Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 138


                         The Minister of Communications, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful,   deliver the services that you want for your customers,’
                         has indicated that the government is considering plans   she told the Appointment Committee. Meanwhile, the
                         to  introduce  a  unified  licensing  regime  for  telecom   Minister also confirmed that the government is in the
                         operators,  reports Myjoyonline.  Answering  questions   process  of taking over AirtelTigo,  the country’s  third
                         from the Appointment Committee of Parliament, Mrs.   largest  mobile  network  operator,  after  owners  Bharti
                         Owusu-Ekuful  said  the move was  in line with  the   Airtel and Millicom International Cellular indicated
                         administration’s goal to reduce  the cost of internet   last year that they wished to exit the Ghanaian market,
                         access  for consumers,  hinting that such  an option   reports  Prime  News  Ghana.  ‘The  government  is  in
                         had become  critical due  to increasing  data usage.   the process of taking over AirtelTigo. It is something
                         The proposed licensing  regime would allow  telecom   we will do quickly … In view of the importance of this
                         operators to acquire one set of licenses for both voice   sector, the role it plays and the number of jobs that are
                         and data operations, rather than individual permits for   supported by this entity, the government has decided
                         each spectrum band. ‘Moving forward, we will implement   that in the short term it will take over the assets and
                         the unified licensing regime so that it doesn’t matter   liabilities of AirtelTigo’, she told the appointment
                         whether you have a 2G, 3G or 4G spectrum license to   committee. (February 16, 2021)

                         Guyanese telecoms watchdog the Telecommunications   Tobago, which it has already been authorized to land and
                         Agency  has published  details of the  proposed   install. The amendment also proposes the allocation of
                         amendments  to  the licenses  of Guyana  Telephone   additional spectrum to the cellco for the provision of
                         and Telegraph (GTT), Digicel Guyana and E-Networks,   mobile backhaul within Guyana, and for cross-border
        Guyana           as  well as  the exemption  order signed  by  the Prime   communications with Brazil and Suriname. Finally, the
                         Minister earlier this week to expedite the licensing of   proposed  amendment to GTT’s  license  also  includes
                         ISPs. Stakeholders have until 8 March 2021 to submit   the provision of extra spectrum for backhaul, as well as
                         comments  regarding the planned  amendments  to   additional airwaves in the 900MHz band (896.4MHz-
                         the telcos’ concessions,  whilst the exemption  order   902.2MHz/941.4MHz-947.2MHz).  Regarding  the
                         took  effect  immediately,  on  19  February.  As  reported   licensing  of ISPs, meanwhile,  the exemption  order
                         by  TeleGeography’s  CommsUpdate  earlier this  week,   establishes  a  new  classification  of  provider,  a  ‘small
                         Guyana’s PM Mark Phillips signed an exemption order   internet  service  provider’,  defining  it  as  a  company
                         allowing around 50 small, local ISPs to bypass parts   that does not  operate  a facility that would  require a
                         of the licensing procedure to accelerate the process of   license  under  Section  23(9) or Section  30(10)  of the
                         issuing  authorizations.  At  the  same  time,  the  official   Telecommunications Act (i.e., the exemption does not
                         had commented  that  the government  had received   apply to companies that plan to operate international
                         and granted  requests from the incumbent  licensees   cable or radio links).  The order  exempts small  ISPs
                         to amend their concessions to enable them to expand   from the requirement to obtain an individual license, or
                         their services. Specific details had not been published   any other license that would be required by the Act, but
                         at the time. Under the proposals, E-Networks’ license   the companies are still subject to all other obligations
                         will  be adjusted to grant the ISP  permission  to land,   covered by  the Act. Notably, however, the exemption
                         install and operate a fiber-optic submarine cable that   does  not  automatically  apply  to  eligible  firms  and
                         will connect  Guyana and Suriname for the  provision   companies must complete a written registration with
                         of redundant connectivity.  Similarly, Digicel’s  license   the  Telecommunications  Agency  to  benefit  from  the
                         will  be amended to allow  the provider to operate  a   order. The exemption order is set to remain in effect for
                         submarine cable connecting Guyana and Trinidad and   one year. (February 26, 2021)

                         The Curia (Supreme Court) of Hungary  has  rejected   further appeal permitted against the Curia’s decision,
                         an appeal by fixed and mobile network operator DIGI,   issued on 4 February. The final verdict noted that DIGI
                         deciding  that it was  legal for the National Media &   (Hungary) did not apply directly for the  frequency
                         Infocommunications  Authority (Nemzeti  Media-  es   auction  because  of conditions  which  would  exclude
        Hungary          Hirkozlesi  Hatosag  –  NMHH)  to  exclude  DIGI  from   it  from participating, and therefore applied  via  its
                                                                        parent company – Netherlands-registered, Romanian-
                         the procedure for selling 5G mobile frequencies. The
                         apex court agreed with a first-instance ruling from the   listed  Digi  Communications  –  a  move  which  the
                         Metropolitan Court  in  November 2020  dismissing a   Curia called ‘deceptive’ and ‘against the purity’ of the
                         legal action from DIGI, which had opposed the NMHH’s   auction procedure.  One  condition for participation
                         decision to exclude it from the country’s 5G frequency   was that a bidding company must have no regulatory
                         license  auction  completed  in March  2020 (resulting   infringements against its name in the 24 months prior
                         in  all  three of  DIGI’s  main  mobile rivals  receiving   to the start of the auction.
                         15-year 700MHz/3500MHz  licenses). There is  no   (February 8, 2021)
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