Page 30 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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        communities.  Zain  Vice-Chairman  and   over the years in establishing Zain as the   Qualitative and quantitative targets have
        Group CEO, Bader Al-Kharafi commented,   regional leader in this important area. We   been  embedded  to  ensure  measurable
        “Publishing  our 10th sustainability  report   have a mission to work to leave the world a   metrics are set to assess and  track the
        is  a  significant  achievement,  and  along   better place than we found it and leave no   progress of Zain’s sustainability-related
        with over 7,500 Zainers, we are extremely   one behind.”                 activities. Examples of the some of Zain’s
        proud of  the programs  and initiatives  we   A  new  five-year  Corporate  Sustainability   2020-2025 targets include:
        have implemented,  and all  the lives we   strategy (2020-2025)          •  Empower 16 million children and youth
        have impacted for the better. The ongoing   Zain’s  newly  established  Corporate  across Zain’s footprint
        COVID-19 pandemic  has brought  the   Sustainability strategy is centered on four   •  Foster women in STEM-related fields
        meaning of that mission sharply into focus   pillars  which are: Climate Change,  Social   •  Supporting People with Disabilities and
        and offers a profound reminder that beyond   Business, Inclusion and Generation Youth.   increase access
        our commercial  activities  and  providing   The strategy was created by assessing the   •  Equip 943,000  children with  digital
        essential connectivity, vitally important as   materiality of sustainability-related topics   literacy skills
        they are, there are lives at stake, requiring   on the  business  and the  value it creates   •  Reach 891,000 unemployed youth
        all  our  best  efforts  to  protect  and  save.”   for society. By balancing financial returns   •  Target 70% of Group Suppliers and 50%
        Al-Kharafi continued, “I extend my thanks   and social values, this strategic approach   of  local  suppliers to  complete  Zain’s
        to all the  sustainability teams across   aims to establish purpose driven activities   social and environmental  related sell-
        our operations for working so  tirelessly   centered on Meaningful  Connectivity.   assessment questionnaire

        Zain Group Publishes Insightful Report on ‘Women in Technology- Bridging

        the Gender Gap in STEM Fields’

        Zain Group, the leading  mobile telecom                                  to gender biases  in STEM; innovation in
        innovator  in  seven markets  across  the   Al-Kharafi  added,  “Since  the  launch  of   STEM; developing STEM skills to achieve
        Middle East  and Africa, announces   our Gender Diversity initiative,  we have   financial  inclusion;  and  COVID-19  and
        the publication of its annual thought   invested in certifying over 100  females   women  in technology.  Core areas of
        leadership  report, this year  entitled,   within Zain on  the  fundamentals of Data   discussion  and  highlights  in the report
        Women  in  Technology  -  Bridging  the   Analytics and  Science.  These colleagues   include:
        Gender  Gap  in  STEM  Fields.  It  provides   then went on to take part in our groupwide
        insights on the gender  gap in science,   12-hour datathon in April 2020  at  the   Aspects of Gender Disparity
        technology,  engineering,  and  math  height  of pandemic,  and are now part  of   Women account  for half  of the world’s
        (STEM), highlighting the impact on socio-  a talent pool of resources we tap into for   population  and  are fundamental to
        economic development across the board.   tech related projects across our footprint.   ensuring a sustainable future and peaceful
        The release of the report, which coincides   WE  will  continue  to inspire learning   societies. There has been some progress
        with International Women’s Day, explores   through  practice, and the engagement  in   made towards achieving a  more equal
        several  important  issues  regarding  this datathon has proven the resilience of   society, however, there is still a long way
        the cause, nature, and effects of the   our talented pool of women in STEM.”   to go and according to the UN, the gender
        challenges faced by women as related to                                  gap is considered “the unfinished business
        STEM,  and the prejudices  they  face even   Jennifer Suleiman, Zain Group’s Chief   of our time.”
        upon  entering  professions  related to the   Sustainability  Officer  said,  “Zain  has  a
        subject  area.  The  publication  delves into   long  list of activities aimed at reducing   The Gender Digital Divide
        aspects  of gender  disparity; the gender   the gender gap. The COVID-19 pandemic   Studies  have shown  that the gender
        digital divide; literacy and STEM education;   has highlighted glaring inequalities across   digital divide is due to the lack of access
        as well as employment equality. Bader Al-  so many aspects of modern  life, and the   females have in attaining digital skillsets
        Kharafi,  Zain  Vice-Chairman  and  Group   plight  of  females  in  STEM-related  fields   that  can  help  them advance and develop
        CEO  commented,  "The role of women   is  one of them. The timing and topic   in the area. Additionally, women are more
        in tech needs  to be increased. It  is  that   of our latest report that coincides with   likely to represent lower income segments,
        simple. Zain is continually driving equality   International  Women’s Day couldn’t be   leaving them unable to afford and purchase
        programs, recognizing  the need  to  push   more appropriate,  and we hope  it  forces   digital software and hardware. Glaring
        an agenda that is cohesive, inclusive, and   people to recognize the state of play when   discrepancies  exist with regards females
        fair to all. This thought leadership report is   it comes to gender exclusion and the steps   gaining access to digital tools, including:
        another tool to highlight the extent of the   required to rectify it.”   •  165 million fewer women own a mobile
        exclusion  of women from STEM-related                                       phone in comparison to men
        fields,  and  what  is  needed  to  close  the   This  latest  and  insightful  thought  •  Globally,  433  million women  are
        gender gap across the region and beyond.”  leadership  encompasses issues  related   unconnected

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