Page 148 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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                         UK telecoms regulator OFCOM is launching its delayed   plans follow the regulator’s October 2020 publication of
                         5G 700MHz  and 3.6GHz-3.8GHz  spectrum  license   new rules that include a requirement for a customer’s
                         auction this Friday (12 March 2021), with the aims of   new broadband provider to take the lead in managing
                         improving mobile services and increasing access to   the  switch  –  regardless  of  whether  the  customer
        United           5G technology. OFCOM stated on its website that the   moves  between  different  networks,  or  to  a  full-fiber
                         auction  will  increase the total  amount of spectrum
                                                                        service on the same network. Now, after considering
        Kingdom          available for mobile  technology in the  UK  by nearly   several different options proposed by the industry for
                         a  fifth.  Four  operators  will  be  bidding  in  the  auction:   how to implement these rules in practice, OFCOM has
                         EE,  Vodafone,  3  and  O2.  OFCOM  is  releasing  80MHz   put forward its ‘one touch’ system for both fixed line
                         of spectrum  in the  700MHz  band,  following  a four-  voice  and broadband  residential customers. As per
                         year program to clear the band of its existing uses for   this  process,  the  first  step  would  be  for  a  customer
                         digital terrestrial TV and wireless microphones. These   to contact their  new chosen  provider and give them
                         airwaves are ideal for providing good-quality  mobile   their details. Following this, the customer would then
                         coverage,  both  indoors  and across very  wide areas,   automatically receive important information  from
                         including  the countryside. Releasing  the 700MHz   their current provider, including  any  early  contract
                         frequencies  will  also  boost the  capacity of  existing   termination charges they may have to pay, and how the
                         mobile networks. 120MHz of spectrum is up for grabs   switch may affect other services the customer has with
                         in the 3.6GHz-3.8GHz band, which is part of the primary   the company. Assuming the customer wants to proceed
                         band for 5G and will significantly boost capacity for 5G   with the switch, the new provider would then manage
                         data connections. (March 10, 2021)   this.  With  the consultation  on the proposals running
                                                                        until 31 March 2021, OFCOM has said it aims to publish
                         Arguing  that subscribers  should  be able to switch   a  final  decision  ‘in  the  summer’.  The  regulator  has,
                         broadband  provider  more  easily,  British  telecoms   however, suggested  that the new switching  process
                         regulator  OFCOM  has  proposed  a  new  ‘one  touch’   will not come into force until December 2022, due to
                         system  under  which  it  claims  will  customers  benefit   the fact that companies will need to make ‘significant’
                         from ‘quicker, simpler and more reliable switching’. The   changes to their systems. (February 4, 2021)

                         The  FCC  is  seeking  public  input  in  how  to  quickly   "Recognizing  that some households have more than
                         stand up  the $7  billion COVID-19-related emergency   one student, school staff member, or library patron, and
                         schools  and libraries advanced  telecommunications   that video conferencing applications commonly used
                         connectivity  fund  created  by Congress in the   for remote learning place heavy demands on speed and
        United           American  Rescue Plan  to help close  the homework   use large amounts of data, what level of service and
                         gap and  aid in remote  learning  more widely during
                                                                        data thresholds are needed to accommodate multiple
        States           the pandemic.  The  commission has 60 days  to   users?," the FCC asks. The FCC is seeking advice on
                         start handing out the money, which can be spent on   "what  rules the Commission  should  adopt to most
                         advanced  telecommunications  service for the home   efficiently and effectively distribute funding, mindful of
                         (or  potentially  other non-school or library  location)   the Commission’s obligation to protect against waste,
                         and equipment for use by schools, libraries, students,   fraud, and abuse in seeking to meet the connectivity
                         patrons,  and staff outside  of the physical school  or   needs of our nation’s students, school staff, and library
                         library  location.    Covered  equipment  includes  Wi-Fi   patrons."  The  Universal  Service  Fund  Administrator
                         hotspots,  modems, routers and connected  devices,   (USAC) will  administer the program. It  already
                         but the FCC is proposing not to include smart phones   administers the E-rate  schools  and libraries subsidy
                         among those eligible devices because "because such   program,  which  the  FCC  has  historically  limited  to
                         devices  do  not  sufficiently  allow  students,  school   school or library broadband service, rather than home,
                         staff,  and library  patrons to meaningfully  participate   though  the  FCC  is  contemplating  whether  to  change
                         in remote learning activities." It is also excluding "dark   that reading of the statute. The FCC also wants input on
                         fiber and the construction of new networks, including   how to measure its and USAC's performance in running
                         the construction of self-provisioned  networks,"   the program, including whether it should set specific
                         from  the  fund.    The  FCC  also  wants  to  know  if  it   goals for  adoption by  students, staff  or patrons, or
                         should  require minimum  service standards and data   availability  of end-user devices  and, if so, what  they
                         thresholds for  advanced telecommunications  service   should  be.  It  is  proposing  that  schools  and libraries
                         to qualify for the money and, if so, what they should   already eligible for E-rate be automatically eligible for
                         be to ensure "robust" remote learning. The current FCC   the new fund, and whether there are other entities not
                         threshold for high-speed is 25 Mbps downstream and   eligible for E-rate that should be eligible for this new
                         3 Mbps upstream, but some argue that is insufficient   money. The public and stakeholders have until April 23
                         for  the  robust  service  the  FCC  is  trying  to  ensure.   to weigh in. (March 17, 2021)

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