Page 143 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 143


                         stakeholders’ workshop on MVNO for the purpose of   feasibility, market demand and appropriate model for
                         collectively examining the potential benefits, technical   MVNO adoption in Nigeria. (February 7, 2021)

                         The National Communications  Authority (NKOM)   in the 2.6GHz  band, with  a  NOK50  million minimum
                         has  confirmed  plans  for  an  auction  of  5G-suitable   to be set for the 1×50MHz  TDD block in that  same
                         spectrum this September, and is now consulting on the   band. Meanwhile, the NKOM has proposed a minimum
                         proposed rules for the sale process. In a press release,   charge of NOK25 million for each 1×10MHz block in the
        Norway           the  NKOM  confirmed  its  intention  to  offer  a  total  of   3.6GHz spectrum, with each 1×40MHz block to carry
                         590MHz across the 2.6GHz and 3.6GHz bands. In the
                                                                        a  reserve  price  of  NOK100  million.  Frequency  caps
                         former band, the NKOM intends to offer 2×70MHz of   have also been suggested, with the NKOM indicating
                         FDD spectrum, divided into 14 2×5MHz lots, alongside   it will cap 2.6GHz allocations at 80MHz to ensure there
                         a  1×50MHz  TDD block. Meanwhile, in the 3.6GHz   are at least three winners of frequencies in that band,
                         band (3400MHz-3800MHz)  a  total  of 400MHz  will   while 3.6GHz  allocations will  be capped  at  120MHz,
                         be allocated,  divided  into four 40MHz  blocks and 24   to ensure four winning bidders. A deadline of 9 April
                         10MHz blocks. In terms of proposed pricing, the NKOM   2021 has been set for interested parties to submit their
                         has put forward plans for a minimum charge of NOK25   feedback on the plans to the NKOM.
                         million  (USD3  million)  for  each  2×5MHz  FDD  block   (February 8, 2021)

                         The Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC)   the alteration of  the license  to  end the contract and
                         has initiated a  resolution  procedure to determine  a   finally  a  termination  of  the  contract  without  altering
                         course of action regarding the concession to manage the   the license. With the two parties seemingly unable to
                         National Fiber Optic Backbone (Red Dorsal Nacional de   find an acceptable solution, the MTC has launched a
        Peru             Fibra Optica or RDNFO) project. In a statement, the MTC   unilateral resolution process, via  public consultation.
                         noted that it had been involved in detailed negotiations
                                                                        A public hearing is set to take place in May this year,
                         with the current license holder, Azteca Comunicaciones,   with the MTC to reach a decision on the matter in July.
                         since 2018 over potential ways to reform the project   In a related development, meanwhile, the ministry also
                         to better capitalize on the infrastructure. As noted by   announced that it had won an arbitration case against
                         TeleGeography’s  GlobalComms  Database, Azteca   Azteca regarding elements of the RDNFO project. The
                         was  awarded the contract  to install  and operate  the   arbitrating tribunal accepted  the MTC’s  position that
                         13,500km fiber backbone network in 2014 but shortly   Azteca is contractually obliged to acquire the land on
                         after its  completion  in mid-2016  it  became  apparent   which the nodes of the RDNFO are built. Azteca was
                         that the network was severely underutilized. According   also required to cover 100% of the arbitration expenses.
                         to the MTC’s most recent statement only 3.2% of the   (March 18, 2021)
                         installed capacity on the network was being used, and
                         generated income to cover just 7.7% of its costs. The   The Ministry  of Transport  and Communications
                         ministry went on to note that the government had spent   (Ministerio  de Transportes y  Comunicaciones,  MTC)
                         USD265 million on the project  in initial  investment   has authorized full-service providers Claro and Entel –
                         and maintenance  and operating fees, equivalent to   including its Americatel division – to use their 3.5GHz
                         roughly  USD166 million more than had initially been   spectrum holdings for fixed-wireless internet services
                         estimated during the planning  phase of the project.   using 5G New Radio (NR) technology. The ministry also
                         The problem was blamed on pricing issues, with rates   noted that it has completed the planning stage for a
                         charged  for bandwidth  being  maintained  at  historic   new competition for spectrum in the 3.5GHz and 26GHz
                         rates rather than adapting to reflect market changes.   bands, and revealed that it will publish the mechanism
                         Due to the structure of the management license and   for the tender and a timeline for the auction later this
                         its related legislation, however, an amendment to the   month. Commenting on the development,  Telecom
                         law  was  required (and  eventually passed in  January   Minister Eduardo Gonzalez was quoted  as saying: ‘It
                         2020) to enable the management company to charge   is important to promote  the initial deployment of 5G
                         more flexible rates.  Rather than continue  under  the   technology, even more so as in the last year internet
                         amended structure though, Azteca instead requested   data traffic grew more than 60% on the fixed network.
                         that it be released from the contract, which is currently   Users demand more speed at lower prices, and the way
                         set  to  expire in 2034.  The MTC  claims  that,  over the   to achieve this will be with 5G. This first stage will allow
                         course of two years of negotiations with the company,   us to test the technology.’ The official went on to add
                         discussions  shifted from a  potential amendment  of   that the accelerated introduction of 5G technology is
                         the contract to optimize utilization of the network, to   considered essential to the nation’s economic recovery.

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