Page 96 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 96


        Bahrain Leads the World’s Mobile Internet Adoption with a User Penetration

        Rate of 97.87%

                                                                                 world’s  second  highest  mobile internet
                                                                                 penetration  rate. 95.86% of the UAE’s
                                                                                 population  uses this  resource  for their
                                                                                 online activity. Similarly, Kuwait is a small
                                                                                 country with a big  appetite  for mobile
                                                                                 internet. It  ranks  third globally  in terms
                                                                                 of mobile internet usage. Like the other
                                                                                 two, it  has  an  extensive mobile internet
                                                                                 G7 Nations are Lagging in Adoption
                                                                                 The G7 nations are lagging in their internet
                                                                                 penetration rates. Of the top ten countries in
                                                                                 the world, only three are G7 members. With
                                                                                 a 93.59% penetration rate, Canada was the
                                                                                 best place in the sixth position. Japan (8th)
                                                                                 has a penetration of 92.68%, while the UK
                                                                                 (10th) has 92.26% penetration.
                                                                                 The US  Ranks 44th in Mobile  Internet
                                                                                 The U.S ranks surprisingly low in terms of
                                                                                 mobile  internet  penetration.  At 84.37%, it
                                                                                 ranks  a  disappointing  44th out of all  the
                                                                                 countries in the world. This low ranking is
                                                                                 partly due to the US’s high cost of mobile
                                                                                 data.  According to  a  recent  study,  the
                                                                                 average price of mobile data in the US is
                                                                                 nearly twice as high as the OECD average.
        According to  a  StockApps  data  analysis,   StockApps’  financial  expert  Edith  Reads.   Whereas Americans  pay an average  of
        Bahrain  is  leading the world in  mobile   She adds, “The country has an expansive   $61.07 for monthly broadband access, the
        internet  user  penetration.  The  site has   National Broadband  Network enabling   average for the OECD countries is $37.78.
        presented data showing that Bahrain has   the provision of  affordable high-speed   In addition, the US has large areas of rural
        a 97.87% mobile internet penetration rate,   broadband internet services to people and   territory where mobile coverage is spotty
        which is the largest globally. “The Bahraini   business alike.”          at  best.  The full  story  and statistics  can
        government has been investing heavily in   Countries  Leading  In  Mobile Internet   be found here: Bahrain Leads the World’s
        infrastructure and technology, which has   Penetration                   Mobile Internet  Adoption  With a  User
        made it easier for people to get online,” says   The  United Arab Emirates (UAE) has the   Penetration Rate of 97.87%

        Special Telecom Packages Under Job Security System

        The Telecommunications  Regulatory  Au-  which includes a 50-per cent discount on   2020, is a national project to provide social
        thority (TRA), in cooperation  with  service   the monthly bills and a  postponement  of   protection for citizens whose services are
        providers,  has provided  special  facilities   the claim for payment of any dues for pre-  terminated from work for reasons beyond
        to citizens whose services have been ter-  vious bills or instalments resulting from for   their control. The authority’s efforts in this
        minated for reasons beyond their control,   six  months.  No  fines  will  be  imposed  for   field stem from its social responsibility to-
        as part of the government’s efforts to pro-  cancelling the contract or reducing the sub-  wards this category and its regulatory role
        vide social protection under the job securi-  scription package in  any  of  the  available   in  the  field  of  telecommunications,  TRA
        ty system. Omantel has provided a special   packages. There will also be a cashback on   said.
        package to its subscribers of this catego-  Hayyak packages, which will be valid for 28
        ry in both postpaid and prepaid services,   days. The job security system, launched in

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