Page 141 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 141


                         the Standalone  (SA) 5G  network, while at  the same   5G  launch.  The  CTT  confirmed  in  April  2018  that
                         enhancing indoor 5G coverage.’ He added: ‘We expect   separate licenses will not be required for the provision
                         that  by  March we will  have general indoor  coverage   of 5G, as the technology will be included in an updated
                         and by [June] full indoor coverage for all public general   converged telecom concession that will be issued to
                         areas.’ The telco is awaiting the release of 5G permits by   existing 3G and 4G license holders, though this has still
                         the local regulator, the Post and Telecommunications   to take place.
                         Bureau (CTT), before it can proceed with a commercial   (February 8, 2021)

                         The government  is  aiming  to  increase access to   Communications  Regulatory  Authority (MACRA)  on
                         internet services from the current level of 14% of the   the  revenue  of ICT service  providers. It  also wants
                         population to 80% by 2026. ITWeb reports that the plan   to establish a  special purpose  vehicle  (SPV) to build
                         is one of the  targets of the Malawi  Digital Economy   a backbone  from Nacara in Mozambique  to the
        Malawi           Strategy (2021-2026),  which has  been  prepared by   Malawian  capital Lilongwe. The government  said
                         the National Planning Commission (NPC). In a bid to
                                                                        access to affordable internet will enable the country to
                         make internet access more affordable, the government   protect the environment while achieving urbanization
                         intends to phase out the 10% excise duty on data and   and industrialization in line with the new Malawi 2063
                         SMS tariff purchases,  which  was  introduced  in July   (MW2063) vision.
                         2015, as well as the 3.5% levy imposed by the Malawi   (March 11, 2021)

                         The Malaysian  Communications  and Multimedia   coverage nationwide. (March 15, 2021)
                         Commission  (MCMC)  has  taken  a  significant  step
                         to bring the benefits of satellite connectivity to parts   The Prime  Minister  Muhyiddin  Yassin  unveiled the
                         of its population. MCMC announced that it is issuing   country’s 5G infrastructure plan, which  will  give all
        Malaysia         an  invitation for  the installation and provisioning of   licensed  operators  equal access to  a  nationwide
                                                                        network, with the first services to be available by the
                         broadband access services via satellite at 839 locations
                         nationwide  in Johor, Kelantan,  Negeri  Sembilan,   end of 2021, The Star reported. The premier said the
                         Pahang, Perak, Selangor, Sabah, and Sarawak across   government  will set up  a special  purpose  vehicle  to
                         the country.  These  locations  comprise  of Orang Asli   manage network construction, which will involve a total
                         settlements in Peninsular Malaysia, and remote areas   investment of MYR15 billion ($3.7 billion) over a ten-
                         in Sabah and Sarawak where public cellular services   year period and create an estimated 105,000 jobs. The
                         and mobile broadband will take a considerable time to   entity will be allocated the required spectrum to own,
                         deploy, given the consideration of population density   implement  and manage the network, the newspaper
                         and geographical  terrain. Peninsular Malaysia  has   stated.  Yassin  explained  infrastructure cost-sharing
                         178 locations  (21%), Sabah  has 138 locations  (17%)   will  enable  operators  to generate  higher  returns,  and
                         and Sarawak has 523 locations (62%). This service is   deliver better and cheaper 5G services to consumers,
                         expected to be deployed by October 2021. It aims to   The Star reported. Deployment will be done in stages.
                         provide an intermediate solution, while Malaysia waits   In 2020, the government postponed the launch of the
                         for other alternatives. The population at each location   next-generation service to focus on improving is LTE
                         will get to enjoy free Wi-Fi at an average speed of 35   coverage and dropped  a  plan to  bypass  a  5G  tender
                         Mbps. This program falls under the nation’s JENDELA   process for operators.
                         (Jalinan Digital Negara) initiative to expand broadband   (February 19, 2021)

                         The Malta  Communications  Authority (MCA) has   on  ‘establishing  the  framework  for  the  assignment
                         opened  a  public  consultation  into the award of   of spectrum  within these  bands and the applicable
                         5G-capable  spectrum  in the 700MHz,  3.5GHz  and   obligations and license conditions.
                         26GHz  bands.  The regulator is  seeking submissions   (February 10, 2021)

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