Page 145 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 145


                         SA's telecoms regulator pushed back the announcement   new spectrum  licenses  but Telkom, which is  partly
                         of the qualifying bidders for its long-awaited auction   state-owned,  and MTN Group  have challenged  the
                         of new spectrum by a month  to March  23, just a   auction process in court. “We remain confident that we
                         week before the sale had been due to be completed.   are not off the track but in a better position to complete
        South Africa     The Independent  Communications  Authority of SA   the  licensing  of  high-demand  spectrum,”  said  ICASA
                         (ICASA) said  it  was  completing  a  contract with  the
                                                                        chairperson Keabetswe Modimoeng. Telkom is seeking
                         external auctioneer who will oversee and manage the   an order to halt the auction and there has not been a
                         process, and the auction would now start on March 31   judgment  in its  case yet. MTN's separate challenge
                         rather than finishing then. Allocation of high-demand   has yet to be heard in court. Operators including MTN,
                         spectrum  is  seen as  key  to  expanding  broadband   Telkom, Vodacom,  Cell C, Rain  networks and Liquid
                         services, especially 5G, in Africa's most industrialized   Telecoms  have  applied for  licenses. The spectrum
                         economy, where the high cost of telecommunications   auction  process was  pushed  back three months  in
                         is a barrier to doing business. Telecom operators have   September  due  to a delay in issuing  invitations to
                         been waiting more than a decade for ICASA to release   apply.” (February 23, 2021)

                         The  number  of subscribers  to 5G network  services   5G-supporting Galaxy S21 lineup. The increase could
                         in South Korea as of last year reached 11.85 million,   further  accelerate  as  local  telecommunication  firms
                         according to government data. Mobile data traffic using   have started to introduce cheaper 5G data plans. The
                         5G networks too surged, due to the increasing number   number of 5G subscriptions is, however, still under the
                         of 5G users, the government also reported. According   original target of 15 million that the telecommunications
        South Korea      to the Ministry of Science and ICT, the number of 5G   industry suggested earlier last year. By companies, SK
                         subscribers  in  December  increased 8.4  percent from   Telecom  has  secured 5.47  million 5G  subscriptions,
                         a month  earlier, continuing  the  upward trend  in the   while  KT  and  LG  U+  trail  with  3.61  million  and  2.75
                         previous month. The number of 5G users has increased   million subscriptions, respectively. The ministry noted
                         by  more than 900,000 for a  second  straight month   5G data traffic in December reached 302,278 terabytes,
                         since November. The increase was largely backed by   up from 200,000 terabytes six months prior. During the
                         the launch of Apple’s iPhone 12 in October, the ministry   same period,  the data traffic of Long-Term Evolution
                         explained.  The  local  telecommunications  firms’  full-  networks users  declined  to  399,193  terabytes.  The
                         scale price competition for 5G devices and data plans   ministry estimated 5G traffic would overtake that of 4G
                         also  helped  the number  to  increase, the ministry   during the second half of this year, given the increasing
                         added. The ministry  expected  the 5G subscriptions   number of 5G users.
                         would  continue  to increase at  a fast speed  in   (February 3, 2021)
                         January  as  Samsung Electronics has  introduced  its

                         The Ministry  of  Economic  Affairs  and  Digital   TeleGeography’s GlobalComms Database, Spain’s first
                         Transformation (Ministerio de Asuntos Economicos y   auction of 5G-suitable spectrum in the 3.6GHz-3.8GHz
                         Transformacion Digital, MINECO) has announced that   band successfully concluded in July 2018, generating
                         two  remaining 3.5GHz  licenses  will  go on sale, with   a total of EUR437.6 million for the  government,  and
                         Telefonica Espana (Movistar) and Orange Espana going   comfortably exceeding the EUR100 million starting price
        Spain            head-to-head  for the  concessions.  Each 1×10MHz   established by the watchdog. Vodafone dominated the
                         license  will have a starting  price  of EUR21 million   bidding, paying EUR198.1 million for 18 5MHz blocks.
                         (USD25.4 million)  and both spectrum  permits will  be   Orange was next in line, bidding EUR132.1 million for
                         valid until 2038. Following the conclusion of the tender,   twelve 5MHz blocks, while Movistar offered EUR107.4
                         the watchdog notes that a reorganization of the 3.5GHz   million for the remaining  ten 5MHz  blocks. Going
                         band will  be carried out, so that  all  operators  are in   forward, the auction of 5G-suitable 700MHz licenses is
                         possession of contiguous frequency blocks, enabling a   expected to take place later in 2021.
                         more efficient use of the spectrum for 5G. According to   (February 22, 2021)

                         The Post and Telecom Agency (Post & Telestyrelsen,   internet services and roaming as part of its supervision
                         PTS) says its focus this year will be on price supervision   plan for 2021.  The regulator’s  work  plan has  been
                         in regulated markets. The watchdog says it will be also   opened for public comments.
                         monitoring  compliance of operator  reporting, open   (March 2, 2021)
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