Page 101 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 101


        Viasat's Satellite Internet Helps Reduce Brazil's Digital Gap

        Viasat, Inc, a global communications com-  homes, access online entertainment, stay   communities can now benefit from online
        pany, has reached the 50,000 sites mark in   in touch with their loved ones, and more,   access. Together, Viasat, Telebras and the
        Brazil, helping to close the country's digital   even in regions far from commercial cen-  Wi-Fi Brasil program have boosted the so-
        gap through  the provision of high-speed   ters. The company's portfolio  of internet   cial and digital inclusion of more than nine
        satellite internet across the country. This   services offered in Brazil includes residen-  million Brazilians through internet access
        achievement, combined with the introduc-  tial, business and the Federal Government's   points installed in 3,055 cities. "Surpassing
        tion of its Brazil brand, further fuels Viasat's   Wi-Fi  Brasil  program  in partnership with   50,000 sites since becoming Brazil's first
        in-market commitment  and investment.   Telebras. Viasat's  impact across  Brazil:   and only  nationwide residential  internet
        The company, operating  in Brazil  since   In partnership  with Telebras,  through  the   service provider 18 months ago is a testa-
        2018, has become the first internet service   SGDC-1 satellite Viasat has connected gov-  ment of our growth in the Brazilian market.
        provider (ISP) to offer residential connec-  ernment agencies and millions of students   To further drive  our commitment across
        tivity  in  100%  of  the country.  Internet via   through the Wi-Fi Brasil program resulting   Brazil, we are also introducing a localized
        satellite can reach more remote regions   in more than 20,000 internet access points,   Viasat  brand that  includes  more vibrant
        even where other ISPs  cannot, creating   including 10,000 points located in rural and   colors which reflects the essence of Brazil-
        economic  opportunities  for businesses   indigenous  schools, health posts,  public   ian culture. These achievements combined
        and communities that  previously did not   service facilities, non-profit organizations   with our  collaboration with  Telebras and
        have access to reliable and high-quality in-  and more. As a result, more than five mil-  the Wi-Fi Brasil program demonstrate our
        ternet. Viasat's Internet services have also   lion students who previously lacked inter-  investment across Brazil to help reduce the
        enabled people to work remotely from their   net in these rural schools and indigenous   country's digital gap and create economic
                                                                                 opportunities by providing many Brazilians
                                                                                 with the  ability  to use the internet,  many
                                                                                 for the first time," says Leandro Gaunszer,
                                                                                 Managing Director of Viasat Brazil. While
                                                                                 Viasat's customers are located throughout
                                                                                 the country, 33% of its customers are in the
                                                                                 Northeast, followed  by  25% in the North
                                                                                 and 21% in the Southeast. In terms of con-
                                                                                 sumption habits, 27% of Viasat customers
                                                                                 are using its  satellite internet  service to
                                                                                 access and send messages on social net-
                                                                                 works such  as  WhatsApp,  Facebook and
                                                                                 Tik Tok, followed by 21% of customers us-
                                                                                 ing the service to access video and stream-
                                                                                 ing services including YouTube and Netflix.
                                                                                 Finally, 16% of customers use Viasat's ser-
                                                                                 vice for browsing.

        Swiss Company Providing Internet Services Through Azerbaijani Satellite

        Ministry  of Digital  Development  and
        Transportation of Azerbaijan and the
        Swiss Signalhorn  company  have reached
        an  agreement  on cooperation,  Trend
        reports via the  Azerbaijani Ministry of
        Digital Development and Transportation. In
        accordance with the agreement, Signalhorn
        started  to provide  internet  services  to
        cruise  liners in the Mediterranean  via
        the Azerbaijan's  Azerspace-1 satellite.
        "Improving the broadband  capabilities of
        Azerkosmos OJSC is one of the important   Azerspace-1  and Azerspace-2  satellites   Seas,  on  the  Volga and the  east of the
        parts  of the needs  of global satellite   provide reliable and stable internet services   Mediterranean Sea," the ministry said.
        communications   market.   Currently  on ships in the Caspian, Black  and Azov

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