Page 16 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
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meets bold ideas, empowering our
students and faculty to shape the future
of communication and redefine what’s
possible in the world of technology.” e&
will work closely with NYUAD Wireless –
the institution’s academic research Centre
dedicated to wireless communications,
sensing, networking and devices, to
drive groundbreaking research in 6G
technologies. Together, they will explore
next-generation connectivity, focusing
on the development and deployment of
6G, laying the groundwork for modern
connectivity that promises faster speeds,
lower latency and enhanced reliability. This
partnership will also enable the integration
of 6G into academic curriculums, making it a
critical learning platform for students to gain
insights into next-generation technologies.
e& will further support NYUAD on various
youth-development initiatives including emerging talent network, e& will also benefit students with practical knowledge and
internship programmes, recruitment drives, from attracting top talent in their workforce. skills, e& also aims to nurture the next
providing case studies, allowing students This collaboration allows e& to advance generation of leaders, positioning them at
to gain hands-on experience and relevant its commitment to developing future- the forefront of digital transformation.
industry skills. With access to NYUAD’s proof connectivity solutions. By equipping
e& UAE Completes Phase One of Private AI Cloud Deployment
e& UAE, the flagship telecommunications collaboratively developed by Intel, Cisco and truly AI-enabled organisation. Together,
arm of e&, has announced the successful e&’s cloud experts with the goal to create we are laying the groundwork for a digital
completion of the first phase of integrating a robust cloud environment. The initiative ecosystem that drives long-term value,
AI into its private cloud for operations. aims to develop AI models for analysing adaptability and sustainable innovation
This initiative, powered by Intel’s advanced large datasets on e&’s network, optimising across our operations.” Intel’s Advanced
AMX technology and Cisco’s cutting-edge operations by migrating AI workloads to Matrix Extensions (AMX) is a built-in
networking and data centre solutions, aims the cloud, and creating customer support accelerator, integrated with Intel® Xeon®
to elevate e& UAE’s operational efficiency AI use cases. In addition, this deployment scalable processors. Engineered to handle
by leveraging AI and developing AI use will help improve business performance AI workloads—including inference and
cases across its business operations. The within e&’s internal operations in the UAE, fine-tuning on models with up to 20 billion
integration of AI into e&’s private cloud was consequently enhancing their customer parameters—these processors provide
experience. Marwan Bin Shakar, Acting a compelling and scalable foundation
Chief Technology Officer, e& UAE, said: for deploying AI at scale. AMX aims to
“By embedding AI into our private cloud enhance the performance and efficiency
infrastructure, we are transforming how of e& UAE’s computational workloads
we operate and deliver value at e& UAE. by optimising AI and machine learning
This reflects our commitment to leveraging processes, accelerating data analytics,
AI to go beyond enhancing operational and reducing resource consumption.
efficiency. Collaborating with Intel and This integration contributes to the
Cisco has allowed us to build a future-proof, development of scalable, cost-effective,
scalable and reliable cloud environment and energy-efficient operations, allowing
that supports our vision of becoming a e& UAE to effectively run AI workloads.
16 JAN-FEB 2025