Page 147 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 147


                         The National Communications Commission (NCC) has   agreed to pay TWD5 billion (USD178 million) to acquire
                         granted conditional approval for Asia Pacific Telecom   an 11.58% stake in APT, while in a parallel move the
                         (APT)  to  share  Far  EasTone  Telecommunications   two parties also inked a spectrum sharing deal, under
                         (FET’s)  5G  spectrum  and  use  the  latter’s  network.   which  APT  would  gain  access  to  FET’s  5G-suitable
                         With  this  being  the  first  instance  of  a  spectrum   3.5GHz  spectrum,  paying TWD9.47  billion to  use the
        Taiwan           sharing arrangement since the implementation of the   frequencies,  while also  sharing  network deployment

                         Telecommunications  Management Act last  year, the   costs.  Having received the partnership  application
                         NCC has approved  the duo’s application,  provided   in December 2020, Wong said the NCC had reviewed
                         that  two  conditions  are  met.  Firstly,  both  firms  are   it based on criteria in the Telecommunications
                         reportedly committed  to constructing  2,000 more   Management  Act  and the Regulations Governing  the
                         base stations to expand 5G coverage – FET will build   Use of Radio Frequencies, including ensuring efficient
                         500 5G and 1,000 4G base stations within the next   frequency  use, facilitating market  competition  and
                         two  years, while  APT  will  roll  out  500  new 4G  base   protecting  consumer  interests.  Commenting  on
                         stations.  The cellcos’ subscribers, meanwhile,  must   the matter, the NCC executive was  cited as  saying:
                         have equal  access to the shared bandwidth  on the   ‘The  Telecommunications  Management  Act  allows
                         3.5GHz band, NCC Vice Chairman Wong Po-tsung was   telecoms to build networks together and permits a more
                         cited as saying. Under the second condition, APT and   flexible use of frequencies, which is expected to bring
                         FET will be required to set up a task force to ensure   unprecedented  changes  to the telecommunications
                         that both operators have the ability to control the 5G   market … We will closely monitor those changes and
                         network and monitor information security issues. The   soon  entrust a  research institution with the task  of
                         task force will be expected to conduct regular meetings   studying relevant issues.’
                         and submit records to the NCC. In September 2020 FET   (March 5, 2021) The Taipei Times

                         TCRA Director  General  James Kilaba  said yesterday   the selected  data, where telecom  companies  provide
                         that the new rules coming into effect on April 2 require   for selection in the menu before a user chooses a data
                         service providers not to offer bundles without approval   or voice bundle to buy. “The service provider will not
                         from the regulator and ensure data bundle prices are   be allowed to reduce data speed during the use of the
        Tanzania         within indicative prices  directed  by TCRA. The  new   purchased bundle,” the rules further underline. The new
                         rules require service providers to use simple language   guidelines also direct telecom companies not to issue
                         in data provision for ease of customers to grasp, while   three promotions and special offers of different kinds
                         being  disallowed from changing  and twisting  terms   at the same time. TCRA said that from 2018 to 2021
                         and conditions of the bundles  within three months   the average cost for calls within one network without
                         of issuance.” Service providers will notify user on the   subscribing  to bundles  has  dropped  from 290.27/-
                         usage of the bundle upon reaching 75-percent and 100   per minute to 90.81/-,  a  76percent  decrease while
                         percent for voice bundles and short message services   internetwork connection without bundles has dropped
                         (SMS),”  the  regulator  elaborated.  Similarly,  service   by 81percent. The new rules come from analyzing the
                         providers are required to insert a mobile app to help user   cost difference between using bundles and not using
                         know the rate of data  bundle  usage by  downloading   bundles, where TCRA noticed that 90-percent of phone
                         the app. Service providers need to enable the user to   use is tied to bundles and thus complaints come most
                         choose and agree to charges on data use and units of   from this source. (March 3, 2021)

                         The telecoms regulator was asked to consider giving   THB100.5  billion  ($3.3  million)  on  2,805MHz  of
                         mobile operators additional time to pay for 5G licenses   spectrum in the 700MHz, 2600MHz and 26GHz bands.
                         along with  other  potential relief, to account  for a  hit   The operators are required to pay for the 700MHz and
                         to  their  finances  caused  by  Covid-19  (coronavirus),   2600MHz licenses over ten years. The winning bidders
                         Bangkok  Post  reported.  A  national  5G  committee   of  the  26GHZ  spectrum  need  to  pay  the full  amount
        Thailand         chaired by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha ordered   within a year of the licenses being issued. But operators
                         the  National  Broadcasting  and  Telecommunications   recorded declines in Q4 2020, with AIS’ mobile revenue
                         Commission (NBTC) to consider delaying the payments   dropping, True Move recording a loss and dtac’s profit
                         alongside other potential aid packages for the sector.   shrinking. In 2018 the NBTC recommended relaxing the
                         The regulator is tasked with making recommendations   payment terms of 4G licenses awarded to AIS and True
                         at  the committee’s  next meeting, due  sometime  in   Move in 2015, but later dropped the proposal following
                         April, the newspaper reported. In February 2020, AIS,   criticism.
                         True  Move, dtac, CAT Telecom and TOT committed   (March 3, 2021)

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