Page 125 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 125


        U.S., EU Part Ways in Regulating User Content on Social Media

        U.S.  President  Donald  Trump’s  attack   drawing a  distinct  line with  Europe over   Chief  Executive  Officer  Mark  Zuckerberg
        on Twitter Inc. has highlighted how the   how to  approach content-moderation   eventually said the company would review
        European  Union  and  the  U.S.  are  taking   policies.  In  contrast,  the  EU  is  planning   some  of  its  content  policies.  As  the  EU
        radically different approaches to overhaul   changes to its framework, which it is set to   prepares its so-called  Digital Services
        how social media platforms should  treat   announce  by year-end,  so that platforms   Act,  officials  are  looking  to  provide
        user content. As both sides of the Atlantic   like  Twitter  and  Facebook Inc.  shoulder   clearer responsibilities for platforms
        move to update  longstanding legal   more responsibility if users spread hate   without scrapping  the liability  protection
        protections for internet platforms, Europe’s   speech  or other illegal  content.  That   altogether, according to a person familiar
        goal is  obliging  tech  companies to cut   means platforms could  be obliged  to   with the matter. The rules will also seek to
        back on hate speech  and disinformation.   scour  their sites for those  posts instead   avoid creating incentives for over-removal
        In the U.S., Trump is seeking to strip the   of acting as  neutral conduits. Recent   of content, the person said. For instance,
        legal protections  if  platforms engage  in   European laws have already chipped away   under  the  new  EU  framework,  platforms
        potential  censorship  or in any  political   at the longstanding  legal protections,  for   could be subject to fines if they don’t have
        conduct.  The  U.S.  and  EU  rules,  which   instance  by requiring  platforms to obtain   adequate systems  in  place to  remove
        protect social media companies and other   licenses  for copyrighted  content before   or keep illegal content  off their sites,
        platforms from liability for what users post   user posts  are uploaded.  In France  and   rather than for individual decisions about
        on their sites, were designed more than 20   Germany, platforms can be fined if they fail   a  specific  piece  of  content,  the  person
        years ago to promote growth in the then-  to remove illegal hate speech  and other   said. Another option under consideration,
        nascent  internet  sector and have since   content  quickly  enough.  And  various  EU   which has  been  pushed  for by  platform
        underpinned  how  the web works today.   initiatives, including  voluntary  codes  of   association Edima, is  to remove any
        Now,  as  the  rules  are  being  re-examined   conduct,  have also  pressured platforms   disincentives platforms might have to
        both in the EU and the U.S., the question for   to  remove hate speech  or demote   pursue  illegal hate speech  or other  bad
        policymakers is how platforms should treat   disinformation.  Some  of those previous   content  on  their  sites.  Under  current  EU
        user-generated  content  posted  to  their   initiatives  have  drawn  concern  from  tech   laws, firms are only liable for content once
        sites -- which could consist of hate speech,   representatives, who say such rules harm   they’ve been  made aware of it,  making
        incite violence  or spread disinformation   freedom  of  speech  by  incentivizing  firms   it  unattractive for them to  proactively
        -- and what legal ramifications platforms   to block more content  than is necessary   seek out such posts.  Meanwhile, the
        should  face  with respect  to those   to avoid sanctions. Trump’s order,   U.S.  attempt  to  impose  liability  on  tech
        decisions.  While drawing Trump’s ire,   meanwhile,  is also eliciting  pushback   companies may be more difficult to enact.
        Twitter’s decisions  to add a  fact-check   from  the  tech community who  worry  it   Legal scholars  have said the order  is
        label to his unsubstantiated claims about   attempts to punish a private company for   unlikely to survive a  court  challenge,  like
        mail-in  voting and a  warning that  a  post   speech that the government doesn’t like, in   the one filed by the Center for Democracy
        about the protests in Minneapolis glorified   violation of the First  Amendment.  “There   and Technology, a non-profit group whose
        violence,  have garnered  support from a   are  significant  differences  between  the   advisory  council  includes  representatives
        senior  EU  official.  “I  want  platforms  to   executive  order  and  European  efforts  to   from Facebook, Twitter, Inc.
        become  more responsible,  therefore I   regulate intermediary liability, though both   and others, claiming the edict  violates
        support  Twitter’s  action to  implement a   will  have an  impact on lawful  speech,”   free-speech  protections.  In  addition,
        transparent and  consistent  moderation   said  Matt  Schruers, president  of  the   Democrats’  views on hate speech  and
        policy,” said  European Commission Vice   Computer  and Communications  Industry   election  misinformation in  many  ways
        President  Vera Jourova  in relation to the   Association,  which represents Facebook   mirror Europe’s, and the  debate could
        labels  on  Trump’s  tweets.  “This  is  not   and Alphabet Inc.’s Google. While platforms   shift again if they  take power  after the
        about censorship,” Jourova said, speaking   like YouTube  and Facebook  are wary of   November elections.
        at an event streamed online last week, “it   shouldering  too much  liability  for user
        is about having some limits  and taking   posts, platforms have also suffered blows
        some responsibility of what is happening   to their reputations in recent years for not
        in  the  digital  world.”  But  Twitter’s  fact-  doing enough  to  police  activity,  including
        check label prompted Trump to unveil an   for letting Russians spread disinformation
        executive  order  aimed  at  scrapping  legal   across the sites to influence the 2016 U.S.
        protections  for social media sites that   presidential election and the U.K.’s Brexit
        engaged  in censorship  or in any  political   vote. The pressure to do more is coming
        conduct. The measures, which, if enacted,   internally, too. After Facebook  employees
        are designed  to force  companies to be   blasted their leader for his  decision to
        more hands-off about what users post, is   leave the same  Trump posts untouched,

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