Page 31 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 31


        •  The global  internet user gap is   continue to impact children at later
          17%                           stages in their lives. It  has been
        •  If 600 million more women were   studied  that  children’s  choices  to
          connected  to the internet  over   enter STEM  start  as  early  as  3-5
          the next three years, global GDP   years  of  age.  By  the  ages  of  6-10
          would rise between US$13 billion   years, girls  start  developing  the
          and US$18 billion             notion that boys are better in math,
                                        which is not the case, as analyses
        Literacy and STEM Education     show girls and boys in fact perform
        As the number  of girls gaining  an   the same.  Another stereotype  that
        education  increases,  disparities   starts to emerge during this time is
        associated  with   access   to  that males innately  succeed  in the
        opportunities, quality  and  topics   field  of  STEM.  These  stereotypes
        they choose to study becomes more   continue to manifest throughout the
        evident. It is imperative for girls to   course  of women’s education  and
        further develop themselves in STEM   career.
        education, as careers in these areas
        are seen as  the jobs of the future,   Innovation in STEM
        driving innovation, social well-being,   STEM  plays  a  key  role in creating
        inclusive growth, and sustainable   innovative tools to address global
        development.   Zain   Bahrain’s   challenges  that  our world faces.
        Girls  for Tech Camp, for example,   It  has  been  proven that  diversity
        was  launched  in partnership  with   in teams  drives transformation
        the  Kingdom’s Supreme  Council   as  it brings  about new ideas and
        for Women and Clever Play, an   perspectives.  As men and women
        organization that  aims  to inspire   have different life experiences  that
        children’s curiosity and passion for   lead to varied perspectives, such
        STEM. Established in October 2019,   diversity  in  viewpoints triggers   those led by males during these times of COVID-19. In
        the program  equips girls between   creativity  and improves results.   addition, only 41% of women-led  households  claimed
        ages 8 and 13 years with 10 hours   Merging STEM and diversity creates   that  their children had access to  online websites
        of training  in coding,  and targets   phenomenal growth opportunities.   created by ministries of education that supported the
        training 1,000  girls.  In  2019-2020,                         continuation of learning in comparison to 56% of male-
        1,000 girls completed the program.  Developing STEM Skills to Achieve   led households.In addition to learning inequalities, the
                                        Financial Inclusion            increase of violence  during  lockdowns  is extremely
        Employment Equality             Technology and digital services are   alarming as females are left vulnerable to dire situations.
        Women  are underrepresented  in   seen as  tools that  can be used  to   Digital advancements such as instant messaging with
        the technology  sector and even   enable development. When used to   geolocation  functions,  domestic  abuse  hotlines,  and
        though  large  strides  have been   progress development,  technology   disguised  apps  that  provide discreet information for
        made in STEM education, it has not   can be extremely transformational   survivors in case their abusers continue to track them,
        translated into employment. Studies   and improve social  and economic   can play a pivotal role in saving the lives of women.
        have shown  that even  though   outcomes.  Such  tools could  also
        countries  have largely invested  in   be  used to improve distribution in   'Choose  To Challenge' is this year’s theme  for
        improving girls’ education including   addition  to promoting  inclusivity,   International Women’s Day
        STEM  education, cultural and   increasing  accessibility  and  Marked annually on March 8th, International Women's
        societal constraints have hindered   allocating resources. With that being   Day (IWD) is a global day celebrating the social, economic,
        this  needed  transition, impacting   said, it is important for marginalized   cultural and political achievements of women. The day
        societies in a dramatic manner. This   and disadvantaged segments  to   also marks  a  call to action for accelerating  gender
        gap in STEM employment prevents   leverage tools that help elevate their   parity.  The campaign theme for International Women's
        economies  from  reaching  their   standards of living and increase   Day 2021 is 'Choose To Challenge'. A challenged world
        full potential as it omits half of the   their access to services.  is an alert world. And from challenge comes change. So
        population’s potential and talent to                           let's all #ChooseToChallenge.
        contribute to the economy.      COVID-19 and Women in Technology
                                        A  needs assessment conducted   To reduce negative environmental impact, the Women
        Gender Biases in STEM           by UN agencies highlighted  that   in Technology - Bridging the Gender Gap in STEM Fields
        Gender  stereotypes  in  the context   households  led by  women had   report is only available online:
        of STEM  start  at  an  early  age and   less  access to  the internet  than   sustainability/thought-leadership-reports/ .

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