approach from the  Digital  Transformation,  the  Real
        for monetizing new services on a massive,   analogue world, where CSPs sell services  Driver for IoT
        global scale.                        like  telephony,  conferencing,  bandwidth,   Without commercialization,  IoT is  little
                                             etc., and bill them increasingly on a flat rate   more than a set of technologies extending
           According  to  The  Internet      basis per subscriber. This model has been   connectivity, albeit  on  a  massive  scale.

           of Things 2020 report, the        proven over time, but margins are declining   To effectively  monetize IoT, CSPs  must
                                                                                 understand where the utility lies, and those
                                             as  these services  become commoditized,
           IoT market  is forecast to        and CSPs have limited capabilities to add   opportunities  are  being  created  by  digital
           grow  to  over  $2.4  trillion    new services in this realm.         transformation.
           annually  by 2027,  with          IoT is different by virtue of being a product   All sectors of the  economy  are going
           over  40  billion  connected      of the  broader digital  transformation   through this  process,  whereby all  things
                                             process that all industries and enterprises
           devices.                          are adapting  to.  The  role of CSPs  will   processes,  etc.  – are  being  digitized  to
                                             be different  here, since  IoT itself  is  not a   better align with today’s digital world. This
        According to The Internet of Things 2020   product, and nor is it a technology. Rather,   transformation  will  take  years  –  and  may
        report, the IoT market is forecast to grow to   IoT is an architecture around which many   never be finished – and some sectors are
        over $2.4 trillion annually by 2027, with over   different  technologies  will  interwork to   transitioning faster than others.
        40  billion  connected  devices.  Projections   create  new services, applications,  and
        from the  United  Nations  show the  global   forms  of business  value.  This  makes  IoT   The  key  impact  of
        population  approaching  nine  billion  by   a  platform, not  a  product play,    where
        then,  which  translates  into  three  or four   the  platform  not only enables  these   digital  transformation  is
        connected devices for every person. In the   technologies  to  work together, but  also   automation,  from which
        developed world, that number will likely be   serves as a destination for end customers
        far higher, making IoT orders of magnitude   to access new services as well as discover   many  forms of new value
        larger than the market served today CSPs,   others  not previously considered. In this   are being created, such as
        at  least  in  terms  of connection  points.   model, CSPs must  become  orchestrators
        Given the limited opportunity remaining for   to make these elements work together in a   streamlining  processes,
        human connectivity as a growth driver, the   way that adds value for end customers and   reducing  errors,  faster
        potential for IoT is simply too big for CSPs   is profitable for the CSP.   results, lowering costs, etc.
        to ignore.
                                             IoT is Complex                         These forms of automation
        IoT is...                            Rather  than  selling  familiar, discrete  ser-  are ideal use cases  for
        While CSPs should rightly be drawn to the   vices like telephony, CSPs will be providing
        scale  of  this  opportunity,  each  of  these   new services, utilizing digital technologies,   IoT,  and  the  monetization
        three  elements  needs  to be  understood   and  relying  on a new ecosystem of part-  scenarios  are  endless.
        and  addressed  for CSPs  to have  success   ners to create this value. IoT is very much a   Everyday examples include
        with IoT.                            volume business with low ARPUs, and with
                                             the complexity that comes with all of these   smart cities, smart homes,
        IoT is New                           new pieces, CSPs must have the right ap-  and  smart cars – as well
        As  connectivity  scales  both  between   proach and the  right  capabilities to make
        people  and  devices,  as  well  as  among   this a profitable undertaking.  as smart factories,  smart
        devices, endpoints  and  “things”,  there                                   offices,  smart  hospitals,
        will  be  virtually  unlimited  opportunities  to   Not only are the new technologies complex,
        create  new  forms  of utility  that  represent   but so is the new value chain that emerges   etc.
        monetizable  value.  That  potential  has  yet   from developing a web of partners spanning
        to be  realized  by  CSPs,  but  IoT  has  now   many touchpoints  that  create  these  new   The  key  impact  of digital  transformation
        reached  a  critical  mass  that  is  attracting   services  upon which  future  revenues  will   is  automation,  from which many  forms
        entries from across the entire value chain.   be  derived.  When  this  complexity  can be   of new value  are  being  created, such as
        As  providers  of the  connectivity  that   effectively  managed,  IoT  platforms will   streamlining  processes,  reducing errors,
        enables  this  opportunity, CSPs are  in  a   provide sustainable differentiation, as well   faster  results,  lowering  costs,  etc.  These
        prime position  to capitalize on IoT, and  if   as a growth engine for tomorrow as 5G and   forms of  automation  are  ideal  use  cases
        they do not, others surely will.     other technologies  drive innovation  that   for  IoT, and the monetization  scenarios

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