Page 23 - SAMENA Trends - January-February 2025
P. 23
AT&T Results Beat Expectations for Q4 2024,
Driven by 5G and Fiber
AT&T continues to focus its attention on AT&T also said that device costs were several points of its strategy going forward:
its 5G and fiber businesses, and touted higher. In terms of subscriber figures, owner’s economics at scale, particularly
“solid momentum” in expanding its AT&T reported 482,000 postpaid phone net when it comes to fiber; implementing
customer base of profitable subscribers additions, on churn of 0.85%, and 307,000 multi-vendor Open RAN; and exiting legacy
to both those services. The company’s net fiber additions for the fourth quarter infrastructure. The company plans to
results for the fourth quarter of 2024 beat of 2024. Mobility service revenues were push from an estimated 270 million POPs
expectations. AT&T reported consolidated up 3.3% compared to the fourth quarter covered with midband 5G at the end of
revenues of $32.3 billion for the fourth of 2023, to $16.6 billion. For the full year, 2024, to more than 300 million by the end
quarter, with profits of $4.4 billion. “The the AT&T results reflected revenues of of 2026. Meanwhile, the company will also
strong results this quarter are the result $122.3 compared to $122.4 billion in the be expanding its fiber footprint to reach 50
of a four-plus-year period of hard work year-ago quarter, driven down by lower million locations, up from that 28.9 million at
and consistent execution by our teams, revenues from business wireline and the close of 2024. 5G, Stankey emphasized
which has positioned us well for a new era mobility equipment. Net income for the in his presentation at the investor day, has
of growth,” said AT&T CEO John Stankey. year was down from $15.6 billion to $12.3 provided AT&T with “improved and durable
“We ended 2024 with strong momentum. billion. Capital expenses for the year were returns” since mid-2020, including both a
Customers and shareholders can look $20.3 billion, up from $17.9 billion in 2023. boost in AT&T’s postpaid phone subscriber
forward to receiving even more value in AT&T reported that capex for Q4 was at base as well as mobile service revenues.
2025 as we expand the country’s largest $6.8 billion, compared to $4.6 billion in the AT&T anticipates that its mobility service
fiber network, modernize our wireless year-ago quarter. Meanwhile, broadband revenues will continue to grow by 2-3%
network, grow our business and begin revenues were particularly healthy: AT&T annually in the next several years. AT&T
share repurchases in the second half of said that its consumer broadband revenues expects to have capital expenditures in a
the year.” Operating expenses were up increased 7.8% year-over-year to reach range of around $22 billion a year over the
slightly year-over-year, which the carrier $2.9 billion in the fourth quarter of 2024. next few years as it works to achieve its 5G
said was due to accelerated depreciation The carrier said that it currently passes and fiber network goals, and the company
on wireless network equipment associated 28.9 million consumer and business also plans to execute dividends and stock
with its migration to Open RAN, as well as locations with fiber. At AT&T’s investor day buybacks totaling around $40 billion.
its continued fiber and network upgrades. in December, executives had emphasized
23 JAN-FEB 2025