Page 140 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 140


                         The Spectrum  Management Authority (SMA) has   Proposal for its available 700MHz license has garnered
                         confirmed  that  it  has  extended  the  bidding  deadline   ‘global  interest’.  The  concession  will  comprise  a
                         for its available 700MHz license, from 9 March to 23   2×10MHz  block of 700MHz  spectrum  and be  valid
                         March. As previously reported by CommsUpdate, the   for 15 years. The most recent amendment published
        Jamaica          concession will comprise a 2×10MHz block of 700MHz   by  the  watchdog  confirms  that  the  sale  will  use  a
                         spectrum  and be valid  for 15  years, while interested   ‘Two-Envelope  System’,  whereby  interested  bidders
                         bidders  must  submit  a  ‘technical  proposal’  and  a   must  submit  a  ‘technical  proposal’  and  a  ‘financial
                         ‘financial proposal’ for the license, with the latter fee   proposal’ for the license, with the latter fee committed
                         committed in US dollars. (March 16, 2021)  in US dollars. The paperwork says that bids must be
                                                                        submitted by 9 March 2021 at 1pm local time, and will
                         Dr.  Maria  Myers-Hamilton, the Managing Director  of   be opened at 2.30pm the same day. If two bidders are
                         Jamaica’s Spectrum Management Authority  (SMA),   tied, the winner will be decided by a coin toss.
                         has informed the Jamaica Gleaner that the Request for   (March 2, 2021)

                          The State Communications Agency (SCA) announced   KGS38.95  million). MegaCom’s  bids totaled KGS5.56
                          on that  state-backed mobile operator  MegaCom has   million above  the two  licenses combined  starting
                          won two spectrum licenses in the 2300MHz-2400MHz   price, although the SCA indicated that MegaCom was
                          TDD range at  auction  with total bids of KGS116.87   the sole participant in the auction. The SCA disclosed
        Kyrgyzstan        million (USD1.38  million). The  licenses  exclude  the   that a third license up for auction – 40MHz (2340MHz-
                          capital  Bishkek  and  second  city  Osh  but  include
                                                                        2380MHz) covering Batken, Talas and Naryn regions,
                          the rest of the Republic’s territory, with bandwidth   with a starting price of KGS17.72 million – went unsold
                          of 40MHz  (2300MHz-2340MHz, costing  KGS77.92   due to the absence of bidders.
                          million)  and 20MHz  (2380MHz-2400MHz,  costing   (March 18, 2021)

                         The  Supreme  Administrative Court of Lithuania   of MEZON’s frequencies, saying the move would give
                         (SACL) has ruled that a Vilnius court must re-evaluate   Bite  a  competitive  advantage  in  the  market.  Telia’s
                         whether to accept Telia Lietuva’s complaint against the   challenge  was  rejected  by  the Vilnius court  and the
                         decision of the Communications Regulatory Authority   EUR20  million (USD23.9  million) sale  of MEZON  was
        Lithuania        (RRT) to allow Bite to acquire the spectrum of MEZON.   completed in December. However, the SACL has now
                         In  November last  year the RRT  approved the sale  of
                                                                       ruled that the court of first instance must reconsider
                         broadband  operator  MEZON  to  mobile  operator  Bite,   the issue of admissibility of Telia’s complaint.
                         but Telia filed a complaint in court against the transfer   (February 5, 2021)

                          Following  a  public  consultation  launched  in  October   Bettel  has  therefore  decided  to  postpone  plans  to
                          2020, Luxembourg’s Department for Media, Telecoms   grant user rights until a  later  date.  The 5G  Strategy
                          and Digital Policy (SMC) has announced it will not be   for Luxembourg  published  in 2018  provides that  the
                          allocating user rights in the 5G 26GHz band (24.5GHz-  26GHz mmWave band  will be  allocated  according  to
        Luxembourg        27.5GHz)  for  the  time  being.  Feedback  from  the   the roadmap  established at  the  European level.  User
                          country’s operators revealed that although they would
                                                                        rights in the 700MHz and 3.6GHz bands were granted
                          potentially be interested in using the spectrum for 5G   in August 2020 following an auction.
                          wireless services  in the medium term, they  currently   (March 3, 2021)
                          have no immediate need.  Telecoms minister Xavier

                         Companhia  de Telecomunicacoes  de  Macau (CTM)   in-building  signals.  A  report  from  Macau  Business
                         says it expects to have achieved full indoor 5G coverage   cites CTM’s Vice President of Network Services, Declan
                         by June this year, with most buildings covered by end-  Leong,  as  saying:  ‘For  Non-Standalone  (NSA)5G,  we
                         March. Negotiations  are continuing with owners of   have  already completed  the network last  year.  We
        Macau            public indoor spaces such as shopping malls to enable   have  also  provided  full  outdoor  coverage  [since]  last
                                                                       year.  In the second  half of 2020, we started to build
                         operators to deploy small cell technology to enhance

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