Page 17 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 17


        e& Collaborates with IBM to Launch Pioneering End-to-End AI Governance

        e&, a global technology group, has collab-  compliance monitoring, and real-time per-  insights into AI’s value, impact, and poten-
        orated  with  IBM  (NYSE:  IBM)  to  deploy  a   formance analysis. This  will  enable  e&  to   tial  risks. The  deployment  will  also  utilize
        pioneering,  end-to-end,  multi-model  Arti-  mitigate risks, detect biases, and address   IBM Consulting Advantage, an AI-powered
        ficial  Intelligence  (AI)  and  Generative  AI   regulatory standards throughout the entire   delivery  platform,  to  accelerate  the  devel-
        governance solution. Announced  at  the   AI model lifecycle—from development to de-  opment  of the  AI governance  framework
        World Economic Forum 2025 in Davos, this   commissioning. “As AI continues to trans-  through persona  and  journey  mapping,
        collaboration  intends  to  enhance  e&'s  AI   form industries,  responsible  governance   market  research,  architecture  patterns  for
        governance  framework to promote  com-  is paramount. At e&, we are committed to   AI integration, and knowledge transfer ma-
        pliance,  oversight,  and  ethical  practices   leading by example and setting the global   terials. “IBM watsonx empowers organiza-
        across its growing AI ecosystem, reinforc-  benchmark when it comes to establishing   tions like e& to navigate the complexities of
        ing e&'s commitment to establishing robust   robust AI governance practices,” said Dena   AI governance. By integrating automation,
        governance, risk management, and  regu-  Almansoori, Group Chief AI and Data Offi-  real-time monitoring, and centralized over-
        latory oversight  across  its  AI usage.  The   cer at e&. “By adopting IBM watsonx.gover-  sight,  we  are  addressing  key governance
        solution  will  leverage  IBM's  nance, we’re taking a decisive step forward   challenges  and  reducing  risks  associated
        ernance enterprise AI and data governance   in  our  AI journey.  This  collaboration  en-  with AI,” said Shukri Eid, General Manager,
        platform, combined with IBM Consulting’s   sures transparency, explainability and effi-  Gulf, Levant & Pakistan at IBM. “Strength-
        expertise  in  AI  implementation,  build  on   ciency across our AI operations, raising the   ening  our  long-standing  partnership  with
        e&’s  commitment  to scale  AI responsibly   bar for AI governance in the industry.” The   e&, this milestone serves as a catalyst for
        and track ROI while addressing compliance   governance solution is set to empower e&   responsible AI innovation.” This collabora-
        requirements,  transparency, and  ethical   to monitor current AI use cases in real-time,   tion  builds  on  the  successful  relationship
        oversight of AI models. This collaboration   proactively manage any potential AI risks in   between IBM and e&, including the recent-
        will bring IBM’s globally recognized toolkit   production, and deliver measurable value to   ly joint report titled MENA’s AI advantage:
        for AI governance to bear on key challeng-  stakeholders. By establishing a centralized   Opportunity to leap ahead and lead (Middle
        es  like maintaining  consistent oversight   inventory of AI models, the  solution sup-  East  and  North  Africa  perspective)  fea-
        of e&’s  AI  systems,  navigating  risks  such   ports  full traceability  and oversight.  IBM   turing  perspectives  from top Middle  East
        as  non-compliance, ethical  concerns,  and   watsonx.governance  facilitates  dynamic   businesses  and  data  from  IBM’s  existing
        the monitoring of AI performance at scale.   monitoring, offering real-time insights into   CEO study. The report identified five critical
        As it continues to expand its ambitious AI   model performance, risk scoring, and com-  themes that uncover regional nuances for
        strategy and capabilities, e& is proactively   pliance metrics. This helps enable e& to de-  CEOs to keep in mind as they navigate and
        enhancing  its  AI  ecosystem  by  establish-  tect issues like bias and drift early, allowing   prepare their organizations to seize the AI
        ing a robust framework for accountability,   for corrective action and ethical AI practic-  opportunity, including  the  importance  of
        mitigating potential biases, and safeguard-  es. IBM Consulting will be working closely   advocacy  for  trustworthy  AI.  This  collab-
        ing data. Leveraging IBM’s technology and   with e& to design and implement a compre-  oration marks a significant step in e&’s AI
        consulting  expertise,  e&  is  taking  a  sig-  hensive AI governance framework tailored   governance journey, setting a new standard
        nificant  step  forward  in  building  scalable   to e&’s unique requirements. This includes   for responsible and scalable AI operations
        and transparent AI operations. The new AI   defining  workflows  and  key  performance   for the group and industry at large.
        governance  solution  introduces  advanced   indicators and onboarding existing AI mod-
        features like automated risk management,   els  onto the  platform  to deliver real-time

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