Page 15 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 15


                                             Arabsat and ZainTech Team for Satellite Cloud

                                             and IoT Services

        Satellite operator Arabsat says it has estab-
        lished a partnership with UAE-based digital
        and ICT solutions provide ZainTech to pro-
        vide satellite-powered cloud, IoT, AI, drones,
        digital and data services across the MENA
        region.  According  to  a  post  on  LinkedIn,
        the  partnership  will  combine  ZainTech's
        managed and secured cloud infrastructure
        with  Arabsat’s  satellite  network.  Arabsat
        said  the  two companies  aim  to provide
        businesses with secure, scalable, and reli-
        able solutions, even in remote areas. Last
        year, Arabsat – which is wholly owned by
        the Arab League – revealed plans to reach
        new markets in the Middle East, Africa and
        West/Central  Asia  as  “part  of Saudi  Ara-
        bia's wider initiative to continue to invest in
        space, diversify from the media and broad-
        cast  sector and  bring  satellite  internet
        capabilities to users in remote and under-
        served areas through its VSAT broadband
        business.” In May 2024, Arabsat contracted
        ST Engineering iDirect to deploy cloud tech-
        nologies into its gateway infrastructure to
        support its diversification move.

                                             e& Joins Forces with NYU Abu Dhabi to Advance
                                             6G Research

        e&, the global technology group, has signed   of cutting-edge  technology  and  human   efforts to shape the future of connectivity.
        a strategic Memorandum of Understanding   ingenuity. At  e&,  investing  in  advanced   By  partnering  with  a  leading  academic
        (MoU)  with  New  York  University  Abu   technologies  like  6G  is  important,  but   institution like NYUAD, we are adding depth
        Dhabi  (NYUAD)  to  advance  research  and   what truly matters  is  supporting  the   and  academic integrity  to our research
        development  (R&D)  of  6G  technology,   brilliant  minds  that  will  shape  its  future.   efforts,  exploring  the  full  potential  of  6G
        paving  the  way  for  the  next  generation   By bringing academia and industry  closer   technology. This alliance is set to foster a
        of connectivity.  This  partnership aims to   together, we’re helping  students turn bold   dynamic exchange of knowledge and skills
        bridge the  gap between  academia and   ideas into real solutions. This partnership   that  empowers students  to contribute to
        corporate worlds by empowering students   is  about  more  than  preparing  youth  for   meaningful  technological  advancements.”
        with  various  youth-driven  initiatives  the  digital  age–  We’re  inviting  them  to   NYUAD Provost  Arlie Petters, Chief
        and  equipping  them  with  foundational   build  it. By  bringing  the  transformative   Academic  Officer,  said:  “We  are  delighted
        knowledge about future technologies such   potential  of 6G into the  classroom,  we’re   to partner with e& to push the boundaries
        as  6G, as  part  of their  academic journey.   empowering  today’s  students  to become   of innovation in 6G technology, positioning
        Ali Al Mansoori, Group Chief People Officer,   tomorrow’s  trailblazers." Marwan Bin   our  academic community as  pioneers  in
        e&,  said:  “Our  partnership  with  NYUAD   Shaker, Acting  Chief  Technology and   next-generation   connectivity.   Together
        is  built  on  our belief  that  the  leaders  of   Information  Officer,  e&  UAE,  said:  “Driving   with  NYUAD  Wireless,  we  are  creating  a
        tomorrow will emerge from the intersection   6G research and innovation is central to our   dynamic hub where cutting-edge research

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