Page 29 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        in EBITDA and USD 7 million in Net Income.  massive demand  in the remaining   start  of  the COVID 19  pandemic,  the
        Key Operational Notes  for 12 months    priority rights subscription  that was   Group’s key focus has been on providing
        ended 31 December, 2020                 oversubscribed  by  an  unprecedented   meaningful connectivity and implementing
        1.  COVID-19   pandemic    disrupted    469%                             more digitalization initiatives to  better
           economic  activity  due  to lockdowns   6.  Zain Iraq granted 4G license  with   serve  communities,  businesses  and
           and travel bans across all Zain markets,   mobile license extended to 2030  governments, aiming to lessen the impact
           impacted Group’s revenue by USD 417   7.  Handover of Lebanon’s network to the   of the pandemic on society. I would like to
           million for the full year            Ministry of Telecom, effective October   thank  all  the government  ministries and
        2.  Decisive cost optimization measures   30, 2020                       regulatory authorities across our markets
           such  as  contracts  renegotiation  and   8.  Company launches a new powerhouse   for their wisdom and understanding of the
           management of cashflows succeeded    in gaming, ‘Zain eSports’ to boost the   emerging  industry dynamics,  supporting
           in reducing  operational  expenses  by   gaming ecosystem             us in overcoming challenges faced by the
           USD 168 million                   9.  The  Zain Group  Application  Program   telecom sector during these unique times.”
        3.  The year was highlighted by the notable   Interface  (API) platform witnessed   Zain Vice-Chairman and Group CEO, Bader
           revenue growth from 5G in Kuwait and   impressive  customer   uptake,  Al-Kharafi  commented,  “The  Group’s
           Saudi  Arabia that underscored the   generating  healthy revenues from   performance  for 2020  reflects  the reality
           Group’s consolidated  data revenue   having over 5 million transactions per   of the COVID  19  pandemic’s  disruption
           growth of 9% Y-o-Y, to reach USD 2.2   month                          on  economic-social activity and the
           billion, representing 41% of the Group’s   10. Zain joins a global effort with GSMA to   unavoidable impact it had on the financial
           revenue for 2020.                    improve  Digital  Inclusion  of Persons   results.  The  Board  and  management  are
        4.  Throughout 2020, Zain Group invested   with Disabilities             working closely together  in minimizing
           USD 1.4 billion in CAPEX (26% of   11. Zain ranked  best  Telecom  employer   this impact across our footprint with  a
           revenues),  predominantly  in  5G    in  the  region  by  Forbes’  World’s   particular  focus  on  driving  efficiencies,
           rollouts in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; 4G   Employers list  for 2020.  Also ranked   cost optimization and monetizing our
           upgrades and new network sites across   4th best regional  employer across all   4G and 5G networks. Our 4Sight strategy
           Iraq and Jordan; expansion of Fiber-to-  industries  and only company  from   is  taking shape, building  on our many
           the-Home  (FTTH)  infrastructure;  and   Kuwait in Forbes list        strengths  while seeking  new value-
           spectrum license fees             Commenting on the results, the Chairman   creating business  verticals  that  support
        5.  Zain KSA completed  its capital   of  the  Board  of  Directors  of  Zain  Group,   our vision of becoming a leading ICT and
           restructuring  during  Q4  2020 with   Mr.  Ahmed Al Tahous said, “Since  the   digital lifestyle provider.”

        Zain Group Publishes 10th Annual Austainability Report, Titled ‘The Ten-

        Year Journey’

        Zain  Group announces  the publication of   report,  entitled  ‘The  Ten-Year  Journey’,   Partners)  providing  limited assurance.
        its consecutive 10th annual sustainability   which  charts the  sustainability agenda   The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated and
                                             the company has undertaken in this area   further pronounced  the huge  societal
                                             across its footprint over the last decade.   discrepancies  exposed  in many areas
                                             During  this decade,  Zain has evolved   of life across  the globe. Zain’s  latest
                                             its operations by becoming  a digital   report  demonstrates  the  company’s  firm
                                             lifestyle service provider, establishing   commitment  to creating  positive, long-
                                             value-driven and purposeful  activities,   lasting systemic change to better address
                                             building  resilience,  adapting  to market   the socio-economic and environmental
                                             changes,  addressing  societal  deficits,   impacts across its operating markets
                                             and establishing purpose driven activities   and to facilitate  socio-economic growth.
                                             centered on Meaningful Connectivity. The   This is achieved by  building relationships
                                             10th edition showcases how Zain continued   based on  transparency and  trust  with  all
                                             to improve and  adapt its  activities  to   stakeholders,  setting meaningful goals,
                                             align to  international best practices  and   and placing  sustainability at the core of
                                             report on its activities following the  GRI   Zain’s business activities. The company’s
                                             Standards  Framework.  Moreover,  for  first   earlier development of digitalization
                                             time Zain also adopted the Sustainability   and sustainability  programs placed  it  in
                                             Accounting  Standard  Board  framework   a good position  to react quickly  to the
                                             (SASB) for Telecommunications Services.   unprecedented  impacts of the COVID-19
                                             Both  standards  were  externally  assured   pandemic, with operations in each market
                                             by Ernst & Young (Al Aiban, Al Osaimi and   playing pivotal roles in support of their local

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