Page 75 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 75


           From         the        digital   Based  on  an  analysis  of the  digital  value   Innovation  Hubs  (IH),  Efficient  Prosumers
                                                                                 (EP),  Service Powerhouses (SP),  Global
           perspective, the majority of      chain that includes detailed benchmarking   Factories (GF), Business Hubs (BH), Digital
                                             of  beneficial  policies  and  capabilities  in
           the  Middle  East countries       20+  countries,  discussions  with experts   Patrons  (DP),  and  Digital  Novices (DN).
           are Digital Novices or            in  national  digital  transformation,  and  a   The  archetypes  differ  in  their  presence
                                             literature  review  and  leveraging  Arthur  D.
                                                                                 or dominance  in  the  digital  value-chain
           Digital Patrons, apart from       Little’s project repository of national digital   step,  as  illustrated  in  Figure  1.  However,
           the  United  Arab Emirates        strategies  and  industry experience, seven   archetypes are not limited to specific steps
                                                                                 in the value chain – instead, their position
                                             digital economy archetypes were identified.
           which  is a  Business  Hub        This enables nations to take a tailored and   marks the focal domain in the overall value
           and aspires to become an          independent  approach to aligning  their   chain.  They  can  be  further  differentiated
           Innovation Hub.                   digital economy policies and objectives  through other underlying  characteristics,
                                             The seven digital economy archetypes are:
                                                                                 such as economic status, population size,
                                         Figure 1: Digital economy archetypes with country examples

        Source: Arthur D. Little analysis
        Note * Digital Patrons can produce and consume as well
        1) Value captured as a share of total value created across the value chain
        political  stability, geographical  advantage   Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Saudi Arabia  and   A best-practice 5G strategy
        and  technology penetration.  In addition,   Qatar  are  classified  in  a  second  group,
        country archetypes guide policy priorities.   Digital  Patrons.  Endowed with  natural   is essential to support the
                                             resources, primarily oil based, these   introduction  of  new  appli-
        From the  digital  perspective,  the  majority   countries  have  supported  economic
        of the  Middle  East  countries are Digital   development  with  exports  of  energy   cations  and  services  that
        Novices or Digital Patrons, apart from the   resources, consuming a high level of digital   need  higher  communi-
        United Arab Emirates which is a Business   infrastructure, technology and services.   cation  speeds  and  lower
        Hub and aspires to become an Innovation   However, there is  limited  value creation
        Hub.                                 from digital use and consumption.      latencies.

        Afghanistan,  Iraq,  Jordan,  Lebanon,  The  United  Arab  Emirates  is  classified   technology, capabilities,  ecosystem  and
        Pakistan,  Syria    and  Yemen  are  classified   as  a Business Hub, attracting  talent   industry – as these are the driving forces
        as Digital Novice economies, as they have   and  companies from different  regions,   underpinning  digital  transformation.  The
        limited  core  nationwide  infrastructure  to   generating competitive advantages in core   criticality of policies, laws and regulations
        provide secure, continuous and widespread   areas,  such  as  finance,  accounting  and   within the dimensions varies depending on
        telecommunications, resulting  in  limited   administration of regional head offices for   the country’s archetype,
        digital  adoption  and  consequently  limited   many global corporates.
        value creation  and jobs from  a nascent                                 •   Technology
        digital  economy.   These  countries  have   Tailoring digital strategy and public policy   All  countries  need  better  connectivity
        the most to gain as digital infrastructure/   Policy  makers  need  to  formulate  as  connectivity  is  a  critical  determinant
        technologies  is  an  enabler  for economic   policies,  laws  and  regulations  across   of every  country's  future  growth and
        development.                         four interrelated  policy  dimensions  –   prosperity. Irrespective of the national

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