Page 135 - SAMENA Trends - February-March 2021
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                         Entel  and  CLP32  billion from  WOM.  As  part  of their   the  public tender’.  The  local press outlet  also noted
                         license  obligations,  the  operators will be  required   that there is a potential  route  for Claro to purchase
                         to  provide high  speed  mobile data  services to  366   additional 3500MHz airwaves in the immediate future,
                         unserved or underserved locations, and connect  199   as Entel’s award will  push  the  company’s spectrum
                         hospitals  to  the  new  networks.  Diario  Financiero   holdings in the band above the 30% cap.
                         quotes  a  statement from Claro  commenting  on the   With  the  conclusion of this round  of 5G tenders,  the
                         auction results as  saying that  the company would   winners of the spectrum are as follows:
                         forge  ahead  with  its  5G  development  program:  ‘The   •  WOM  –  2×10MHz  in  the  700MHz  band,  2×15MHz
                         results  of  this  first  phase  of  the  3500MHz  spectrum   in the AWS band, 50MHz in the 3500MHz band and
                         tender do not stop Claro Chile’s 5G deployment plans.   400MHz in the 26GHz band
                         We will continue advancing in the development of 5G   •  Entel – 50MHz in the 3500MHz band and 400MHz in
                         with  our  currently  available spectrum,  including  the   the 26GHz band
                         26GHz millimeter band.’ The operator also encouraged   •  Movistar – 50MHz in the 3500MHz band
                         the regulator to accelerate the process of auctioning   •  Claro – 400MHz in the 26GHz band.
                         additional 5G spectrum, referring to the ‘next stage of   (February 17, 2021)

                         The   Superintendency  of  Telecommunications  of the SUTEL board, commented: ‘Internet service users
                         (Superintendencia  de Telecomunicaciones,  SUTEL)   have demanded higher quality in telecommunications
                         has  revealed  that  the  country’s  total  fiber-optic   services, as a result of the conditions caused by the
                         infrastructure expanded  146.1% year-on-year in the   pandemic,  and telecommunications  companies  have
        Costa Rica       twelve  months to  30  June  2020,  from  78,417km  to   responded  by  expanding  their  fiber-optic  networks.
                         192,996km.  Previously,  fiber  networks  spanned  just   This allows better bandwidth and stability.’
                         68,226km as of June 2018. Federico Chacon, president   (February 19, 2021)

                          The government has adopted a new National Plan for   ranks 25th out of 27 states in the EU’s Economic and
                          the  Development  of  Broadband  Access,  covering  the   Social Digitization Index (DESI 2020). The Croatian plan
                          period 2021-27. The plan aims to deliver the objectives   aims to provide connectivity with download speeds of
                          outlined  in  the  EC’s  ‘Connectivity  to  a  Competitive   at least 100Mbps to all households, while government
        Croatia           Digital  Single  Market  –  Towards  a  European  Gigabit   offices and public buildings such as schools and health
                          Society’ and ‘5G for Europe’ projects, which encourage   facilities will  get  symmetric connections  of at  least
                          the development of broadband access and very high-  1Gbps. The project also seeks to have 5G networks in
                          capacity networks that  enable  gigabit connectivity   all main cities and towns and along major highways.
                          across EU  member states  by  2025.  Croatia  currently   (March 15, 2021)

                         Nelson  Arroyo, the President  of the Dominican   alongside  16 10MHz  blocks  of 3.5GHz  spectrum.  All
                         Telecommunications Institute (INDOTEL), has revealed   licenses will have a duration of 20 years. While INDOTEL
                         that the watchdog expects its 5G auction to generate   previously declared its intention to steal a march on its
                         between USD200 million and USD300 million. Interested   regional rivals with one of the first 5G auctions in Latin
        Dominican        parties have been invited to register for the process   America and the Caribbean, TeleGeography notes that
                         between now and May. The forecast also serves as a
                                                                        Chile ranks as the first LatAm nation to successfully
        Republic         ballpark  figure  for  would-be  new  operators  who  are   auction 5G-suitable  frequencies.  This  month Chile’s
                         interested in entering the Dominican Republic mobile   Department  of Telecommunications  (Subsecretaria
                         market.  With the country  accounting  for a  wireless   de  Telecomunicaciones,  SUBTEL)  confirmed  the  sale
                         population penetration rate of just over 80% as of 30   of  various  licenses  in  the 3.5GHz  band (generating
                         September 2020, INDOTEL is keen for an injection of   USD349.4 million),  700MHz  band  (USD82.4  million)
                         fresh blood into the market. The 5G auction process will   and AWS band (USD22.4  million). A trio of 26GHz
                         involve the allocation of frequencies  in the 698MHz-  concessions  were also issued  as  part  of the same
                         806MHz (700MHz) and 3300MHz to 3460MHz (3.5GHz)   process, but did not require an auction.
                         bands. As per INDOTEL documentation, nine 2×5MHz   (February 19, 2021)
                         blocks  of 700MHz  spectrum  will be  made available,

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