Page 90 - SAMENA Trends - July-August 2022
P. 90


        TDRA Concludes Its Virtual Camp on Metaverse

        The   Telecommunications  &  Digital
        Government    Regulatory   Authority
        (TDRA) concluded  the 8th  TDRA Virtual
        Camp, marking a  unique  experience  for
        participant students  by giving  them a
        glimpse  into  the  infinite  possibilities  of
        the metaverse, the future of the Internet
        in the years to come. The Camp saw the
        participation of  3026  UAE-national and
        resident  students, of whom 47% were
        females and 53% males. The  closing
        ceremony was convened virtually by TDRA
        in the presence  of Eng.  Mohammad al-
        Zarooni, TDRA’s  Deputy Director  General
        of the Information &  Digital  Government
        Sector, TDRA’s staff, and students along
        with their parents. Over the course of two
        weeks, each student performed  18  tasks
        in the General Track (age group 7-12), and   promising metaverse experience,  which   Khaleel won the silver prize, and students
        15  tasks  for each student  in the General   will be a feature of the world over the next   Ghala Abdulla  al-Hosani  and Ismael
        Track (age group 13-18). The students also   few years.” H.E. Mr. al-Zarooni stressed the   Ashraf Khalil won the bronze prize. As for
        implemented 76 projects in the Advanced   significance of the experience lived by the   the General Track, students  Ali  Humaid
        Track (age group 13-18). During the Camp,   participant students,  saying:  “You lived a   al-Loughani, Anisa  Mubarak  al-Ketbi
        students availed themselves of 175 hours   unique experience, but let me remind you   and Zayed Salem al-Kalbani.  During  the
        of technical support, 86 training videos and   of the goals for which the TDRA  Camp   ceremony, the winning  students provided
        14 hours of live streaming. In his speech   was  founded.”  We belong  to a  country   a  detailed description  of  their projects.
        at  the beginning of the ceremony, Eng.   heading fastly and firmly to the future. We   TDRA then thanked parents of the students
        Mohammad al-Zarooni,  TDRA's Deputy   are well aware that for us to succeed  in   for their  remarkable efforts in helping
        Director General of the Information & Digital   our future projects we have to rely on you;   their children and bringing the Camp to a
        Government  Sector,  congratulated the   you who belong to a generation known for   success. The TDRA Virtual Camp in its 8th
        Camp's team and the participants on the   its openness to techniques  which  were   edition is a continuation of the successful
        success  of the 2022 edition  of the TDRA   unknown  previously.  Your  generation   sessions in  the  past,  and  a  reflection
        Virtual Camp, adding:  “This Camp has   enjoys a multitude of knowledge tools and   of TDRA’s  commitment to its  social
        become a frequent milestone on the path   insights into the vast world, and as such,   responsibility  towards Emirati  students,
        of shaping the future driven by the spirit of   we would like you to become your country’s   by equipping them with the skills to lead in
        innovation that is evident in the creativity   ambassadors in the  future world.”  The   the adoption of future technologies (such
        of our student  sons and daughters. This   closing ceremony featured the honoring of   as the smart city); skills to the safe use of
        year's  edition was  an  extension of what   both Advanced and General Track winners.   technology and social media; and skills in
        has been achieved in preceding years, but   In  the Advanced Track,  students Eithar   design, arts and creativity, among others.
        it was bolder in delving into the world of   Mohammed al-Khazaleh and Noora Saeed   The Camp  has  trained more than  21,000
        the future. This has been reflected by the   al-Ketbi won the gold prize, where students   students during its previous sessions, and
        application of virtual reality based on the   Aysha Saif al-Kaabi and Abdallah Yousef   saw some 15,000 ICT home labs.

        Indian 5G Networks Expected to Launch in 13 Cities

        Commercial 5G services are expected  to   services could go potentially live before the   four bidders – Reliance Jio Infocomm (Jio),
        be launched in India in an initial 13 cities,   end of the month, the report notes that the   Bharti Airtel, Vodafone Idea (Vi) and Adani
        India Today has reported. The list of launch   government is keen to see 5G networks up   Data Networks – spend a total of INR1.5
        locations includes: Ahmedabad, Bengaluru,   and running  to coincide  with  the start  of   trillion (USD18.97 billion) on frequencies in
        Chandigarh,  Chennai, Delhi,  Gandhinagar,   the India Mobile Congress (IMC) event on   the 700MHz, 800MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz,
        Gurugram, Hyderabad, Jamnagar, Kolkata,   1 October. India completed its 5G spectrum   3.5GHz and 26GHz bands.
        Lucknow, Mumbai and Pune. While 5G   auction earlier this month. The auction saw

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