Page 92 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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        after the full acquisition  of operations in
        Pakistan, Leonard said that the company
        aims to allow mobile network operators in
        Pakistan to meet their increased coverage
        and capacity requirements for rapidly
        growing  data demands.  The Finance
        Minister  assured the delegation  that  the
        government aims at provide every possible
        support for easing business  operations
        and facilitating foreign direct investment in
        Pakistan. Ismail also appreciated Tawal’s
        operations and its value and significance
        for the development of the telecom sector
        of Pakistan.  Later, while speaking with
        SAMAA TV, the finance minister confirmed
        Tawal’s expansion plans into Pakistan,
        noting that the Saudi firm had acquired a
        local firm to start Pakistan operations. He   some 70-80  mobile telecommunication   telecommunication  companies  and that
        further disclosed that the firm will set up   towers around  the country  for local   they plan to make massive investments.

        5G Subscriptions to Reach 263 million in MEA By 2026

        Nokia research forecasts 5G subscriptions
        to reach  263  million in the Middle East
        and Africa (MEA) region  by  2026.  The
        5G subscription growth will primarily
        be  in Gulf Cooperation  Council (GCC)
        countries,  including  Saudi Arabia, the
        UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait and Bahrain.
        Additionally,  subscribers in  South Africa,
        Nigeria and North  African countries  will
        increase adoption following the release
        of new  spectrum. This trend  is triggered
        by the  increasing use of high-bandwidth
        consumer applications and industrial use
        cases.  The Nokia  MEA  Broadband  Index
        Report  –  I  provides  insight,  data  and
        analysis on mobile broadband subscribers,
        coverage,  ARPU  and  traffic  growth  in  the
        MEA region,  as well its respective sub-
        regions:  GCC, Southern  Africa, North   region  is expected  to have a 20 percent   Head of Mobile Networks, Nokia MEA, said,
        Africa, Middle East, and Central East West   increase in total  subscribers  by 2026,   “Globally, the pace of 5G network rollouts
        Africa. The report has been created based   compared to 2022.  In  Central East  West   has surpassed 4G/LTE networks. Two years
        on Nokia’s intelligence,  as  well as  data   Africa,  more than 60 percent  of the total   after the first LTE launch there were only 25
        from  third-party  sources, GlobalData  and   data traffic is currently carried by 4G. This   million subscriptions across 60 networks,
        Tutela. In GCC countries,  5G subscriber   traffic is expected to grow four times over   while  two  years  after  the  first  5G  launch,
        base is  expected to reach  64  percent  of   the next four years. At the same time, 5G   340 million subscriptions were registered
        the total and data traffic likely to surpass   subscriptions  are expected  to account   across 155 networks.  Similarly, in MEA,
        70 percent by 2026, according to the study.   for nearly 10  percent  of the total  mobile   our  MEA  Broadband  Index  Report  finds
        While 4G  subscribers  in  the Southern   subscribers  in this period.  The  study   40 percent year-on-year growth in 4G data
        Africa region  are projected  to reach 105   also reveals that 5G and 4G together are   traffic but a huge 350 percent year-on-year
        million (58 percent of total subscribers)   expected  to  drive  more  than  90  percent   growth in 5G data traffic in 2021 alone. This
        by 2026, 5G will contribute more than one-  of data traffic in MEA. Total data traffic is   trend in  the region  clearly indicates that
        fifth of data traffic in the same time-frame.   expected  to  increase  significantly  in  the   there is a pressing need for the adoption
        North African operators have seen a high   next four years with a  compound annual   and expansion of 5G networks across the
        demand  for mobile broadband  and the   growth rate of 35 percent. Mikko Lavanti,   region.”
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