Page 120 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 120


        Emerging Markets Will Rely On 2G And 3G For Another 5 Years - GSMA

        A new report from the GSMA cautions that while operators look   capital  expenditure  demands  of  deploying  their  5G  networks
        to the future of 4G and 5G, they must not disregard their legacy   and extending the reach of their 4G and LTE networks, with the
        2G and 3G networks. By 2025, the report claims that around two   operational  expense  of  continuing  to  run  their  legacy  network
        thirds of all mobile network traffic will be on 4G and 5G networks.   infrastructure. In order to do this, they will need to consolidate as
        However,  it  will  be a  different story  in  emerging markets, with   many aspects of their mobile network infrastructure as possible.”
        the  majority  of  users  continuing  to  have  access  only  to  older
        technology standards. This means that billions of mobile users
        in Africa, India and Latin America will remain on 2G and 3G up to
        2025. However, the importance of 3G is not limited to developing
        markets, with the GSMA noting that its research had found that
        around  20%  of  mobile  traffic  was  delivered  via  3G  networks  in
        the US and Europe. This underlines the importance of operators
        maintaining their legacy networks  while investing in newer
        deployments. Mats Granryd, director general of the GSMA, said:
        “We are at the dawn of a new era in mobile with the imminent
        launch of the first 5G networks and the Internet of Things poised
        to further transform the way we live and work.  Meanwhile,
        operators  continue  to  expand  and  upgrade  their  4G  networks
        in order to provide an evolutionary path into the 5G era.” “In the
        years ahead, mobile network operators will need to balance the

        Anti-Trust Agency Meets to Consider Team LLC’s VEON Armenia Bid

        Armenia’s  State  Commission for the   of the talks – Team LLC moved to reassure   applied to the SCPEC for a permit to buy
        Protection  of Economic  Competition   SCPEC that there would  be ‘no mass   100% of the  shares in VEON.  The  move
        (SCPEC) met this  week to consider an   layoffs’ as  a  result of a  takeover.  On  1   reportedly  followed  VEON’s  own  filing  to
        application to acquire the country’s largest   July 2020 meanwhile, Ucom opposed the   SCPEC and the Public Services Regulatory
        operator by revenue VEON Armenia (trading   merger  plan,  claiming  that the  actions  of   Committee (PSRC), seeking permission to
        as Beeline) by Team LLC, the new venture   the Team LLC management  constitute   sell its shares to Team LLC. ‘Team is paving
        set up by brothers  Hayk  and Aleksandr   ‘unfair competition’  given their  intimate   a new way in Armenia’s telecom and digital
        Yesayan  in April  of this  year after  they   knowledge  of  Ucom’s  business  going   services market and this purchase will help
        jumped  ship  from  another  altnet,  Ucom.   into the bid. A decision  on  Team LLC’s   us further enhance our professional team
        SCPEC chairman Gegham Gevorgyan was   application is still pending.  As previously   and develop the infrastructure,’ Team CEO
        quoted  by  Arka  News  as  saying that  the   reported  by  CommsUpdate,  last  month   Hayk Yesayan was cited  as saying,  after
        commission had carried out ‘a large-scale   Team LLC, which will  trade under  the   confirming the reports about the possible
        study of the telecommunications sector   banner Team. Telecom Armenia, confirmed   VEON  deal. ‘Team.Telecom  Armenia has
        in Armenia and abroad with special focus   it  was  forging ahead with its  plan to   already begun  designing  and building  a
        on global trends and merger transactions   purchase the country’s  largest  operator,   next generation network,’ he added, noting
        over the past five years. It also assessed   and that the brothers  – widely credited   that the purchase of VEON Armenia could
        the  level  of  centralization  in  the  field   with turning Ucom into one of the country’s   ‘further accelerate’ the introduction of new
        and studied the  technical  capabilities  of   most  successful  businesses  before they   services and solutions for the Armenian
        market participants.’ In a closed meeting   unloaded their shares amid a dispute over   people.
        – given the commercially sensitive nature   the  direction  of  the  firm’s  future  –  had

        Orange Completes 3.5GHz Purchase in Slovakia

        French-owned  Slovak  telco  Orange  CommsUpdate  last  month,  SWAN  agreed   Orange acquired 2×20MHz of spectrum in
        Slovensko has  completed  its  acquisition   to transfer its rights to 3490MHz-3510MHz   the 3.5GHz  range  from another  licensee,
        of a 5G-capable  3.5GHz  license  from   frequencies  to  Orange, with  the license   Slovanet.
        rival  operator SWAN. As reported in   valid until end-August 2025. In mid-2019

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