Page 99 - SAMENA Trends - April 2020
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                         Applications  to take part in an upcoming  sale   The  Ministry  of  Transport  and  Communications
                         of spectrum  in the  26GHz band are now being   (Liikenne-ja viestintaministerio, MoTC) has announced
                         accepted, the Finnish Transport and Communications   that the government has finalized the regulations that
                         Agency  (Liikenne-  ja  viestintavirasto,  Traficom)  has   will underpin a forthcoming auction of spectrum in the
        Finland          announced.  With the frequencies  in question  to be   26GHz band. Confirming the details in a press release,
                         offered  via  an  auction  that  will  get  underway  on  8
                                                                        the MoTC noted that it will offer three 800MHz blocks
                         June  2020,  the  regulator  has  confirmed  that  those   in the  26GHz band  at auction, with this spectrum
                         interested in taking part have until 20 May to submit   covering  mainland Finland, and it  has set a  starting
                         their applications. A total of three network licenses are   price of EUR7 million (USD7.6 million) for each block.
                         to be made available, and those companies that secure   Meanwhile, the MoTC has also confirmed that the lower
                         them will be able to utilize the spectrum from 1 July   part of the 26GHz band (24.25GHz-25.10GHz) is to be
                         2020 for 5G deployments; the concessions will be valid   excluded  from the sale  process and reserved for the
                         until 31 December 2033. In a press release regarding   construction  of  local networks.  With  the regulations
                         the matter, Traficom claimed that assigning the 26GHz   set  to  officially  enter  into  force  on  15  April,  would-
                         band  for 5G by auction  ‘enhances Finland’s position   be  participants  for the  spectrum sale will  be  able to
                         as the 5G leader’, while suggesting that the additional   register to take part from 21 April, while the start date
                         frequencies  will allow for those  operators  that have   for  the  auction  has  been  confirmed  as  8  June  2020.
                         rolled out 5G connectivity to offer ‘additional capacity   Beyond  that,  the  ministry  has  confirmed  that  26GHz
                         and greater speed’.                            frequencies will be useable for the construction of 5G
                         (April 22, 2020)               networks from 1 July 2020. (April 9, 2020)

                         The telecom regulator Arcep is considering a request to   roaming by reducing speeds until 31 December 2020.
                         extend the roaming agreement which allows Free Mobile   If  the latest  contractual amendment  is  agreed,  Free
                         to  use  Orange’s  2G  and  3G  network.  The  extension   Mobile customers’ roaming upstream and downstream
                         would be for two years to December 31, 2022. The deal   speeds  would  be  capped  at  384  Kbits  in  2021  and
        France           was first struck in 2011, when Free Mobile entered the   2022. There would also be no increase in the capacity
                                                                        of interconnection links between the Free Mobile and
                         market,  to  run  until  December  2020.  The  extension
                         follows a request from Free Mobile based on a need   Orange  core  networks  for  roaming.  The  amendment
                         to offer competitive coverage. Since 2015, Arcep has   sets out the financial terms that would apply in 2021
                         had the power to request that mobile operators amend   and 2022. This includes a financial mechanism which
                         their network-sharing agreements to meet regulatory   would be introduced in 2022 to encourage “a reduction
                         obligations. Free Mobile and Orange amended  their   in the number of Free Mobile customers who are using
                         agreement in 2016 to include the gradual termination of   Orange’s 2G/3G network”. (April 13, 2020)

                          The  Federal  Network  Agency  (FNA,  known  locally  as   per cent of households nationwide with minimum data
                          the  Bundesnetzagentur  or  BNetzA)  has  ordered  four   rates of 50Mb/s by 1 January. It granted an extension
                          mobile  operators to reduce  the fees they charge for   until 31 December, with interim milestones along the
                          mobile number portability (MNP) from around EUR30   way, but said it would consider financial penalties if the
        Germany           (USD32.6) to EUR6.82 (gross). In February the regulator   amended deadline was not met. A review of coverage
                                                                        found  Telefonica  missed  targets  for  all  13  federal
                          reduced  the  wholesale  porting  fee  to  EUR3.58  (net)
                          and while most providers went on to lower their end-  states in the country, while it only reached 80 per cent
                          user charges, freenet, 1&1 Drillisch, 1&1 Telecom and   on traffic routes, compared with a goal for ubiquitous
                          Telefonica Deutschland failed to reduce their MNP fees   coverage of these. Deutsche Telekom fell short in three
                          to  the  maximum  EUR6.82  specified  by  the  FNA  with   states, but came  closer  than its rival on  transport,
                          effect from 20 April. (April 21, 2020)  with  97  per cent  coverage of  motorways  and 96  per
                                                                        cent  of railways.  Vodafone  was similar, missing the
                          The  telecom  regulator  threatened  punitive  action  if   goals covering four states, with 96 per cent coverage
                          operators failed to meet a fresh set of mobile broadband   on motorways and 95 per cent rail. In addition to the
                          coverage targets, after missing conditions set as part of   financial  threat,  Bnetza  said  it  would  strictly  monitor
                          a spectrum auction in June 2015. Bundesnetzagentur   work to fill the gaps, with operators required to submit
                          (Bnetza)  stated  Telefonica  Deutschland,  Deutsche   monthly reports on their progress.
                          Telekom  and  Vodafone  Germany  failed  to  supply  98   (April 15, 2020)

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