Page 144 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 144


                         Media, said: ‘We will definitely agree on a transitional   internet access even for the smallest time.’
                         period  and  will  not allow  citizens  to  be left  without   (March 9, 2021)

                         Expresso Senegal,  the country’s  third largest cellco   network in March 2020. (March 1, 2021)
                         by subscribers,  has obtained  a 4G LTE license  from
                         the Authority of  Regulation  of  Telecommunications   Senegal’s  Authority  of  Regulation  of
                         and   Posts   (L’Autorite  de  Regulation  des  Telecommunications  and  Posts  (L’Autorite  de
        Senegal          Telecommunications  et  des  Postes,  ARTP).  ‘After   Regulation  des Telecommunications et  des Postes,
                         several  months of negotiations,  the ARTP  and the
                                                                        ARTP) has ordered Expresso Telecom to relaunch fixed
                         operator Expresso Senegal,  a  subsidiary  of  Sudatel   telephony services or face sanctions. In a letter sent
                         Group, have reached an agreement for the deployment   on 11 February, the regulator reminded Expresso that
                         of the 4G license  in Senegal  as  soon  as  possible,’   it is required to provide such services under the terms
                         the regulator  announced  in a press release. Under   of its global license, and warned that it will be obliged
                         the deal, Expresso’s license will be extended to cover   to take all  necessary  legal action unless the service
                         4G services for the duration  of its  concession.  The   is resumed within 30 days of receipt of the letter. The
                         announcement  follows  a  meeting between  Senegal’s   regulator’s market reports indicate  Expresso  exited
                         President Macky Sall and Magdi Taha, Chairman and   the fixed telephony sector in September 2018. Earlier
                         CEO of Sudatel Group. In February the ARTP criticized   this month, Expresso was put on formal notice by the
                         Expresso’s lack of network investment and threatened   watchdog that it could lose its operating license unless
                         to withdraw the operator’s license unless it took steps   it improved services. The country’s third largest mobile
                         to improve services. Whereas rivals Orange and Free   network operator by subscribers is accused of failing
                         have been offering LTE services since July 2018 and   to fulfil service commitments contained in its license
                         October  2019, respectively, the COVID-19  pandemic   specifications, following years of under-investment in
                         forced Expresso to postpone the launch of its own 4G   its network. (February 17, 2021)

                          Serbian  ISP  SBB  has  submitted  requests  to  the   The rapid introduction of 5G services is a prerequisite
                          Republic  Agency  for Electronic  Communications   for this.’  The government  had initially  intended  to
                          (RATEL) and the Ministry of Trade,  Tourism  and   hold an auction for the spectrum in March 2021, but
                          Telecommunications (Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i   has delayed the sale until the end of the year due to
        Serbia            telekomunikacija, MTT), urging the government to hold   the  pandemic.  As  part  of  its  request,  SBB  submitted
                                                                        a study it had conducted on the matter which it says
                          auctions for 5G  spectrum.,  according to  a  statement
                          from  the  operator’s  parent,  United  Group.  SBB  CEO   argues that a multi-band 5G award would inject new
                          Milija Zekovic was quoted as saying: ‘SBB believes that   competition into the market. The operator claims that
                          the conditions in the country have matured sufficiently   the mobile services in Serbia are more expensive and
                          to  start  the auction. The time  is  right for Serbia to   lower quality than those available in Austria, Slovenia
                          follow its EU neighbors and ensure its 5G future. We   and  Croatia,  due  to  insufficient  competition,  arguing
                          must take full advantage of all the opportunities that   that providers in Serbia have settled into a ‘cosy status
                          the development of a digital society means for citizens.   quo’. (February 25, 2021)

                          The Office for Regulation of Electronic Communications   looking  to auction  spectrum  between  3440MHz  and
                          & Postal Services (Regulacny  urad, RU) has opened   3800MHz by the end of this year. Bidders will be limited
                          a  consultation into the award of 5G-capable  3.5GHz   to a maximum of 100MHz each.
                          spectrum. Existing rights in that band expire between   (March 18, 2021)
        Slovakia          December 2024 and August 2025 and the regulator is

                         The Agency for Communications Networks & Services   2300MHz,  3.6GHz  and 26GHz  bands, with  winning
                         (Agencija za komunikacijska omrezja in storitve, AKOS)   bidders  expected  to be announced  by  mid-2021.
                         has received  four applications in its 5G spectrum   Slovenia’s  mobile  market  is  home  to  four incumbent
                         tender, though it has not named the bidders. Spectrum   operators – Telekom Slovenije, A1 Slovenia, Telemach
                         is being offered in the 700MHz, 1500MHz, 2100MHz,   and T-2. (February 17, 2021)

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