Page 130 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 130


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        A  meeting was  organized between  ATRA and  Ministry  of   lower the charges, MCIT said. According to the Acting Minister of
        Communication  and Information Technology  leadership  for   Communications, although the prices of some companies have
        providing better services, further coordination and distinction   been decreased, standard services have not been yet provided.
        of duties. Mr.  Mohammad Omar  Mansoor Ansari, ATRA    As per the new policy, state-owned companies will invest $175
        Acting  Chairman  and Technical  Vice-Chairman,  stressed  on   million by the end of this year to improve the quality of services,
        technical  problems and as  well  cooperation  between  the two   he said. The ministry also acknowledges that the infrastructure
        governmental entities in addition to joint working, servicing and   of state-owned  companies  is not standardized,  and thus the
        monitoring issues. “ATRA has accelerated telecom infrastructure   government has decided to standardize them this year. “Our goal
        strengthening  and monitoring  process and has  collaborated   is to create a new policy to provide better services to citizens and
        with all governmental organizations in the field of digitalization”,   to invest plenty in state-owned companies,” said Fahim Hashemi,
        added Mr. Ansari. ATRA, MCIT and NISA discussed on finalizing   MCIT Acting Minister. On the other hand, economists criticize the
        a  comprehensive mechanism  for digitalizing governmental   MCIT leadership, noting that the ministry has not been able to
        organizations as  per instruction of H.E  President  Mohammad   develop a good plan to provide standard services. According to
        Ashraf Ghani. Mr. Mohammad Faheem Hashimi, Acting Minister   them,  telecommunication  and Internet  services in Afghanistan
        of Communication  and IT, emphasized on ATRA activities and   are more unsustainable and expensive than in any other country.
        achievements and both sides stressed on keeping on coordinating   “There has been a lot of investments in telecommunications, but
        meetings for improving affairs and services. (July 5, 2020)  standard services are not being provided to Afghans, which means
                                                               that the strategies in this ministry are not efficient and capacity
        The Ministry  of Communications  and Information Technology   needs to be built,” said Hakimullah Sediqqi, an Economist. Experts
        says it has developed a new policy to regulate telecommunications   point out that MCIT is one of the most important sectors in the
        and Internet services. This policy will help improve the quality of   body of the government, but it has not been able to bring the best
        services by all telecommunications companies as well as it will   out of it. (June 13, 2020)


        The government has established a special working group to draw   ic Communications’) in terms of ‘sharing infrastructure, pooling
        up  a  roadmap  to  make  local  loop  unbundling  (LLU),  domestic   resources, promotion of competition and encouragement of in-
        mobile network roaming and number portability more effective.   vestment in the telecommunications market.’ Expected roadmap
        Telecoms  Minister  Brahim  Boumzar  oversaw  the  formation  of   targets include improving the availability and choice of services
        the interdepartmental committee, telling press that the group will   for subscribers  in Algeria’s sparser populated  interior  regions,
        examine ‘the different technical, legal and economic aspects’ of   and forcing operators to improve quality of services.
        Law 18-04 of May 2018 (‘General Rules on Post and Electron-  (June 19, 2020)  Agence Ecofin


        Bahrain’s  Spectrum  Strategy  and  Coordination  Committee  has   sector  in the Kingdom. The  second  meeting  of the Committee,
        approved the National Frequency Plan, based on the findings of   which was held remotely and attended by representatives of nine
        the World Radio Conference (WRC-19) and the needs of the ICT   entities, was chaired by Mohammed Ali Al Qaed, Chief Executive

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