Page 98 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 98


        TRA Issues Advisory on Wiring for Internet Services

        The   Telecommunications  Regulatory  following is recommended:          ground floor linked to rising channels with
        Authority  (TRA)  has  published  an  1) Extension  of Class VI copper cabling   the floor distribution boxes on each floor.
        advisory video  on setting up internal   to connect  the main distribution  box  to   Provide a distribution box in each unit on
        communications  in buildings.  Ibrahim al   all  telecommunication  sockets  through   the one floor with  the provision of cable
        Maawali from the Technical Specifications   cabling ducts.               passage channels
        Department said that in every building there   2) Provide copper cables from the main box   Third: Commercial Buildings:
        are infrastructures that support  telecom   for each wireless network device (WiFi).  A communication room must be provided
        services, which in turn facilitate the delivery   As for multi-story residential buildings, they   in the commercial building as an alternative
        of telecom services to those buildings by   must:                        to the main distribution box.
        telecom  service providers.  He  explained   Provide the main  distributor  box  on the
        that the main principles of connections are
        as follows:
        1) Equipping the building with wall wiring to
        the main distribution box in the middle on
        the ground floor
        The extension of the cables be continuous
        without intermediate connections and take
        into account the sizes of the cable passage
        pipes with future needs.
        Separate the path of any  communication
        cable inside the building from the electrical
        cables at an appropriate distance according
        to the electrical voltage.
        Do not  install  communication  sockets  in
        a place that may be exposed to moisture,
        dust, or extreme heat.
        Not to place communication  sockets in
        a place  less than 30 cm above the floor
        For single-story  residential buildings, the

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