Page 100 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
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                                                SATELLITE NEWS

        New Malaysian Satellite Enters Commercial Service

        MEASAT-3d, described  by Malaysian   the launch of MEASAT-3d took place on 22   lifespan of more than 18  years,  carries
        operator  MEASAT as  its  latest and most   June 2022 from Kourou, French Guiana. In   C-band and  Ku-band  payloads  for video
        advanced  satellite, has now entered   orbit testing was successfully completed a   and direct-to-home  services and  a  high-
        commercial service, after its handover by   month later, ahead of schedule. MEASAT-  throughput  multiple spot beam  Ka-band
        Airbus Defence  and  Space. At  the time,   3d, a multi-mission satellite with a planned   payload optimized to  deliver high-speed
                                                                                 broadband  internet communications for
                                                                                 Malaysia; this will include users in the most
                                                                                 remote areas of the country. The satellite
                                                                                 also hosts a Q/V band payload, described
                                                                                 as the first of its kind in the Asia-Pacific
                                                                                 region, allowing the satellite to study radio
                                                                                 frequency  propagation effects in high
                                                                                 rainfall  regions like  Malaysia,  to  enable
                                                                                 the design of its next generation satellites.
                                                                                 In addition,  MEASAT-3d carries a hosted
                                                                                 payload for Korean satellite communication
                                                                                 operator  KTSAT  related to airline flight
                                                                                 safety.  “With  this,  MEASAT-3d  is  ready
                                                                                 to  support  the Malaysian  Government’s
                                                                                 National Digital Network (JENDELA) target
                                                                                 to achieve 100% internet coverage by 2025,
                                                                                 as  well as  our clients’  plans to expand
                                                                                 service  offerings and improve customer
                                                                                 experience,”  said  Yau  Chyong Lim,  Chief
                                                                                 Operating Officer, MEASAT.

        SpaceX Starlink Satellite Broadband Internet is Now Available in 36 Countries

        Recently,  SpaceX  CEO  Elon Musk
        announced  on Twitter that  Starlink
        satellite broadband  internet  is  now
        available in 36 countries around the
        globe. He shared the link to the map
        which shows the current and future
        availability  of Starlink  in  any  region
        around the globe. SpaceX has added
        22 countries  to the supported list
        in the last ~12 months. In August
        of  2021,  we  posted a  list  of 14
        supported countries only which has
        now grown to 36.  However, this is
        just  a  start  as  the region  support
        map on the Starlink website shows a
        huge number of countries where the
        satellite broadband service is coming
        next year.

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