Page 30 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 30


        Cisco  Redefines  Data  Center  Architecture  with  New  Smart  Switches,
        Embedding Services Directly into the Network

        Cisco announced a family of data  center
        Smart  Switches,  disrupting  traditional
        data  center network design  by enabling
        networking  and  security services  in  a
        compact  all-in-one solution. Utilizing
        programmable     AMD     Pensando™
        data   processing   units   (DPUs),   the
        switch  functions  as  a  high-capacity,
        multifunctional  service-hosting device,
        architecturally transforming data centers to
        simplify their design and make them more
        efficient.  Cisco’s  first  integrated  offering,
        the  Smart  Switch  with  Cisco  Hypershield,
        introduces a  new approach to  securing
        AI data centers by fusing security directly
        into the network fabric.  As AI workloads
        multiply, building and managing  data
        centers has become much more complex.
        Data center operators require a simpler way
        to  design,  build,  and  deploy  infrastructure
        to  fully  benefit  from  AI.  AI  applications
        must sit where they are  needed, whether
        a  massive  large language  model  sitting
        in  centralized  hyperscale  facilities  or a   transforming  enterprise  infrastructure  to   a  simpler,  more  efficient  and  extensible
        network drone monitoring crop irrigation at   address the evolving security demands of   architecture by integrating services directly
        the very edge of the network. This shift in   data  center  networks  while  dealing  with   with  the  data  center  fabric, rather  than
        where data is created, accessed, and stored   the fast paced AI deployments,” said Soni   bolting  them  on  top. By  combining  Cisco
        requires  a  new  type  of  simplified  data   Jiandani, senior vice president and general   data  center  networking,  Silicon  One,  and
        center  infrastructure–one  that  integrates   manager,  Networking  Technology  and   AMD DPUs, customers can scale services
        compute, storage, networking, and security   Solutions  Group,  AMD.  “Our  collaboration   and adapt  quickly to evolving business
        in  new ways, and  allows  for automated   with Cisco enables enterprises to achieve   needs, all without the need for any additional
        and  predictive  operations  via  simplified   high-capacity  throughput and  impressive   hardware.  The switches  feature  two
        management  platforms. "Data  center   network  security  without  compromising   processing  engines:  a  high-performance
        infrastructure  needs  be reimagined  for   on  workload performance on  Cisco  UCS   network processor for stable data transfer
        both AI training and inferencing workloads   servers or Hypershield enabled platforms.   and  a network services sidecar for  agile
        that  dwarf even  the  largest  enterprise   Together,  we  are  paving  the  way  for   security  processing.  Traffic  is  intelligently
        jobs  of the  past,”  said  Jeetu  Patel,  EVP   a new era of intelligent,  adaptive, and   steered  between  the  two engines  for
        and  Chief  Product  Officer,  Cisco.  “Simply   secure  data  centers."  As  AI  drives  rapid   optimal  performance.  This  architectural
        upgrading  data  center  infrastructure  with   growth,  organizations  must  manage  shift drives cost savings through hardware
        higher  ‘speeds  and  feeds’  switches  does   significantly  increased  power,  compute   consolidation, reduced power consumption,
        not address  the requirements  of modern   and  networking demands.  In traditional   and  operational simplicity. Cisco Smart
        data  centers, which require acceleration   data center architectures, when each new   Switches embrace all the capabilities of a
        of security  and  network  services  natively   service  required  a  specific  device,  growth   NX-OS  switch  and  management  through
        within  the  data  center  fabric.”  "Cisco's   led  to  complexity.  It  also  required  adding,   Nexus Dashboard, and will unlock a diverse
        innovative approach to data center design,   changing,  or upgrading  the  enforcement   set of use cases like stateful segmentation,
        leveraging  leadership  AMD Pensando   of security policies with each new service   IPSec encryption, enhanced  telemetry,
        DPUs,  marks  a  significant  milestone  in   or workload.  Cisco  Smart  Switches  offer   DDoS protection and more.

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