Page 124 - SAMENA Trends - June-July 2020
P. 124


        House GOP Leaders Unveil Bills to Streamline Broadband Deployment

        Energy  and   Commerce    Committee  and Latta,  for their focus  on  wireless   business case can be made to  support
        Republican  Leader  Greg  Walden  (R-OR)   broadband deployment. “As we have seen   broadband providers serving in rural areas,
        and Communications and Technology    throughout  the pandemic,  connectivity   freeing up resources by streamlining and
        Subcommittee  Republican  Leader  Bob   has  been  essential, and  we  appreciate   simplifying  time-consuming  permitting
        Latta  (R-OR)  unveiled a  comprehensive   the committee’s  commitment  to bringing   processes  can  help  promote  the  efficient
        package of 26 bills that aim to streamline   broadband  to  communities  across  deployment  of broadband  networks. This
        broadband  infrastructure deployment.   America. We look forward to continuing to   is critical as NTCA members work tirelessly
        The legislation would promote new and   work with the members of the committee   to  connect as  many  rural  Americans as
        upgraded  infrastructure  deployments,  so that our nation can reap the benefits of   possible  and bridge  the digital divide.
        incentivize competition  and consumer   5G,” said WIA VP Government and Public   NTCA is pleased that Congress is taking a
        choice,  right-size regulations  for building   Affairs  Matt  Mandel.    The Competitive   renewed look at streamlining the process
        infrastructure across industries, and   Carriers  Association  also  praised  of  broadband  deployment,  specifically  on
        facilitate  broadband  deployment  on  lawmakers for their efforts.  “Promoting   public lands and in existing rights-of-way.
        federal land.  The cornerstone  measures   new  infrastructure  deployment  by  NTCA looks forward to future conversations
        would streamline permitting  for  wireless   reducing  unnecessary  barriers,  clarifying   as these bills move forward.”
        providers  to deploy new or co-located   federal, state, and local zoning authorities,
        macro towers and small  cells. The  bills   and fostering  competition  will result  in a
        would preserve local authority over siting   win-win-win for consumers, industry, and
        wireless infrastructure while also making   the economy,” said CCA  President/CEO
        it  clear localities must respond to siting   Steve  Berry.  “At  a  time  when  consumers
        requests within set timeframes. They also   are relying on mobile broadband services
        set deadlines for localities to  approve   more than ever before, it is a real positive
        or deny siting requests. The Wireless   that policymakers are focused on ensuring
        Infrastructure Association thanked the   broadband  can be deployed in  unserved
        Republican  members of  the committee,   and underserved areas.” NTCA, The Rural
        and the  leadership of Reps.  Walden   Broadband  Association  said:  “After  the

        Gulfsat Madagascar Awarded Backbone Operator License

        Gulfsat Madagascar has been designated   and  Telecommunications  (Autorite  2018  to  provide  ‘fixed  and  mobile  data
        the country’s second  backbone operator,   de Regulation  des Technologies de   transfer services’ and ‘resell additional
        ending  Telma’s  monopoly  on  fiber-optic   Communications, ARTEC) awarded Gulfsat   national transmission capacity’. A key part
        transmission  infrastructure,  reports  a ten-year license on 17 April, authorizing   of the government’s plans to liberalize the
        local news outlet  Speaking  to   the company to  build,  install  and deploy   sector, a decree adopted in December 2019
        journalists  following  a  meeting  at  the   new  fiber-optic  transmission  capacity.   authorized  a second  backbone operator
        National  Assembly,  telecoms  minister   Gulfsat,  which  markets  commercial  to construct its own national  network,
        Andriamanohisoa Ramaherison confirmed   services  under  the  ‘Blueline’  banner,  was   potentially  duplicating  Telma’s  existing
        the Agency  for Regulation  of Technology   previously awarded licenses  in August   infrastructure.

        Hong Kong Awards First 5G Subsidies

        The  Office  of  the  Communications   construction  sites; and remote e-sports   to 50 per cent of the direct costs related
        Authority (OFCA) approved the first batch   mini-car  racing.  Other  applications  to  deploying  a  5G  project,  with  a  cap  of
        of applications for a government subsidy to   received cover the use of IoT, big data and AI   HKD500,000  ($64,513). Applications are
        promote early deployment of 5G services,   in the recycling, transportation, education   accepted  until  30  November  on  a  first-
        with  funding  awarded  to  three  projects   and entertainment sectors. OFCA launched   come, first-served basis, OFCA said. HKT,
        and additional requests being processed.   the scheme in early May to encourage 5G   3 Hong Kong and China Mobile Hong Kong
        Initial projects include a real-time remote   rollouts, as part of a fresh round of efforts   introduced  5G services on  1 April,  with
        monitoring and support service to improve   to fight Covid-19 (coronavirus). Under the   SmarTone following in late May.
        elevator safety; 3D building modelling for   program, the government  is  funding  up

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