Page 21 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 21


                                             Zain  Group’s MSCI  Rating  for ESG Upgraded  to


        Zain Group, a leading provider of innovative   data  protection  and  privacy policies.   organizations  with  respect  to giving  all
        technologies  and  digital  lifestyle  and   Notably, in  the  environmental  pillar  Zain   stakeholders confidence that the company
        ICT communications  operating  in  eight   scored 10/10 – a best-in-class recognition.   is  being run in  a sustainable,  compliant
        markets across the Middle East and Africa,   Zain  Vice-Chairman  and  Group  CEO,   and  transparent  manner.  This  MSCI
        announces  a  significant  improvement  in   Bader  Al-Kharafi  commented,  “This  ESG   upgrade  to  BBB  reaffirms  Zain’s  Investor
        its  Morgan  Stanley Capital  International   upgrade  reaffirms  Zain’s  commitment  to   Relations  and  Corporate  Governance
        (MSCI)  rating  in  ESG  (Environmental,   sustainability, corporate  governance, and   Framework  as  it  helps  Zain  mitigate
        Social,  and  Governance),  which  was   ethical leadership, that is value creative for   risks  and facilitates  an effective Board
        upgraded from ‘BB’ to 'BBB’ as of December   all stakeholders. It also marks an important   oversight  over  the  company’s  executive
        2024.  The  renowned  MSCI ESG Ratings   milestone for the company as we continue   management by promoting strong internal
        methodology evaluates companies on their   to align  with  global  industry standards   controls  to  improve  integrity  of  financials
        management  of  material  ESG risks  and   and  strive for  further  improvements  in   and establishing a culture of compliance.”
        opportunities  including  climate  change,   our  ESG performance in  line with  our   Al-Kharafi  concluded,  “This  framework  is
        human capital, and corporate governance,   recently announced ‘4WARD’-Progress with   a  cornerstone  of the  company’s  regional
        with  a focus  on policies,  performance   Purpose  five-year  sustainable  corporate   appeal,  and  has  won  the  confidence  and
        metrics, and  controversies.  Ratings  are   strategy.” “Zain operates within a complex   admiration from shareholders, the banking
        industry-relative  and  range  from ‘AAA’   geopolitical  context  and  we  will  continue   community, industry  analysts,  regulatory
        to ‘CCC,’  with  scores  determined  by a   to invest  in  ESG initiatives  and focus on   authorities  and  other  globally  recognized
        company’s  exposure  to  ESG  risks  and   mitigating risks through the integration of   indices,  attracting  global  investors.”  Zain
        the  effectiveness  of its  management   advanced  technologies.  We  are  relentless   is  one of the  most active organizations
        strategies.  MSCI’s  upgrade  for Zain  from   in  our ongoing  efforts  to  engage  and   in  the  region  with  respect  to  delivering
        BB to BBB reflected the company’s ethical   collaborate  with regulators, shareholders,   meaningful  connectivity  that  leads  to
        leadership that oversaw the implementation   and the  wider community, to drive sound   equitable  systemic  change  through its
        of enhanced  governance  frameworks;   sustainable  and  corporate  governance   ESG initiatives,  with  the  company  playing
        evolving  sustainability  programs; stronger   practices.” “As a leading  entity  listed   a  crucial  role  in  empowering the  markets
        environmental  policies  and  reducing  on  the  Boursa  Kuwait  Premier  Market,   in which it operates to reap the benefits of
        carbon  emissions;  advancements  in  sound  ESG practices  are  becoming an   digital transformation for the benefit of the
        transparency and  reporting;  improving   increasingly  important  differentiator for   communities it serves and beyond.

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