Page 95 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        Pakistan Makes a Record  Earnings of US$2615  Million  from  IT Service

        Exports in 2021-22

        Pakistan  likes its  neighboring  country  India has always  been   services actually decreased from $1.446 million last year to $0.662
        famous for its IT services around the world. Low costs and better   million this fiscal year. Other computer software services, however,
        human resources push international companies to outsource all of   saw a good 7.25 percent increase and rose from $693 million to
        their IT services to developing countries. For this reason, Pakistan   $743.230 million. IT services have been in high demand lately, and
        has seen massive growth in its IT services exports over the years.   Pakistan surely is capturing it, IT service exports from Pakistan
        Despite  the  heavy  economic  recession,  this  fiscal  year  2021-  saw an impressive 31.08 percent increase, going up from $3.990
        2022 was no different and the IT service export Industry made a   million to $5.230 million. News Agency services that come under
        record total revenue of around $2,615 million. Now that sure is   the IT sector are also highly demanded, and increased by nearly 50
        great numbers, but what is even better about it is the fact that this   percent, going from $2.304 million to $3.448 million. Other smaller
        is a 24% increase from last year’s IT service exports, where the   or unrelated Information Technology services also grew by a small
        numbers remained at $2,107 million in 2021-21. Pakistan Bureau   5.69 percent, going from $1.686 million to $1.782 million. While
        of Statistics (PBS) published detailed findings about the IT industry   Pakistan’s local telecom industry might be in deep waters, telecom
        and the amount  of money  each  sub-sector  namely (Computer   service exporters seem to be doing pretty well with an increase
        Services,  IT Services, Telecom  Services and Software Services)   of 15.30 percent. The telecommunication export service industry
        made in the IT Export industry. Let’s discuss each one of them   went from $437.500 million in 2021 to $504.440 in this fiscal year.
        and also break them down in detailed statistics. The Pakistan IT   Infamous call center services experienced the highest growth of
        export industry performed exceptionally well in computer services,   39.43 percent, going from $154.554 million to $215.501 million.
        the computer service industry saw an exceptional 26.40 percent   Other telecommunication services grew by a small 2.12 percent
        growth, overall, the industry grew from a  total of $1,666.310   and their revenue also went up from $282.946 million to $288.939
        million last fiscal year to $2,106.145 this year. Exports of software   during this fiscal year. Despite going through tough financial and
        consultancy  services  were the  most prominent  in computer   political circumstances, the IT export industry not just thrived but
        services, witnessing a rise of 43.43 percent, rising from $554.612   also grew by massive percentages. A major reason for this is the
        million to $795.480 million. Hardware consultancy services saw   fact that the industry is completely dependent on other economies
        a whopping 429.58 percent rise, growing from $0.551 million to   for work and revenue thus making this industry a gold mine for
        $2.918 million. With the passage of time software has become a   any unstable or developing economy. An IT export industry not
        significant field, it’s almost a gold mine and a brilliant opportunity   only  stays  unaffected  by  political  and  financial  conditions  but
        for IT exporting countries  like Pakistan.  Pakistan’s IT export   also helps bring massive foreign currency into the country, thus
        industry saw a growth of 34.87 percent in software-related services   improving reserves. In a nutshell, you could think of the IT export
        this fiscal year. Last year the country made $417.485 million from   industry  as  a  great  shield against  all  circumstances,  therefore
        software services, the amount grew to $563.071 million this time,   governments should not only actively invest in the industry but also
        which is  a  good  increase nonetheless.  Amongst the computer   try and increase IT influx in the country.
        software service industry,  exports  of repair and maintenance

        Turkcell Maintains Strong Financial Performance in Q2

        Turkish telecoms group Turkcell has reported a continuation of   million at  mid-2022, up from 1.754  million in the same period
        strong financial performance trends in the second quarter of 2022,   of 2021, while ADSL subscriptions  also grew, from 726,000 to
        with group  revenues  leaping  46.0% year-on-year to TRY12.477   741,000. The operator also reported deploying 284,000 new fiber
        billion (USD692 million) driven by accelerated ARPU and strong   homepasses in 2Q22.
        subscription net additions at its core Turkish division, supported by
        the contribution of overseas operations and its ‘techfin’ business.
        Consolidated EBITDA rose 45.1% y-o-y to TRY5.030 billion in the
        three months ending 30 June 2022, giving an EBITDA margin of
        40.3% (comparable to 40.5% a year earlier) and quarterly operating
        profit  (EBIT)  climbed  48.0%  y-o-y  to  TRY2.550  billion  (an  EBIT
        margin of 20.4%, compared to 20.2% in 2Q21). Net income in 2Q22
        improved by 67.0% y-o-y to TRY1.858 billion. In Turkey, Turkcell’s
        post-paid mobile subscriptions  excluding  M2M  reached  20.9
        million at  end-June  2022, up from 19.9  million twelve months
        before, while the pre-paid total stood at 12.1 million (up from 11.7
        million). Turkish fiber broadband subscriptions climbed to 1.996

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