Page 122 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
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        Portuguese 5G Consultation Resumes

        Portugal’s  National  Communications  previously reported  by TeleGeography’s   COVID-19  pandemic.  In other  regulatory
        Authority  (Autoridade  Nacional  de  CommsUpdate,  on  30  December  2019   news, the mobile termination rate  (MTR)
        Comunicacoes,  ANACOM)  has  confirmed   ANACOM issued its final approval regarding   in  Portugal  will  drop  to  EUR0.0036  per
        that  its  unfinished  5G  consultation   the frequencies  it  intends to  distribute   minute from 1  July 2020,  down  from the
        process has  resumed,  as  the country’s   for 5G use. As a result,  the regulator  will   EUR0.0040  per  minute  rate  which  has
        ‘state of emergency’ is no longer  in   auction spectrum in the following bands:   been  in  effect since July 2019.  Going
        force. The new consultation  deadline   700MHz,  900MHz,  1800MHz,  2100MHz,   forward,  the  fixed  termination  rate  (FTR)
        has been  set at  3  July, after which date   2600MHz and 3.6GHz. The spectrum sale   will  decrease  to  EUR0.00046  per  minute
        the watchdog  hopes to  proceed with  its   was originally expected to take place this   from 1 October 2020.
        delayed sale of 5G-suitable spectrum. As   summer but has been delayed due to the

        Monitoring  Compliance  with  the  EU  Net
        Neutrality Regulation – 2019/20

        Ofcom  published its fourth annual   •  the  UK’s  broadband  and  mobile
        report  to the European  Commission   networks coped during the peak of
        on  monitoring  open  internet  access,   the  Covid-19 pandemic,  ensuring
        also known as  ‘net neutrality’.  The   that people stayed connected; and
        report  sets  out Ofcom’s  approach to   •  there were no new cases of concern
        monitoring  and  enforcing  the  EU  net   regarding ISP’s traffic management
        neutrality rules from May 2019 to April   practices,  and our  Codes  of
        2020.  Under  these  rules,  broadband   Practice relating to transparency
        providers must treat all internet traffic   of broadband speeds  are working
        on their networks equally, and must   well.
        not  give preferential treatment  to   Although the UK has left the European
        certain sites or services.       Union, Ofcom is still obliged under UK
        Our  monitoring  work  has  identified   law  to  produce  an  annual report  on
        that:                            UK net neutrality rules and so we will
        •  the quality of fixed internet access   continue  to  monitor compliance  and
           services has  improved compared   publish findings in this area.
           with previous years;

        Beeline Spectrum Deal under Scrutiny in Telecoms Probe as PM Quits

        Kyrgyzstan’s     prime      minister  mobile  frequencies  at  below-market   Technology  &  Communications  (SCITC).
        Mukhammedkalyi Abylgaziev has resigned   prices,  which  the  PM’s  office  denied.  In   Critics such as Akayev contend that such
        following allegations of state corruption in   April this year the  State Committee for   transactions have cost the Kyrgyz  state
        the telecoms sector regarding the sale and   National  Security  began an  investigation   ‘dozens of millions of dollars’ in potential
        transfer of wireless frequencies, although   into the  sale  of radio spectrum  licenses,   revenue. In May, former SCA head Natalya
        he denied  any  wrongdoing,  stating in  his   allegedly prompted by  a  series  of  deals   Chernogubova  was  placed  in  custody
        resignation note: ‘I  have  nothing to  do   involving Kyrgyz operator  Sky  Mobile   under  the investigation into  alleged
        with this case, and the accusations made   (Beeline).  In  March  Beeline  reportedly   corruption,  and local news site
        against me have no basis. I am confident   bought out cable TV operator Ala-TV, the   reported a series of further arrests in June,
        that  the  investigation will  put everything   owner  of a ‘200MHz  band’  of spectrum,   including  the founder  of Ala-TV Arthur
        in its  place  and identify  the people   for USD1.8 million before repurposing the   Khaldarov and the deputy chairman of the
        truly  violating  the law.’  As  reported by   frequencies ‘for 4G communications’ for a   SCITC Maksat Dzhylyshbaev. SCITC head
        Eurasianet, MP Janar Akayev has led the   token cost via permission from the State   Dastan Dogoyev was not detained but was
        accusations in  parliament, alleging that   Communications  Agency  (SCA), overseen   instead questioned as a witness.
        Abylgaziev’s government has been selling   by  the State Committee for Information
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