Page 123 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 123


        EU Pushing Ahead with Digital Tax despite US Resistance

        The  European  Union’s  powerful  antitrust  and  COVID-19  bailout   public tender systems. The frustrations found concrete form last
        enforcer says the EU will push ahead with its own digital services   week  when the European Commission supported the creation
        tax  even  if  the  U.S.  sticks  to  its  efforts  to  block  a  global  deal.   of a legal tool that would allow Brussels to crack down against
        European  Commission  Executive  Vice  President  Margrethe   foreign subsidies, including by blocking acquisitions or banning
        Vestager, from Denmark, is the most senior EU official to speak   companies from participating in public tenders. Vestager hinted
        out  in  the  wake  of  the  U.S.  withdrawing  from  negotiations  on   that she would not be afraid to use the EU’s new powers once they
        the tax. U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin withdrew June   are finalized. “Where I grew up in the Western part of Denmark, if
        17  from  talks  brokered by  the Paris-based Organization for   you invite people over and they don't invite you back, eventually
        Economic Cooperation and Development, which aimed to create   you stop” inviting them, she said. Another possible solution, she
        a global system for taxing digital services in the country where   said, would be a joint U.S.-EU “Trade and Technology Council,"
        each transaction takes place — at a rate of at least 2 percent —   an idea first proposed by the EU Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan
        rather than where the tech company is headquartered. Vestager’s   to give Western powers a place to coordinate their position vis-
        strong language on the collapsing tax negotiations as well as the   a-vis Chinese technology and commerce. “Right now we are not
        broader  transatlantic  relationship  signal  the  EU  is  increasingly   making best use” of our “shared values and having a common
        willing to operate with its  elbows  out when  dealing  with the   history,” she said.  Vestager conceded,  however, that  “China is
        United States, and has all but given up negotiating with the Trump   a partner, for instance, on climate change,” and can’t simply be
        administration. In a wide-ranging virtual interview, Vestager said   cut loose. That has complicated the EU's response on issues like
        the EU would “really, really prefer a global consensus” on digital   human rights in Hong Kong, where the continent has struggled to
        tax, but will push ahead with a regional tax, “if we need to.” The   move from words to action. Joshua Wong, a leader of anti-Beijing
        new tax is necessary, Vestager argued, due to the ease with which   protests in Hong Kong, last week accused the EU of running an
        many large tech companies minimize their European taxes. That   “appeasement policy” on Hong Kong, to safeguard its economic
        makes it “so difficult to defend the many, many, many businesses   interests in China. Vestager acknowledged Wong has reason to
        all over the world who pay their taxes,” she said. French Finance   be frustrated with the EU — “he's in a very difficult situation.” In
        Minister Bruno Le Maire told the French Senate this month that the   the wake of the economic devastation wrought by the COVID-19
        U.S. was the lone holdout on a deal: “We were a few inches from   pandemic, Vestager has been put in charge of ensuring economic
        an agreement,” he told local radio. A frustrated Vestager said that   rescue packages passed by governments within the bloc do not
        big tech companies are inviting a backlash from both consumers   unduly distort  markets.  And she reiterated Tuesday  that  she
        and regulators by repeatedly pushing the limits of EU law. Many   is  enforcing strict  rules on those  who receive  bailout money.
        of those companies are American, Vestager highlighted, pointing   Conditions on those rescue funds include a “ban of bonuses of
        to a long list of antitrust and tax cases against Apple, Amazon   senior  management,  acquisition  bans, dividend  bans, and “she
        and Google as a sign companies are not learning from past EU   said, adding that government support must only be offered with
        regulatory tangles. “I worry that we did not have one Google case:   clear “sunset clauses.” Vestager also noted the EU attaches more
        We had two, we had three. We've had one Amazon case, (and) now   stringent conditions to using government money to recapitalize
        we have a new one. And we unfortunately had to open (two cases)   or restructure a company than it attaches to short-term offers of
        on Apple.” She added,  archly,  “There is,  I  think, still  a  learning   liquidity support. Businesses that were failing before the pandemic
        potential.”  U.S.  President  Donald  Trump  has  previously  labeled   will not be allowed to take government money to camouflage their
        Vestager the “tax lady” over her decision to force Apple to pay over   existing weaknesses, she added.
        $14 billion in unpaid taxes to the government of Ireland. Vestager’s
        tough line on foreign tech companies operating in Europe is part
        of her broader goal for “open strategic autonomy,” she said, where
        the  continent  pushes  back  against  more  aggressive  U.S.  and
        Chinese  policy postures, maintains open  markets, and defends
        Europe’s “welfare states, universal health care, universal access
        to education.” But Vestager also expressed concern that despite
        shared  “fundamental  values,”  the  U.S.  and  EU  are  allowing
        themselves to be divided  by China, with severe economic  and
        political consequences. Vestager said some Chinese companies
        do not  compete  “fair  and square” and said  “there is  a  huge
        problem of reciprocity” when it comes to market access in China.
        EU officials are frustrated that Chinese authorities block foreign
        companies from bidding for Chinese government projects, while
        suspecting  that  Chinese  companies  benefit  from  government
        subsidies, giving them an unfair advantage in the EU’s more open

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