Page 20 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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stage diagnoses, marking a substantial advancement in Oman’s Social Responsibility stated: “Winning two awards at the Oman
healthcare ecosystem. Under the "Trailblazing CSR Initiative of the CSR Summit & Awards 2024 is a testament to our commitment
Year" category, Omantel’s groundbreaking project “Maqroo” has to leveraging innovation and technology to address real societal
been celebrated as a first-of-its-kind innovation aimed at digital challenges. We take pride in our initiatives, from creating a dyslexic-
inclusivity. Designed to address the challenges faced by Arabic- friendly Arabic font to supporting healthcare advancements, as
speaking individuals with dyslexia, Maqroo was developed after they reflect Omantel’s vision of building an inclusive, sustainable
an in-depth analysis of over 650 Arabic fonts. The result is a font future for all.” These accolades underscore Omantel’s unwavering
that improves readability and accessibility, empowering dyslexic commitment to innovation and social responsibility, as well as its
individuals by simplifying communication and enhancing their role in creating a lasting, positive impact on the Omani community.
engagement with Arabic text. The initiative has also garnered Omantel remains dedicated to pioneering initiatives that improve
international recognition, including accolades at the Dubai Lynx quality of life, foster inclusivity, and support community well-being.
Awards 2024, where it won a Silver Award in Healthcare and the These awards highlight the company’s role as a leader in integrating
Grand Prix in Industry Craft, as well as a Bronze in the Internet & innovation with social responsibility, reaffirming its mission to
Telecom category at the Effie Awards. Speaking on this remarkable make a meaningful difference across Oman and beyond.
achievement, Qais Mohammed Al Amri, Manager Corporate
Omantel and Sultan Qaboos University Sign Partnership Agreement to
Support the UNESCO Chair in AI
In line with Omantel’s vision to transition from a telecommunications the UNESCO Chair in AI focuses on AI applications in education,
and information services provider to a technology company industry, healthcare, and the economy, while ensuring ethical AI
specializing in integrated digital solutions, with artificial intelligence practices. The Chair’s approach includes studying and designing AI
(AI) being a key pillar, Omantel has signed an agreement with algorithms and computer systems to enhance education (teaching
Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) to support the UNESCO Chair and learning), improve product quality, and advance healthcare
in AI. This partnership reaffirms Omantel’s commitment to services. Omantel has succeeded, through the integration of
advancing AI technologies and empowering society through its operations, processes, and extensive expertise in the field of
research and innovation in emerging technologies that address communications and digital technology, in establishing its position
today’s global challenges. The agreement falls within the existing as a leading telecommunications company within the Sultanate of
collaboration between Omantel and Sultan Qaboos University, as Oman and beyond. The company's innovative approaches have
well as Omantel’s broader initiatives aimed at supporting scientific contributed to providing state-of-the-art solutions to different
research and development in Sultanate of Oman, particularly in consumer and business sectors. The company aims to deliver an
the field of AI. The agreement seeks to build national capabilities unparalleled, exceptional experience to its customers and strives
by funding postgraduate scholarships and hiring postdoctoral always to exceed their expectations. To achieve the objectives
researchers in AI-related fields. It also aims to enhance awareness of Oman Vision 2040, Omantel invests in emerging technologies
and understanding of AI through awareness campaigns, seminars, and provides cutting-edge ICT solutions, such as cloud solutions,
and events. Commenting on the agreement, Qais Mohammed AI, Smart solutions, cybersecurity, and much more, in addition to
Al Amri, Corporate Social Responsibility Manager at Omantel, harnessing its technological capabilities to enhance innovation
stated: "At Omantel, we are committed to enabling Oman’s digital and leadership in new and advanced technologies
transformation through various initiatives that go beyond providing
solutions and technologies. A key focus is on developing national
capabilities in modern technologies. Our partnership with Sultan
Qaboos University has yielded significant achievements in the
past, and we are confident that this initiative will further strengthen
our collaboration and support researchers in conducting more
AI-related studies. This field is crucial for Oman’s progress, and
we believe the outcomes will contribute to enhancing efficiency,
productivity, and economic growth." Prof. Abdulnasir Hussain,
Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in AI at Sultan Qaboos University,
added: "We highly value our partnership with Omantel and appreciate
the company’s contribution to funding research, particularly
in advanced technologies such as AI. We hope that Omantel’s
support will help the government achieve the objectives of Oman
Vision 2040 and improve the country’s ranking in the UNESCO
University-Industry Research Collaboration Index. Additionally,
this support will enhance the Chair’s activities across various
domains, strengthen international collaboration in research, and
contribute to Oman’s global standing in AI." It is worth noting that
20 JAN-FEB 2025