Page 34 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        that could be piloted are:           use with Sub6  GHz  spectrum  and other   Mobility Network. This 5G system allows
        •  Mobile-to-mobile  connectivity  across/  components needed to enable 5G. This 5G   for increased carrier speeds and provides
          between  medical  devices, allowing the   coverage  extends  to the recently  opened   the next generation of cellular and mobility
          tracking of people and assets within the   Mental Health & Research building. We   technology for both veterans and staff. It
          facility.                          expect  to deploy MEC  and 5G millimeter   sets the groundwork for future capabilities
        •  Improved medical procedures and   wave spectrum and technologies in 2021,   of mobility  networks  for VA users and
          training through  the use of emerging   which  will  significantly  boost  speeds   applications.” Chris Smith, Vice President
          technologies such as augmented reality   while improving  latency.  Daniel  Mesimer,   – Civilian and Shared Services, AT&T Public
          (AR) and virtual reality (VR).     Director,  WAN/LAN     Infrastructure  Sector  and  FirstNet  said  “This  public-
        •  Remote and virtual  pain management   Engineering  &  Provisioning  Solution  private partnership  to test our  5G and
          using AR and VR.                   Delivery,  Office  of  Information  and   MEC  capabilities is  distinguished  by  the
        •  Remote  and/or near real-time surgical   Technology, IT Operations  and Services,   scope  of  implementation and innovation
          assistance via  the ability  to  layer   U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs “AT&T   it allows, going well beyond a single-room
          multiple surgical techniques using AR.  has installed a full 5G Distributed Antenna   care environment to encompass an entire
        What  is  the status  of the technology   System (DAS)  encompassing  the entire   medical care and training campus. It’s an
        implementation?                      Seattle VA Medical Center. This is the first   honor to work with the VA to explore the
        We have completed  installation of a  5G   campus-wide indoor 5G system to be used   future of 5G and MEC-powered healthcare
        Distributed  Antenna  System (DAS)  for   by both VA staff and veterans on the AT&T   innovations.”

        AT&T CEO Discusses Closing the Digital Divide

        John  Stankey,  chief  executive  officer
        of  AT&T  Inc.,  spoke  at  the AT&T  Policy
        Forum on the steps needed to make high-
        speed  internet  connections  accessible,
        affordable  and sustainable  to more rural
        and low-income families. In a discussion
        with Steve Clemons, Editor at Large of The
        Hill, Stankey said industry and government
        can work together to financially incentivize
        investments  and modernize subsidy
        programs to ensure that all children
        can learn  and workers can do  their  jobs
        remotely.  Failure  to  act  will  only  further
        disenfranchise  young  Americans  who
        already face challenging  social and
        economic situations. Supporting students
        and workers through  this current public   formation  of a task  force  to improve   1996  on  communications  network
        health crisis,  and beyond, is  a  social,   broadband  maps. Stankey applauded   infrastructure.  Congress  and  the  FCC
        business  and economic  imperative. He   the  new  FCC.  Modernize  FCC’s  Lifeline   should  maintain  policies  that  incentivize
        identified  3  key  elements  that  will  help   and E-Rate programs. Goal is to be more   providers  to  continue  investing  in
        close the digital divide:            consumer-friendly,  increase  monthly  broadband  connectivity.  The  public  and
        Identify  where broadband  is and isn’t   financial  support  for  broadband  service   private  sector have key  roles to play  in
        available. In December, Congress allocated   and move to a  more sustainable funding   bringing  broadband to  all  Americans in
        $65  million for precise  broadband   source. Continued  encouragement  of   ways  that  are accessible,  affordable and
        mapping. Acting FCC Chairwoman Jessica   private  investment.  Broadband  providers   sustainable. The time to act is now.
        Rosenworcel announced  last  week the   have  invested nearly $2  trillion since

        AT&T Unveils 2021 5G Strategy

        As part of its  Analyst & Investor Day,   and venues, entertainment, travel  and   technologies  to deliver new, unique  and
        AT&T shared long-term goals to bring   transportation, business transformation,   secure experiences. “Connectivity is at the
        AT&T’s  fast,  reliable and secure 5G  to   and security and public  safety.  And  for   heart of everything we do - 140 years and
        more  consumers,  businesses,  and  first   many  of  our business customers, we’re   counting. From our fiber network backbone
        responders  across key areas: sports   marrying 5G along  with edge  compute   to  the layers of wireless spectrum

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