Page 136 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
P. 136


                         With  Ethiopia reported to  have  in  mind a  minimum   from the bidding  process,  we will  go ahead …  If  not,
                         amount that  it  aims  to  raise  from  the sale  of new   we will have another look.’ As previously reported by
                         licenses, which it is offering as part of the opening up of   CommsUpdate, a delay to the process of offering the
                         the country’s telecoms sector, it has been suggested the   two new concessions  was  announced  last  month,
        Estonia          sale process could be scrapped if such valuations are   with  the Ethiopian Communications Authority (ECA)
                         not realized. According to Bloomberg, Eyob Tekalign, the   confirming it had postponed the bidding deadline to 5
                         state minister responsible for the country’s privatization   April 2021 following requests received from would-be
                         process, confirmed that three independent teams have   bidders. The ECA’s RFP for the award of licenses was
                         calculated the value of the two new telecoms licenses   launched  in November  2020, and under  a  framework
                         that are being  offered,  with these valuations said to   for the liberalization and development of the Ethiopian
                         have informed the government’s expectations of what   telecoms sector, the ECA plans to award two nationwide
                         it should raise from the sale. However, the minister was   full-service concessions through a competitive bidding
                         also  cited  as  saying:  ‘If  we  get  the  value,  we  expect   process. (March 4, 2021)

                         The  Ethiopian  Communications  Authority  (ECA),   for the two new telecom licenses, and no prospective
                         which  earlier  this  month  confirmed  it  was  extending   bidder has been shortlisted, prequalified nor excluded
                         the bidding  deadline  for the country’s  two new   from participating in the bid process. The RFP [request
                         nationwide telecoms licenses, has now moved to reject   for  proposals]  process  is  ongoing.’  As  previously
        Ethiopia         suggestions that bidders have already been shortlisted.   reported by  CommsUpdate,  earlier this  month the
                         The development comes following comments made by   ECA announced it was pushing back the deadline for
                         Safaricom CEO Michael Joseph to Business Daily Africa,   parties interested in the new concessions, confirming
                         with the executive having claimed his firm was one of   an updated deadline of 5 April 2021; it said at the time
                         six  to have been  cleared to bid for a  concession.  In   that the postponement  was  being  made following
                         response though, the ECA has issued a brief statement   requests it had received from would-be bidders during
                         on its social media feed, in which it noted: ‘We wish to   the question-and-answer period of the RFP process for
                         clarify that to date no  proposals have been  received   the concessions. (February 18, 2021)

                         The  Ministry of Transport and Communications   25.1GHz frequency  bands  for  the  provision  of  ‘minor
                         (Liikenne-ja viestintaministerio,  MoTC) has called for   local network service in the mobile  communications
                         comments  on draft  amendments  to  the Government   network’.  Meanwhile, the 1.5GHz  frequency  band
                         Decree  on  Radio  Spectrum  Usage  and  Frequency   would, sometime in the future, be allocated for dynamic
        Finland          Allocation Plan (Spectrum Decree). In a press release   shared use of wireless broadband and radio equipment
                         regarding the matter,  the ministry  noted that  the   meant for military defence. A deadline of 24 February
                         consultation process is in part related to amendments   2021 has been  set for the submission  of comments,
                         to the Act on Electronic Communication Services. As   and the MoTC has said that following the consultation
                         per  the draft amendments  to the Spectrum  Decree,   stage, ‘the preparations will continue by public officials.
                         the MoTC has  said  provisions would be laid  down   (February 4, 2021)
                         to  allocate  the 2300MHz-2320MHz  and 24.25GHz-

                         France’s  telecoms  regulator,  ARCEP,  announced  that   been  accepting  pre-orders  for its service  earlier  this
                         it  had granted  SpaceX’s  Starlink  satellite  broadband   month. In order to access  the internet,  customers
                         project a 10-year license to provide internet in France.   will be required purchase a Starlink  Kit that  includes
                         The  license  will  cover  the  10.95–12.70  GHz  and   a phased-array dish antenna and Wi-Fi router device
        France           14–14.5  GHz  bands.  SpaceX  has  currently  launched   to connect wirelessly to the satellite internet. Once
                                                                        connected,  customers  will  reportedly have access  to
                         around  1,145  low-Earth-orbit (LEO)  satellites  as  part
                         of its Starlink constellation, with plans to expand this   speeds of 50–150 Mbps, with latency between 20ms
                         figure  significantly  throughout  the  year  and  beyond,   and 40ms.  In  its  current form, SpaceX  warns  that
                         ultimately reaching around 12,000 devices by the mid-  some new customers  could  experience  brief periods
                         2020s. These LEO satellites are about 60-times closer   of no service, but this should improve as deployment
                         to Earth than traditional satellites, helping  them to   broadens. “As we launch  more satellites, install
                         overcome traditional issues associated with  satellite   more ground  stations and improve our networking
                         connectivity, such as high latency. The company had   software, data speed, latency and uptime will improve

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