Page 76 - SAMENA Trends - March-April 2023
P. 76


        archetype, governments  must address   East  have  liberalized  telecommunications   to monetize  more  of the  value  from the
        policy and  regulatory issues  relating  to   industries  in  recent  years and adopted   digital  economy,  whether  through  digital
        broadband,  spectrum,  cybersecurity,  data   business friendly policies, but more should   start-ups,  SMEs  or established  large
        protection & privacy, and cloud computing.   be done to support vibrant  start-ups  and   enterprises.
        Hence  all  countries  in  the  Middle  East   SME businesses  that  are  the  engine  of
        should emphasize on these further.   growth in digital economies. Opening up to   •  Industry
                                             international players can also be a source   Digital  Patrons  have  used  e-government
        A  best-practice  5G  strategy  is  essential   of much needed private sector investment   strategies  to kick-start  digital  capability
        to support  the  introduction of new   in  infrastructure  and  can  be  a  valuable   building and increase awareness and digi-
        applications  and services that  need   source of talent.                talization in other industry sectors. E-gov-
        higher  communication  speeds  and lower                                 ernment is also critical for Digital Novices
        latencies. This is critical for all archetypes   •   Capability          to stimulate digital services demand in the
        except for Digital Novices, whose primary   Improving  capabilities  is  the  first  critical   economy by familiarizing society with digi-
        focus  should be on deploying mature   challenge to be addressed if the potential   tal tools and content. Sectoral digitalization
        communication  infrastructure. Similarly,   of the digital economy is to be realized by   policies are important to industry compet-
        national  AI  policies,  emerging  technology   economies in the region.  itiveness  and  should  focus  on respective
        development  policies,  IP rights regimes,                               dominant industries.
        science  and  technology policies  focused   Policies for developing digital foundational
        on  cutting-edge  technologies,  and  IP   skills,  digital  higher  education,  digital   Conclusion
        generation  and  commercialization  are  all   workforce education and specialized skills   The importance of digital economy policies
        critical for Innovation Hubs.        are  important  for the  region  as  a  whole.   vary fundamentally  between  archetypes.
                                             Digital  Novices  must  first  focus  their   Different  combinations  of policies  should
        •  Ecosystem                         resources on improving digital awareness   be considered for  different  countries
        Digital  business funding  support  policies   among both  individuals  and  businesses   based  on  their  archetype.  This does  not
        and    ease-of-doing-business  (EoDB)  to meet basic  requirements  to uplift  the   mean countries should  disregard other
        reforms  and   emerging   technology  digital economy.  Priorities should include   policies,  but  instead  they should  ensure
        regulation  are critical to attract private   improving  literacy, establishing digital   that policies critical to their archetypes are
        sector investments, particularly in domains   courses within  universities  and  improving   given due resources, budget and attention
        that support their archetype strategies and   access  to established  technologies.  For   first. Tailored “recipes for success” should
        offer conducive  environments  for digital   Digital  Patrons, the  focus  should be on   shape the strategy each country deploys to
        businesses  to test  new technologies  and   developing the digital skills and capabilities   maximise the value creation from its own
        innovate.  Many  countries  in  the  Middle   of graduates and employees of businesses   digital economy.
           Policies  for developing  digital  foundational  skills,  digital     In  summary, the  incentive  for digital

           higher  education,  digital  workforce education  and                 transformation is clear – and the need to
           specialized skills are important for the region as a whole.           embrace  change  has  never  been  greater.
                                                                                 However,  nations  will  only  realize  the  full
           Digital Novices must first focus their resources on improving         benefits  of  this  transformation  if  their
           digital awareness among both individuals and businesses               digital  strategies  are  built  on  their  own
                                                                                 strengths,  and  their  digital  policies  are
           to meet basic requirements to uplift the digital economy.             prioritized and focused.

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