Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 33


                                             Arthur D. Little Appoints New Partner Jim Miller to
                                             Lead Travel & Transportation Services in the US

        Arthur D. Little (ADL) announced that Jim   terminal area plans, airport/airline use and   Washington  Airports  Authority.  “The U.S.
        Miller has been appointed as a Partner. Jim   leasing,  strategic  planning,  and bilateral   is poised  to experience  a wholesale  shift
        will play a leading role in developing ADL’s   advice.  Before  joining  ADL,  Jim  had  the   across transportation sectors, and ADL is
        Travel & Transportation (T&T) practice   dual role of developing the Public-Private-  excited  to welcome  Jim as a leader  who
        in the US, where the company  aims  to   Partnership (PPP) transportation business   can apply his deep expertise to our clients’
        expand its presence and build on its global   at Royal HaskoningDHV, an international   situations.  His  wealth of experience  in
        reputation as a leading consultancy in the   engineering  and project management   American and global transportation, and
        mobility space,  from aviation to  public   consultancy, while leading  the PPP   aviation  in  particular,  will  significantly
        transport.  For  over  30  years,  Jim  has   transaction business at  InterVISTAS   enhance our capabilities and perspective,”
        delivered economic and financial analyses   Consulting, which focuses on the aviation,   said Craig Wylie, Managing Partner at ADL.
        for airports, airlines,  ports, and rail.  He   transportation and tourism sectors. Jim   “ADL’s growth in the  U.S.  demonstrates
        has  particular expertise in the aviation   had previously served as  President  of   the value of building teams around those
        sector, where he has served as an advisor   InterVISTAS,  following  a merger  with   who invite collaboration and apply lessons
        on over 50 airport privatizations and over   Innova  Aviation, the boutique  consulting   from across industries  and regions.  Jim
        150  forecast/financial  valuation  analysis   firm  he  founded  in  2005.  Jim  has  also   is  an  excellent  fit  to  bring  that  spirit  to
        projects  for some  of the  world’s largest   worked  at  GKMG Consulting and PA   our  Travel  &  Transportation  practice.”
        airports. Jim’s areas of focus include: air   Consulting, where he was appointed as a   Jim Miller, Partner at  ADL, adds: “What
        service development, domestic deficiency   Senior  Partner responsible  for its  Global   really  attracted me to  ADL is  the space
        analyses, forecasting,  OPEX  analysis,   Transportation  practice. He  started his   and opportunity it gives its partners to be
        commercial planning, feasibility and cargo   career  as  Manager of Marketing  and   genuinely entrepreneurial in their dealings
        studies,  land use and master planning,   International Affairs  at  Metropolitan   with  clients, as  this  is  how I’ve always
                                                                                  worked most successfully in the past. That
                                                                                  approach is critical today, as airports and
                                                                                  airlines consider how to restructure their
                                                                                  business to reflect new market conditions,
                                                                                  while the  industry itself changes  to
                                                                                  address pressing  sustainability issues.
                                                                                  The challenges  unfolding  this  decade
                                                                                  will  require both insight and  practical
                                                                                  advice from experts such as ADL, and I’m
                                                                                  proud to have become part of their team.”
                                                                                  Jim  earned  his  Juris Doctor  from  the
                                                                                  University of Tulsa College of Law in 1983,
                                                                                  and a  Master’s Degree in Mathematical
                                                                                  Economics  from West  Virginia University
                                                                                  in 1979.

                                             AT&T and U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
                                             Will Test 5G-Powered Healthcare Innovations

        What’s the news? AT&T has delivered AT&T   explore how they can improve healthcare   computer and cellular network architecture
        5G capabilities across the entirety of the   delivery to the  approximately 9 million   that  brings real-time, high-bandwidth,
        U.S.  Department  of Veterans  Affairs (VA)   Veterans who use VA healthcare services   low-latency access to latency dependent
        Puget Sound Health Care System in Seattle   each year. Why is this important? This is   mobile  applications. 5G and MEC  “holds
        in a public-private partnership with the VA.   an  industry-first  deployment  of  5G  and   the potential to be transformational by
        VA expects to pilot a variety of healthcare   MEC  capabilities across the entirety of a   enabling  new healthcare delivery  and
        use  cases with our  5G and multi-access   VA health care and training facility. Multi-  business  models”  according  to  Gartner1.
        edge  computing (MEC) technologies  to   access edge  computing  is  essentially a   Among the healthcare-focused use cases

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