Page 25 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 25


        AT&T Tops RootMetrics’ National, State Network Testing for 2H 2024

        RootMetrics’  data  put AT&T’s network on   basis. When both 4G and 5G performance   posted median download speeds of 200+
        top in at the national and state-level in its   were  considered on a national  level,   Mbps  in  122  out  of 125  cities  tested,
        network testing for the second half of 2024   AT&T landed the most outright wins from   compared  to AT&T’s  67  and  Verizon’s  61
        in overall network performance. But Verizon   RootMetrics, including overall performance,   cities.  However, speed  isn’t  the  whole
        and  T-Mobile  US beat  out AT&T  when  it   network reliability, network speed and data   story when  it  comes to network testing,
        came  to  5G-specific  network  testing.  The   performance. The carrier tied with Verizon   and  Verizon actually  ended  up garnering
        assessment  from RootMetrics, which is   on call performance and text performance.   the most RootMetrics awards at the metro
        part of Ookla, was based on more than 3   Based  on  RootMetrics’  methodology that   level: 847. Comparatively, T-Mobile US had
        million tests conducted during the second   includes consideration of network speeds   463 metro area awards, while AT&T came
        half  of last  year, including  testing across   in terms of floor and ceiling, AT&T landed   in with 513. AT&T racked up 278 state-level
        125  metropolitan  areas,  more  than  6,600   the top speed award because of its strong   awards  from RootMetrics,  which  included
        indoor locations  and  more  than  247,000   minimum performance for users,  despite   ties. That number surpassed second-place
        miles  of drive-testing.  The  test company   T-Mobile  US  having  a national  aggregate   finisher  Verizon’s  264  state-level  awards.
        looked  at  carriers’  relative  performance   median download speed of 350.9 Mbps—  T-Mobile US came in with just 73.
        based  on  their  overall  network  stats  (4G   which was more than twice as fast as the
        and 5G combined), as well as on a 5G-only   speeds of either AT&T or Verizon. T-Mobile

        John  Stankey elected Chairman  of AT&T’s Board  of Directors, William
        Kennard named Lead Independent Director

        AT&T  announced  that  its  directors  have   three-year  strategic  and  capital  allocation   enhance  our ability  to seize  opportunities
        unanimously  elected  John  Stankey  to the   plan,  this  change  provides  the  right   to create long-term shareholder value while
        role  of Board  Chair.  Stankey  succeeds   governance structure for  the  Board,” said   maintaining robust independent leadership
        William E. Kennard, who was elected Lead   Bill Kennard, outgoing Chair and incoming   of the Board.” Stankey was named President
        Independent  Director. “As AT&T embarks   Lead  Independent  Director  of  AT&T.  “This   and CEO in 2020.
        on its  comprehensive, Board-approved   will  increase  our governance  agility  and

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