Page 94 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 94


        Saudi Vision 2030 Offers Huge Scope for Pakistani IT Sector: Report

        In line with the  Saudi Arabia’s  plan to
        modernize its  economy  under  the mega-
        investment plan and Vision 2030 program,
        Riyadh is working to develop new cities in
        the  Kingdom  that offer “huge  investment
        opportunities”  for Pakistani  companies
        especially IT  companies,  Arab News
        reported.  National  Data  Consultant
        (NdcTech) chief executive Ammara Masood
        said: “The banking and financial sector in
        KSA has  been  growing at  an accelerated
        pace with  numerous players launching
        their products  including  traditional and
        digital  banks,  fintech  companies,  and
        payment service providers.” The  chief
        executive of a top Pakistani digital banking
        implementation  service provider added
        that  NdcTech  –  which  earlier  this  year
        was acquired by IT giant Systems Limited
        –  is  also  planning  to  expand  in  the  Gulf
        market, as  it  “foresees  a  great  demand.”
        Masood  said: “We  are  also  scaling up   have been growing after the coronavirus   around  $500  billion to achieve its goals,
        operations  in the UAE and different GCC   pandemic. The country’s IT and IT-enabled   including  the development  of new cities.
        countries  in  the  banking sector.  These   exports hit their record high of $2.6 billion   NdcTech  has been  operating  in Saudi
        markets are highly competitive, with other   in the fiscal year 2021-22, according to data   Arabia’s financial sector for years, where it
        implementation  partners  operating in   released  by  the  State Bank  of  Pakistan.   currently works with 12 banks and financial
        the region.” She  further added  in  order   Vision  2030  –  a  strategic  framework  –   institutions. As a  partner of Temenos,  a
        to  enhance the export  of services in the   is  an effort  to pivot Saudi Arabia away   Geneva-based company  specializing in
        coming years, Pakistani IT companies are   from oil dependency  and establish it as   enterprise software for banks, with whom
        also  keen on exploring  the opportunities   a  global  investment powerhouse with  a   it  launched a  digital  lending  service for
        emerging  in the  Kingdom  and other  Gulf   sophisticated  digital  infrastructure.  The   the Saudi Tourism Development  Fund  in
        countries.  The  IT exports of Pakistan   Kingdom  is  estimated to have mobilized   October last year.

        VEON Receives USD682m for Sale of Djezzy Stake

                                             that the announcement  represents  the   to serve Algeria with best-in-class services.
                                             completion  of a  transaction disclosed   I would like to thank to the team for their
                                             on  1 July 2021, when  the  Amsterdam-  hard work, and to the FNI for a successful
                                             headquartered group  exercised its  put   partnership. VEON  will  continue  to  focus
                                             option  to sell FNI  its  entire 45.57% stake   on large-scale, emerging markets where we
                                             in Djezzy (registered as Optimum Telecom   can generate value with our digital operator
                                             Algerie,  owned via  Omnium Telecom   model.’ The company’s statement added:
                                             Algerie), raising the Fund’s shareholding in   ‘The  cash received  from this transaction
                                             the cellco from 51% to 96.57%. VEON CEO   further strengthens VEON Group’s liquidity
                                             Kaan  Terzioglu commented:  ‘Today,  we   position. As of  4 August 2022, VEON
        Multinational  telecoms  group  VEON  completed the sale of our share in Djezzy   Group’s total  cash and deposits  have
        announced on 5 August that it has received   to our  partner  FNI, marking an important   increased to  USD3.1  billion, including
        USD682 million following  the sale of its   step in our strategy of streamlining   USD2.5 billion equivalent of USD- and EUR-
        stake  in  Algerian  mobile operator  Djezzy   VEON’s portfolio. Under the leadership of   denominated cash and deposits held by the
        to  the Algerian government’s  National   Matthieu Galvani,  the Djezzy team  have   headquarters in Amsterdam.’
        Investment  Fund   (Fonds   National  built an  exemplary  telecommunications
        d’Investissement,  FNI).  VEON  confirmed   operator, which will continue to contribute

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