Page 36 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        networks. This means students  can still   North Lanarkshire Council.  “Its potential   the power of 5G, we’ve been able to help
        enjoy  a  rich learning experience and not   uses really are limitless and we hope that   transform education for students in North
        be  disadvantaged  by their location or by   it  can  be  used to  engage  pupils  who are   Lanarkshire. We know that technology can
        the uncertainty of the Covid-19 pandemic.   perhaps turned-off by traditional learning   help  to make education  richer  and more
        Pupils  at  Carbrain Primary  School,   experiences as well as by local community   accessible for young people. This is vital
        Cumbernauld,  were  the  first  to  dive  into   groups such as historical societies. “This   for both students and teachers; a blended
        the new experience  with an underwater   project shows that  North Lanarkshire is   learning approach can engage and support
        lesson  about  the ocean.  A student  from   at the cutting edge in terms of technology   pupils better than traditional methods only.
        Cabrain Primary also said his favorite part   and connectivity  and  demonstrates  our   We’re really excited to be partnering with
        was seeing the Northern Lights, a subject   commitment to  providing our pupils with   the Council to use our ultrafast 5G network
        he studied at  school:  “I  loved the colors,   outstanding  learning  opportunities.”  The   to  provide  a  UK-first  in  education.  “Our
        it was  as if I were seeing  them  in real   interactive experience is multifaceted and   Skills for Tomorrow program aims to give
        life!”.  Another  student  enjoyed  the  Safari   can be used for school learning, college and   10 million people and businesses the skills
        experience, saying: “It was so cool to see   university  workshops, corporate  training   they need to thrive in a digital world. We’ll
        the animals so close up.” “The immersive   workshops,  gym classes,  and tourism,   continue  to  deliver innovative  solutions
        classroom allows  us to break  free of   meaning  it  can be applied  to all  learners   like this right across the UK, to help build
        the  traditional  classroom  boundaries,”   for all ages, and be deployed across many   better public services for customers and
        explained   Councilor   Frank   McNally,   industries  in the  UK.  Rob Shuter, CEO  of   our society.”
        Convener  of  Education  and  Families  with   BT’s Enterprise unit, said: “By harnessing

        BT Adds £24 Billion (US$33.4 Billion) to UK Economy and Supports 300,000
        Jobs, According to an Independent Report

        BT Group is responsible for generating £1
        in every £75 produced in the UK economy,
        according to  an  independent  report
        published.  The  Economic  Impact  of  BT
        Group in  the UK  report,  by  consultancy
        firm  Hatch,  calculates  that  BT  generated
        more  than  £24bn  in  gross  value  added
        (GVA)  during  the  last  financial  year.  The
        report estimates that around 300,000 full-
        time jobs in the UK are supported through
        BT’s  direct  employment,  its  spending
        with  contractors  and suppliers, and the
        spending of its employees. The Group also
        spent  nearly  £10.1  billion  with  suppliers
        based around the UK,  including  helping
        to  maintain  around  35,000  vehicles,  with
        an ambition to transition up to 28,000 to
        electric  vehicles  by  2030.  Spending  by
        people  in  receipt  of  a  BT  pension  also
        supported an  estimated  26,600  jobs  and
        contributed nearly £2bn across the UK. BT   in London  later in 2021 and has also   spending  helps to sustain communities
        Group has broadband and mobile networks   announced plans to open new or refurbish   and small businesses right across the UK.
        spanning from the Scilly Isles to Shetland,   existing  locations. New strategic  hub   “In the past year, having good connectivity
        built and maintained by some of the 82,800   locations will open in Bristol, Birmingham   has become more important than ever as
        direct employees it has in the UK. This is   and  Manchester,  providing  future-fit   we’ve all had to work, learn,  and spend
        equivalent to  one in  every  12  employees   workplaces  of the future for thousands   more leisure time online. Despite  these
        working in the IT and communications   of  colleagues.  Jane  Wood,  BT  Group   challenges, our dedicated and determined
        sectors. The  company  is  currently   director of nations and regions, said: “I’m   colleagues have ensured EE’s 5G network
        modernizing  its  business,  including  immensely proud of  the contribution  our   has been  extended  to cover 125 towns
        investing in the UK’s largest workplace   colleagues  make in supporting the UK   and cities, built out Openreach’s full-fibre
        consolidation and modernization program,   economy.  At  an important time for our   networks to  reach 4.1  million premises
        as it moves from 300 locations to around   country, our spending on people, networks   and EE’s 4G network now reaches 85 per
        30 as part of its Better Workplace program.   and suppliers,  provides a  vital  economic   cent  of  the  UK.  I  know  these  significant
        It  plans to move into a brand-new  HQ   boost for the UK. The wider impact of that   investments  will help  to underpin  the

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